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Jane's Tips for Year End

Wow, time really flies! Eggnog cartons are lined neatly on supermarket shelves, and the next four weekends are chock-full in another unique holiday season. We understand that the end of the year is a busy time for everyone, so here is our handy checklist to ensure a smooth rollover for your clinic into the new year.

📝For those who like to check their lists twice: We’ve created a save-able and printable PDF of this checklist that covers everything we’re about to go over, and more. Find it on our Blog here.

📹 For our visual learners: Check out the webinar hosted by our team that dives into these end-of-year tips in detail!

End of Year Webinar


Shifts & Time Off

Don’t forget to double-check that all of your staff members have a break booked over their existing shifts to ensure that clients do not accidentally book in while they are enjoying their time off.

With recurring shifts, you may also want to confirm that the existing shifts that have been set up repeat into the new year, as needed. This way, your providers can see their clients and settle back into their weekly routine right away once all of the festivities are complete.

Likewise, you can quickly remove staff availability from the schedule using Jane’s Manage Shifts feature. This ensures clients won’t accidentally book in while your staff are enjoying their time off. You can remove shifts by clicking the “X” to the right of the shift:

Alternatively, saving an empty shift schedule is equivalent to removing all of your current shifts within the date range you’ve chosen.

This is an example of an empty shift schedule:

Just remember, whether you’ve selected the “X” to remove a shift, or there are no shifts at all: No Shift = No Availability.

To learn more, check out our guide on Adding/Modifying Staff Shifts

❄️ While you’re at it, why not add a bit of festive holiday cheer to your Online Booking Site too? Our team created a few options for you to download. They also double as phone backgrounds!

Resetting Insurance Claims

Available with the insurance add-on for Practice or Thrive Plans

Most insurance policies benefits reset at the end of the calendar year, and will start a-new come January. To ensure Jane is properly keeping track of the covered appointments for the new period, you may wish to close an existing policy, and re-open a brand new one with the same information carried over, but starting fresh with zero appointments.

This feature is also available as a bulk action, where multiple open policies for the same insurer can be reset at the same time.

To learn more about this process, check out Re-Setting Insurance Policy Count Limits


Inventory Management

Nothing like a bit of end-of-year inventory to spark some joy into January. It feels great to write-off any expired products and have a good understanding of the product numbers waiting for you once back from some rest and relaxation.

Using Jane’s Inventory Report, you can review the current state of your clinic’s inventory and calculate the current value of the products that you have on hand.

💡Note: Since the Inventory Report will only show you the current state of your clinic’s inventory as of today’s date, you’ll want to make sure that you are exporting your report on the date that you would like to use as a reference point (e.g. end of the month, end of the calendar year, end of the fiscal year, etc.)

We have an in-depth guide on Calculating the Total Retail Value of Your Inventory

Finally, if you would like to write off any expired products — you can do so by updating the inventory levels in your Settings > Products > Edit area. You will want to enter the new inventory total after any written off products are deducted, and add a reason for the change.

If you then view the sales log for that particular product, the write-off reason will be documented.

Often, written off products are considered an expense to the clinic — don’t forget to check in with your bookkeeper on how these sorts of expenses should be recorded.



Depending on the timing of your fiscal year, you may also wish to provide your bookkeeper or accountant with a summary of all of the invoices generated and payments collected by the clinic over the past 12 months.

Some of this information may have already been documented on a more frequent basis (e.g. at the end of each month, every two weeks, etc.), so this process may vary depending on your clinic’s bookkeeping workflow.

📊 Invoiced & Applied Amounts

The Billing Summary Report is a good first place to visit— this report will provide an overview of the total value of invoices generated (accrual accounting) as well as the total value of payments applied towards an invoice (cash accounting) for the year.

We do like to mention that it is very normal that these two numbers do not perfectly match, as you may not always collect the same amount that is billed within the period (especially with insurance billing or package offers).

If required, a detailed breakdown of the invoices that contribute towards the invoiced total can be found on theSales Report with detail mode turned on.

NOTE📍: The Applied column is a net value, so for any payments that may have been refunded or unapplied from an invoice during that period of time, Jane will present you with the total with the refund subtracted already.

For more information about the difference between Invoiced and Applied amounts, please refer to our guide on the Invoiced, Applied, Purchased, and Received At dates.

📊 Transactions

If you are looking for a list of all of the monetary transactions that took place within the year, please refer to the Transactions section of the Billing Summary Report, or the Transaction Report for the detailed breakdown.

📊 Accounts Receivable (A/R)

To review which patients and/or third-parties still have an outstanding amount owing to the clinic, check out the Accounts Receivable report.

In case it comes in handy, here is our guide on how to email an invoice feature.

📅 Using Date Range Filters

If you’d like to filter for certain date ranges within a report, you can hit the Date Range filter at the top of the report. This will bring up a calendar view where you can click the first date of the range and then the last date of the range. You’ll know you’ve successfully selected the date range because the days will be highlighted with blue bubbles.


Patient Statements & Appointments

At the end of the year, your patients may ask for a complete list of all of their visits so that they can cross-reference this information with their insurance provider.

We recommend that you generate a patient statement in these cases, to provide your client with a list of their recent invoices and payments, upon request.

Learn more about generating patient statements.

If your client is only interested in appointment dates and a financial summary is not required, you can also direct them to their My Account > Appointment History area on the online portal, where they will be able to review this information at their convenience.

Year-End Checklist

Click the image below to download the checklist. 👇

If you have any questions for us about wrapping up the year, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] and we can guide you in the right direction.

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