Billing MSP Through Teleplan
If you’re practicing in BC, you should be eligible to submit your MSP claims online via Teleplan.
Billing To Insurers Without an Appointment (For Phone Calls/Chart Notes, etc.)
In this guide document an Insurer might be a Lawyer, a School, an Insurance Company, or a Government Agency. In Jane, any payer who is not the patient would be considered under this umbrella term of “Insurer”.
Billing to WorkSafe BC - Physiotherapy
If you’re practicing in BC, you should be eligible to submit your WorkSafe BC claims online via Teleplan.
Booking and Billing No Charge WSBC (WCB) Subsequent Visits
Some disciplines have block payment agreements with WSBC. You’ll want to record and track these subsequent visits without sending anything in to WSBC.
Create Custom Billing Codes
Are you in the U.S.? Check out this guide for Creating Billing Codes. Canadian friends, read on below!
Creating a Patient Policy (CA)
The insurance billing workflow begins by entering patient insurance information inside their profile. This is done by setting up a new Insurance Policy.
Creating and Setting Up Insurers (CA)
The first step in creating a claim is creating the insurer. To do this, ensure you are logged into an account with at least Administrative Staff/All Billing Access permissions.
Delete an Insurer Payment
This is an area where it’s important to understand the affects of deleting a payment on your reporting. Deleting a payment may seem like the easiest way to fix something, but while it may look right on the screen in front of you, the reports (especially the Compensation Report) will also be changed.
Direction to Pay - Billing to Lawyers
Sometimes lawyers will work with you on a Direction to Pay agreement. This can be that they reimburse you for a patient’s visit either at the time of settlement or on a structured schedule (once a month for example).
Grouping Insurer Invoices
If you need to group multiple visits onto one invoice to submit to an insurer, you can do that with Jane.
How to Bill for Multiple Services on a Single Visit Using Billing Codes
This guide will go over how to create custom billing codes in Jane to bill for multiple services and treatments for your Private, Insured and/or ProviderNet Pacific Blue Cross visits.
How to Manually Override an Invoice
Jane has a great feature called Adjustments for applying commonly used discounts to invoices. Adjustments are great because they indicate to the patient that they’ve received a discount from the normal treatment price.
ICBC Invoicing and Reporting - Effective April 1, 2019
If you are a practitioner or have practitioners working in your clinic under one of the following disciplines, you are likely wondering how to manage ICBC billing in Jane after April 1, 2019.
ICBC - Acupuncture
If you’re an Acupuncturist, or a clinic providing Acupuncture services, here’s how you’ll manage your billing for these claims in Jane.
ICBC - Chiropractic
If you’re a Chiropractor, or a clinic providing Chiropractic Care in BC, here’s how you’ll manage your billing for these claims in Jane.
ICBC - Clinical Counselling
If you’re a Clinical Counsellor, or a clinic providing Clinical Counselling services in BC, here’s how you can manage your billing for ICBC claims in Jane.
ICBC - Kinesiology
If you offer Kinesiology/Active Rehab services in BC, here’s how you can manage your billing for ICBC claims in Jane.
ICBC - Psychology
If you’re a Psychologist in BC, here’s how you’ll manage your billing for these claims in Jane.
ICBC - Massage Therapy
If you’re a Registered Massage Therapist, or a clinic providing Registered Massage Therapy in BC, here’s how you’ll manage your billing for these claims in Jane.
ICBC - Physiotherapy
If you offer Physiotherapy in BC, here’s how you can manage your billing for ICBC claims in Jane.
Insurance Coverage & Taxes
Jane’s insurance panel allows you to enter how much to bill the insurer or 3rd party payer for this visit. If the item you are billing is taxable (meaning your Treatment or Product has tax selected in the Settings area) it’s important to know how taxes will be handled when you enter a billing co...
Insurer Underpayment (Adjusting Amount Paid by Insurer)
Sometimes you bill one amount to the insurer and the insurer pays you another.
Receiving an Insurer Payment
You can receive an insurer payment from the appointment side panel, from the invoice, and from Billing > Insurer Invoices.
Jane pulls in your Teleplan Remittances every morning and will automatically send your rejected Teleplan invoices to the “Rejected” area of your Billing tab for you to review.
Resetting Insurance Policy Counts and Limits
Because this can help you keep the invoices and payments for the correct year attached to the correct policy. This way, when you view a previous year’s policy, you’d only see visits from that year attached to it. Likewise, when you view the current year’s policy, you’ll see just the visits from t...
Searching by Invoice Number
Otherwise, for a client invoice, you would need to know the date range that the invoice was generated within, but you should be able to locate non-insurer invoices if you head over to the Billing tab and then click on Purchases in the left sidebar menu.
Teleplan Late Submission Reason Code
If you are submitting claims beyond 90 days old Teleplan will not accept them without something called a “Late Submission Reason”.
Apply or Unapply an Insurer Payment
This guide is specifically regarding insurer payments. If you’re needing to know how to unapply a patient payment, you can view this guide: Unapply a Patient Payment
Working with Claim Submissions (Paper Insurer Invoices)
Any invoices you’ve marked as “arrived” for an insured visit that is not being billed by Teleplan will be listed in this “Unsubmitted” area.
Pacific Blue Cross - Setting up your PROVIDERnet Integration
This guide will walk through everything you need to set up your Pacific Blue Cross PROVIDERnet integration so you can begin directly billing claims from the comfort of your Jane account.
Pacific Blue Cross - Submitting Claims Through the PROVIDERnet Integration
If you’re brand new to submitting to Pacific Blue Cross, you can skip past this portion about transitioning insurance policies.
Pacific Blue Cross - Reversing Claims Through the PROVIDERnet Integration
Sometimes you might need to make changes to a claim sent in by accident or with errors and you can do so right from within Jane.
Adding Billing Codes to Paid Invoices
To add an insurance claim or billing codes to a paid appointment, scroll down to the Insurance Info area in the Appointment side panel.
Billing to WorkSafe BC – Chiropractic
If you’re practicing in BC, you should be eligible to submit your Worksafe BC claims and Chiropractic Reports 8C and 11C online via our Teleplan integration.
TELUS eClaims - Submitting Claims and Eligibility Checks Through the TELUS eClaims Integration
This guide document is full of valuable information to get you up and running with TELUS eClaims as smoothly as possible. Please read it carefully, and then feel free to jump to each section below to brush up on anything you may have missed.
Setting Up a Fillable PDF Form
Note: A friendly reminder that the Fillable Forms feature is only available on the Insurance Plan. Click here to learn more about the features offered on the Insurance Plan.
How to Populate a Fillable PDF File
This guide will go over how to populate a configured fillable form for a patient appointment, review that the information entered, and how to download or print this form for submission.
TELUS eClaims - Setting Up Your TELUS eClaims Integration
We are really, really…..(and let’s add another really just for good measure) happy to say that Jane is integrated with TELUS eClaims.
TELUS eClaims - Reversing Submissions Through the TELUS eClaims Integration
From time to time, you might need to reverse a TELUS eClaim that was submitted by accident or with errors. You can do this directly within Jane!
Missing the Insurers Tab? Adding the Insurance add-on to the Practice or Thrive Plan
Are you trying to set up your Insurers but the tab seems to missing? It sounds like you might not be signed up for Jane’s insurance add-on. Heads up — the insurance add-on can be added to the Practice or Thrive plans.
Working with Claim Submissions and Online Insurer Portals
We have many Jane users working with online portals to bill insurance companies directly for their client’s visits. This might be Medavie Blue Cross, your provincial Blue Cross, TELUS for WSIB, HCAI etc.
Billing No-Shows to Insurers
Jane doesn’t allow insurers to pick up the balance from an appointment marked as “No Show” since most insurance companies and payers will refuse payment if the patient did not attend their appointment. But, in the case that the insurer or payer has agreed to pay for some or all no-shows, there ar...
Insurer Statements
Just like patient statements, you can pull up insurer-only (or insurer and patient) statements from the patient profile. But, in the case that you’d like to include a few different patients under the same insurer on one statement, we can do that from another area of Jane. Let’s go through both wo...
Duplicate Insurers
If you’ve accidentally created the same insurer twice, you can combine them into one with our Merge Insurers feature.
TELUS eClaims FAQ + Troubleshooting
This guide is a compilation of some of the most frequently asked questions around Jane’s TELUS eClaims integration, errors and troubleshooting tips.
Pended and On Hold Submissions with TELUS eClaims
If you’ve used the TELUS eClaims portal in the past, you’re likely familiar with those “pending” or “on hold” claims. When the insurance provider has successfully received the claim, they generate this type of response letting you know they cannot provide an in-the-moment decision.
Collect Insurance Information on Intake Forms From Your Clients 📸
Jane offers a dedicated way for clients to upload photos of their insurance cards and provide their most basic insurance policy details in an intake form.
HCAI billing in Jane: Block Billing Workflow
Welcome to our guide on the HCAI Block Billing workflow. If you’ve already been block billing in Jane and want a refresher on the steps, read on! However, if you’re new to billing HCAI in Jane, we’d recommend using our Third-Party Billing workflow instead. It’s a little faster and easier to pick ...
HCAI billing in Jane: FAQ
This is a compilation of some of the most frequently asked questions we receive about working with HCAI claims and tracking them within Jane.
Insurance Mode on Claims: Payable to Patient vs Payable to the Clinic (CA)
On every Jane account, the insurance billing default is set to Collect from Insurer. This means that you are expecting the insurance company to pay you (the clinic) rather than send money directly to the patient. However, you do have the option to switch a purchase on your account to Patient Pre-...
How to Archive and Unarchive an Insurer
Sometimes we create duplicates of insurers, or insurers that we only need to use for a short period so we’d like to “delete”, AKA archive, the insurer so we can clean up our active list of insurers.
Recording an Insurer is covering $0 (CA)
This guide will walk through how to document that an insurer is not covering an amount for our Canadian clinics. If you are located in the US and looking for how to do this, check out our Posting a $0 EOB guide for a detailed walk-through.
Booking an Insured Visit
Whenever you book an appointment, you’ll be given the option to use any open insurance policies for that patient.
HCAI billing in Jane: Third Party Billing Workflow
Welcome to our guide on billing MVA claims to HCAI in Ontario! Just like any other third-party insurer, you can submit claims through HCAI’s portal outside of Jane, and then manage those claims within Jane.
HCAI billing in Jane: Hub
Welcome to our hub on everything HCAI & Jane. 👋 We have all the links to our HCAI guides here, with some general insurance guides linked at the bottom. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
Teleplan Rejection Codes
Rejection hurts, especially when you’re not sure what you did wrong ❤️🩹, but thankfully when it comes to Teleplan you’re always provided with a rejection code and explanation for rejected claims.
Coordination of Benefits and Secondary Claims (CA) 🇨🇦
Got clients with two insurance policies? You’re in the right place! This guide breaks down navigating secondary claims and coordination of benefits for all the different integrated insurers in Canada.
Canadian Insurance Integrations Hub 🇨🇦
Welcome to our Canadian Insurance hub page! Here, you’ll find information about each insurance integration for our Canadian clinics and some guides to get you started. There’s even some bonus content for insurers or third-party payers that aren’t integrated with Jane!
How to Set Up and Bill to a Third-Party Payer (CA)
A lot of companies and workplaces have arrangements in place where they pay for an appointment on a patient’s behalf. With this setup, a third party will reimburse the clinic for a patient’s visit.
Where to find a Teleplan Sequence Number in Jane
Need to contact Teleplan about a specific claim submitted through Jane? You’ll need the sequence number and this guide walks through two different ways you can find it.