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How to Unarchive an Insurer

Sometimes we create duplicates of insurers, or insurers that we only need to use for a short period. While those insurers can be archived, what happens if it needs to be used again?

An archived insurer can be reactivated with all previous billing history intact!

To start, you’ll want to head over to the Settings tab, click on the Insurers button and in the top-right corner of the Insurers listed, click on the Show Archived button.

Jane will now display a list of all the insurers, including ones that have been archived with a little grey tag. From here, you’ll click on the Edit button:

Next, you can make any changes to the insurer if you’d like, then scroll down to the very bottom and click the blue Save & Unarchive button to make the insurer active again:

You’re all set! Not only can you use this insurer on policies, but the billing history under that insurer will be made visible again.

As always, we hope this has been helpful to you, but we’re here if you need help or have any additional questions 😊

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