Adding a Signature to Charts & Invoices/Receipts
Using the ‘Sign and Lock’ feature will date and time stamp your chart entries.
Use Phrases For Faster Charting
This handy feature allows you to create a shortcut for a set of words, sentences, or even lists that will auto-populate when you use a keyboard shortcut in a chart entry.
Appointment Charting Status
Sometimes you would like to review your appointments or those in your clinic to see if there are any appointments that haven’t been documented.
Chart Parts for Creating a Chart Template
And, a Jane Tip 💡: Many of these Chart Parts can be a tool to build out your Intake Forms. To learn more, head to the Questionnaires section of our Intake Forms guide!
Chart Template Library
Jane users really are an amazing community! There are a number of generous practitioners who have worked to build fantastic templates in Jane and have shared them with our Library.
Charting for a Past Date
It’s important to note that while you can adjust or change the date of the chart entry to reflect the date of service, you cannot backdate the date and time of the “signed at” stamp. To comply with charting regulations, Jane will accurately record and display the date and time that the chart ent...
Charting New Territory: Tips for Switching to Electronic Charts
After working with practitioners in clinics for over 10 years, I know how hard it is to leave paper charting behind, even with all the logical reasons to switch: reduced supply costs, no storage or shredding, off-site access, improved legibility (although I never trust a practitioner if I can rea...
Charting Privacy Options
Sharing chart notes can be something that varies depending on how you run your practice. There’s a number of settings in Jane that you can work with to ensure your notes are shared with the appropriate people in your practice.
Consent for Assessment/Treatment of Sensitive Areas
The College of Massage Therapists of Ontario have recently released a new Standards for Maintaining Professional Boundaries and Preventing Sexual Abuse which includes a section detailing that “Treatment of Sensitive Areas Must be Discussed with the Client and Written Informed Consent Must be Obta...
Couples or Related Groups - Booking, Billing, Charting and Notifications
There are times that you want to work with more than one person at a time, but it’s not a class or drop-in style group. This may be especially relevant to you if you’re a mental health practitioner or a family chiropractor. This would be for appointments like couples or family counselling or fami...
Chart Templates: Creating, Editing and Deleting a Template
Investing time in setting up Chart Templates is a decision you won’t regret, as they can significantly streamline your charting process in the long run. Moreover, Chart Templates are an excellent way to standardize and optimize your charting, ensuring that your charts remain organized, consistent...
Deleting, Moving or Changing a Chart
There are a few scenarios that pop up where a chart needs some attention. Jane has a few ways to work with your chart entries, while also remaining compliant with general charting regulations. These regulations typically require original entries to remain legible and all changes to a signed chart...
Files Area in Chart
Learn how to securely upload and store multiple files simultaneously to a patient's profile in Jane -
Exporting Chart Notes (Print or PDF)
From time to time, you may need to export or download a patient’s Chart or Files, or you may need to send a Chart or a Clinical Record for a medical legal request or referral to another practitioner. There are multiple ways to do so, including for a patient’s entire Chart, multiple chart entries,...
Adding CPT & Diagnosis Codes to Charts (US)
Jane’s goal is always to be helpful, and when it comes to documentation and insurance billing, that means being thorough, compliant, and efficient.
Adding Billing & Diagnosis Codes to Charts on the Base Plan
💡Heads up — this guide is applicable for the Legacy Base Plan only.
Keyboard Shortcuts
That’s why there are a number of keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate the Schedule with fewer clicks.
Letters in Jane
Often you need to send Progress Reports, Doctor Letters or other Form style Letters to people outside of your practice.
Photos in Chart Notes/Documentation
Photos can be a great compliment to a chart entry to track skin conditions, range of motion, misalignments, and progress of treatment over time.
How to add a Medical Alert, Pin or Star your Chart Entries
Do you need to refer back to your patient’s intake form regularly, or the notes from their initial visit? Maybe there are a few key notes, images or uploaded documents that you need quick access to.
Many of you are prescribing to your patients and have asked about how that can be managed in Jane. We know that patient charts can span many years and be made up of hundreds of entries. So finding entries that have specific information and compiling them in one place can help your patient care.
Print to PDF
In order to print to PDF from Jane, make sure you are using Chrome on either a Mac or a PC. Then on a page that has a print button in Jane:
Printing or Sharing Chart Entries (Treatment Plans)
Sharing just the Plan portion of your chart entry with your patient is a common workflow for practitioners.
Scanning and Uploading to Jane Charts
You might be looking to load in a scanned Dr. referral, or an in clinic intake form, or the paper chart that you’re leaving behind. Loading documents into Jane through the Files area of a patients’ profile is something that you will do regularly so here’s some tips.
Sign & Lock Charts
Signing and locking charts is part of the electronic charting workflow and affects how chart entries are finished and how any future changes are tracked.
Day View: Sign and Lock Workflow
For the lock icon to show up the treatment has to be connected to the chart entry. Which means it needs to be selected on the schedule (so the “check” needs to be displayed on the appropriate appointment)
Supervisor Sign Off (Manual Workflow)
Welcome to our Supervisor Sign-Off guide. This guide covers a manual workflow for getting a chart signed by another practitioner. However, you may have heard that we have a Supervision feature which you can use instead.
Switching from Paper Charts to Electronic Charts
Making the switch to Electronic Charting can seem like a big task - especially if you have years and years of paper charts stored in your clinic.
Uploads for Review - Labs, X-Rays and Other Reporting
If you have administrative staff that are uploading clinical information that needs to be reviewed by a practitioner, it’s most accurate to assign the uploaded chart entry to the appropriate practitioner.
Customizing Your Chart Footer
So, you were the chosen one this year.
Making a Chart Amendment
Not a problem.
Smart Options & Narrative for Charting
This chart part allows staff to create a quick and easy narrative with only a few simple steps.
Help! I accidentally archived a draft chart entry.
Good news! – As long as the chart data made its way to Jane’s servers before you archived it, the archived draft would be saved as an archived chart entry.
Sharing Patient Charts with a Third Party
You can create the Third Party a patient profile, upload the document and then share that document to their patient portal so they can view and download it in a HIPAA compliant environment.
The chart entry is complete, so why isn't the lock showing?
Looking for the little calendar icon on your chart? Could have sworn you made an entry for that day but there is no lock on the Appointment? Sounds like the appointment isn’t attached to the chart. Let’s walk through the steps for adding that.
Batch Chart Export for Practitioners
There are a couple of things we do like to note first, though.
Creating a Narrative Chart
Before diving into the details of building out a Narrative chart, check out our guide on Smart Options & Narrative for Charting. It’s chock-full of details on what Narratives are and how they work.
Formatting Chart Entries
Did you know you can add formatting to your Charting in Jane? If you haven’t checked it out yet, we definitely recommend it.
Charting for Classes and Group Appointments
To the practitioners charting for Classes or Group Appointments (i.e., family or couples therapy), we have a time-saving treat for you. 🍫
Tips for Charting During Your Online Appointment
Here’s hoping that this guide will make switching between things just that much easier! Here are some useful tips that we’ve picked up from clinics along the way on keeping up with client notes during an Online Appointment (telehealth) video or audio conference.
Outcome Measure Surveys
We know that better insights into your clients’ progress help you provide better care. With Outcome Measure Surveys, you’ll be able to add scores to Clinical Survey questions to help you to quantify a client’s experience at a point in time and over the course of their care.
Clinical Surveys
With Clinical Surveys, you can collect information from a client before or after their scheduled appointment, or at the time of booking online. You can also set up a survey to send daily, weekly, or monthly to individual clients. The answers to the survey questions are added to the chart, much li...
Treatment Plans
Welcome to our guide on Treatment Plans. This feature helps you organize your chart entries and track the number of appointments for a patient’s specific concern.
How to Face Chart
Face charts are a great visual tool to track what parts of a face have received treatment. For example, a medical aesthetics practitioner could use a face chart to record how many units or syringes a patient has received in different areas.
Welcome to our guide on Supervision in Jane. Many clinics have practicum students or practitioners who haven’t received their full license yet (i.e. practicing therapists) and require a supervisor to sign off on their charts. This feature aims to simplify that process for both the supervisor and ...
Client Aftercare Information
You might want to give your clients some tips on how to take care of themselves after a treatment. If they’ve got their patient portal set up, you can use it to share some aftercare or documents with them that cover this important information.
Voice to Chart
Welcome to our beta guide for Voice to Chart. This feature introduces the Smart SOAP Note chart part that uses a customizable prompt to summarize an audio recording of an appointment so you can focus more on your patients and less on note-taking.
Medical Aesthetics Hub
We know you’re probably pretty eager to get your account set up, and we’d love to lend a hand with that by providing a complimentary Account Setup Consultations.
Mobile Services Hub
Do you offer mobile services and would like some helpful resources on set up and workflows within your Jane account? -
Voice to Chart Sample Prompts
Not sure what to enter into the prompt field on your Voice to Chart template? Don’t worry, we can help! We’ve collected some prompts from our beta testers for our Voice to Chart experimental feature and you can try them out below.
Charting on a Mobile Device (Tablet or Smartphone)
Whether you’re using Jane on an iPad, Android tablet or smartphone, this guide walks through navigating charting on a smaller screen.