Edit Individual Shifts
There are two different tools to manage your schedule in Jane that serve two different purposes. The first tool is called, “Manage Shifts”, and the second tool is called, “Edit Individual Shifts”. Here is when you should use them:
Auto-Logout Duration
By default, Jane asks your staff to sign in with their username and password after 1 week of inactivity, but we understand that you may want to set a different duration.
Charting Privacy Options
Sharing chart notes can be something that varies depending on how you run your practice. There’s a number of settings in Jane that you can work with to ensure your notes are shared with the appropriate people in your practice.
Log In Help: Username and Password
💡 Did you know staff members can enable 2-Step Verification on their profiles as an extra layer of security? Enabling this feature means you’ll receive a one-time SMS code to your mobile phone as part of the login process.
Deactivating a Staff Member
We know you never like to see them go, but from time to time practitioners move on from your practice.
Helping Staff Sign In
There’s a lot of people using Jane! There was a time when only administrative staff would work with the Clinic Management Software, but now with online booking and electronic charting you’ve got patients and practitioners in the mix too.
How to Add a Profile Photo
As more and more clients out there request online booking, clinics really want to make their online presence shine. One of the most effective yet simple ways to do that is to add profile photos for each practitioner’s profile in Jane.
Income Categories (Compensation at Different Rates)
Often you will want to compensate your staff differently for different types of products. Income categories will allow you to both pay your staff a different rate and also to break down categories of income in your reporting. I probably shouldn’t be so excited about that, but I am.
Keyboard Shortcuts
That’s why there are a number of keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate the Schedule with fewer clicks.
Merging and Unmerging Staff Profiles
Staff profiles can be merged (and un-merged)the same way as duplicate patient profiles.
Message Log
Note📝: The Message Log is not accessible to profiles with the Practitioner (Limited) Staff Access Level. Check out our guide doc on Staff Access Levels for information on the different permissions in Jane.
Patient Privacy and Privacy Mode
Jane offers a few quick and easy features to keep your patient’s information confidential when working in areas where your screen might be visible to others.
Registration Numbers
Within this I.D. Number area, you’re able to create a default set of I.D numbers - and you’re able to set up Insurer Specific I.D. Numbers as well.
Staff Access Levels
💡Heads up — this guide mentions some features that are not available on all plans. For more information, check out our pricing plans.
Setting up Staff and Adding a Staff Member to Your Jane Subscription
Staff profiles can be set up to reflect the unique way that each practitioner wants to interact with Jane.
Setting up Treatments
Jane’s default is to call the services a clinic offers ‘Treatments’, but you can customize this depending on what you call the services you offer your clients. This guide to Customizing Jane (under ‘Terminology’) tells you how you can change Jane’s default language.
Subscribing to Your Calendar (for Staff)
Any staff member can easily add Appointments and Shifts to their calendar software by using the Private Calendar URLs listed in their staff profile.
Supervising Therapist on Receipts
Sometimes there are staff members that are being supervised by another therapist, and you would like the supervisor’s name and Registration number to show up on the receipt.
Setting Up Sales Taxes in Jane
The first step in setting up taxes will be to create the tax rates themselves. To do this, a Full access user can head over to the Settings tab, and click Taxes within the left sidebar menu. Next, click on the blue New Tax button to get started.
Troubleshooting Tips for Subscribed Calendars
If you’ve landed on this guide it sounds like you might be having troubles with your Subscribed Calendar from Jane.
Help! I'm A Practitioner But Keep Getting Logged In As A Patient
This is often caused by one of two scenarios but can easily be fixed.
Transitioning an Intern to a Practitioner
Let me show you how to do this in a way that allows you to retain chart entries authored as an Intern, and sets them up for success as a Practitioner.
Commission Rates by Location
Do you have multiple locations that require different commission rates? If so here is how you can set this up in Jane.
Managing Your Jane Subscription
Note💡: Only the listed Account Owner has permissions to view the Subscriptions area. Not sure who the listed Account Owner is? Here is a guide that walks through how to find this information: How to Check Who’s Listed as the Account Owner.
How To: Reset Your Jane Password
Finding yourself logged out of Jane? Can't remember your password or username? Here are the high-level steps to get you back on track. -
Offboarding Checklist: What to Do When Staff Leave
It’s never fun, but sometimes staff members leave a practice. There's lots to think about when offboarding staff members, so we've put together a checklist to help make the transition as smooth as possible. -
Editing your Staff Email and/or Phone Number
This is intentional! In the name of security, Jane wants to ensure that those changing any email addresses or mobile phone numbers under a Staff’s profile are authorized to do so.