It’s never fun when it happens, but sometimes practitioners, administrators, and business owners leave a practice.
There’s a lot to think about when it comes to making these transitions as smooth as possible, so we’ve put together an offboarding checklist to make the process a little easier. In this guide, we’ll take a look at what you can do when staff members leave your practice, and what to do if your Jane Account Owner is leaving the practice and will be transferring ownership.
Is a Staff Member Leaving?
- Review Your Employment Contract
- Export Data
- Deactivate Their Staff Profile
- Remove Their Integrations
- Review Your Jane Licenses
Is the Jane Account Owner Leaving?
When Practitioners or Admin Staff Leave
☑ Review Your Contract and Legal Obligations
Before you get started, it can be helpful to have another look over your employment contract with the staff member. A few things to consider are if there are any obligations around:
- Providing access to their data
- Compensation
- Continuity of client care
- Retrieval of company assets
- Ownership of the Jane account
Once you know what you’re each responsible for, your offboarding plan can start to take shape.
☑ Export any Data Needed
Once the staff member has finished up with their last charts and appointments, you may wish to provide them with an export of their data for record-keeping purposes.
Exporting Reports
In your Reports tab, you can filter reports by the staff member’s name to export just their data, such as in the:
To download and share these reports, just click the 3 dots in the top-right of a report and choose an export option:
Note📝: Currently the Ratings & Reviews, Phone Reminders Due, and Return Visit Reminders Due reports cannot be exported.
Don’t forget that regular email isn’t the most secure way to share client health information, so you may wish to provide these documents using another format.
Exporting Chart Notes and Files
Practitioners can export their patient charts and files individually per patient — or, an Account Owner can receive a batch export of all charts authored by the staff member and we’ll provide them in a zip file as clearly labeled PDFs.
To get a batch export started, the Account Owner can email us at [email protected]. For more information about this process, check out our guide How to Request a Batch Chart Export for Staff Members.
👉 Is your practitioner heading to another Jane clinic? In that case, you won’t need a chart export — the Account Owner can instead securely send a copy of all charts authored by the practitioner to another Jane account by initiating a Jane to Jane Chart Transfer.
☑ Deactivate their Staff Profile
Once the staff member will no longer be using the admin side of your Jane account, Account Owners and Full Access Users can Deactivate a Staff Profile by:
- Going to the staff member’s profile in the Staff tab
- Clicking on Edit / Settings > Permissions & Commissions
- Unchecking the Active box (to make their profile inactive and hidden)
- And changing their Role to No Access
Inactive vs No Access — what’s the difference?
Setting a profile to have No Access means they won’t be able to log into the staff side of Jane (although they could still log in as a patient, if they wanted to). On the other hand, marking a profile as Inactive means they won’t be able to log in as a staff member and they’ll be hidden from your schedule, staff list, and any reporting.
We recommend using these two settings together in case you need to temporarily reactivate a profile for reporting purposes without giving them access to your Jane account while you do it. In those cases, you can set the profile to Active but keep them at No Access.
📅 Don’t forget to remove all future appointments from the staff member’s Schedule before making them inactive.
Is Jane saying they have future appointments but you can’t find them? Have a peek at your Appointments Report and filter it for a wide, future date range.
☑ Remove Their Integrations and Other Access
When your staff member leaves, you’ll want to take additional steps to remove other types of access too, such as:
- Deactivating their company email address
- Changing any door or passcodes
- Retrieving any physical keys and assets
- And you’ll want to make sure they’re removed from any integrations within Jane, such as payment accounts and insurance accounts
💰 Removing their Jane Payments Account
If the staff member had a personal Jane Payments account, you’ll want to deactivate it so nobody accidentally uses it in the future and the wrong person gets paid.
To archive a Jane Payments account, a Full Access User can go to Settings > Jane Payments and click on the pencil to edit the account:
Then, you can scroll to the bottom and hit Delete:
Note that removing the account will also remove access to any data about this account in the Jane Payments Reports, so it can be a good idea to export these reports first!
🇨🇦 Removing Canadian Insurance Accounts
Was the staff member registered as an associate under your Telus eClaims account, or any other insurance accounts? Don’t forget to remove them from those areas, too.
You’ll want to log into your insurance accounts directly to remove the staff member. But once that’s done, we’ll also want to break the news to Jane by removing them from your integrations:
💚 For Telus eClaims, head into your Settings > Integrations > Telus eClaims section and hit the trash can on their provider profile:
💙 For Pacific Blue Cross, once you’ve removed them from your PROVIDERnet account directly, you’ll just want to Reauthenticate your integration in Jane so that you have the most recent settings:
☑ Review your Jane Licenses
Last but not least, when practitioners leave, you may need to update your Jane licenses so you’re paying for the right amount of people.
Account Owners can update their paid licenses under the Settings > Jane Subscription area by clicking Change Subscription and selecting a new number of licenses:
As a reminder, administrative profiles are free of charge! 🎉
Questions about your subscription? Our guide on Managing Your Jane Subscription is a great place to start.
If the Jane Account Owner is Leaving
In addition to the above steps, if the practice will be continuing under new ownership, the current Account Owner can transfer ownership of their Jane account to another staff profile.
In Jane’s eyes, the Account Owner is the legal custodian of data and they will be Jane’s sole point of contact for making any decisions about the account.
Not sure what Account Ownership entails or who this should be? Our guide on Who Should Be the Jane Account Owner can provide more context.
So then, what should a Jane Account Owner do if they’re the one leaving the practice?
☑ Update the Subscription Information
If you’ll no longer be paying for the Jane subscription, don’t forget to update the credit card on file! Account Owners can go into their Settings > Jane Subscription area and change these details in the Update Credit Card section:
Need to download past invoices or change the business details for future invoices? The Billing History tab can help with that:
For any other odds and ends, you can learn more in our guide Managing Your Jane Subscription.
☑ Transfer Account Ownership
When you’re ready to make the switch, your last step will be to transfer ownership of the Jane account to another active staff profile. If the new owner doesn’t have a profile yet, you can create one following these steps: Adding New Staff Members to Jane.
To transfer ownership of the Jane account, an Account Owner can go into the Settings > Staff Permissions area:
There, you’ll have the option to Transfer Ownership of the Jane account to a staff member of their choosing:
When you click Transfer Ownership, Jane will confirm this decision with you before making anything final. Once you click Yes, Transfer Ownership, Jane will make this new person the Jane Account Owner:
Please note that once you’ve transferred ownership, this cannot be undone unless the new Account Owner transfers ownership back to you. So just make sure you’re ready before you make the final click!
A Quick Note on Jane’s Role
We take privacy and security very seriously at Jane and we’re especially cautious when it comes to ownership of a Jane account. However, as the data processor, Jane is unable to determine who the Account Owner should be.
If you’re a Jane Account Owner and need help with any of these steps or if the current Account Owner is unable to transfer ownership due to extenuating circumstances, please email [email protected].
We hope this makes your offboarding process a little easier! But of course, if we can help with anything, we’re just a phone call away and we’d be happy to help.