What’s the Appointments Report?
Jane keeps track of everything related to appointments, from online bookings to arrivals.
The Appointments Report shows a list of your client’s past and future appointments, including the client’s name, clinic location, treatment, appointment date, and booking date.
You can use it to track how many bookings you have coming up next week, to see who’s booked the most appointments at the clinic, or to check how many clients you saw last week.
You can find the Appointments Report by heading to Reports > Appointments
What’s included in the Appointments Report?
The results of the Appointments report can be filtered by clinic location, practitioner, chart status, appointment state (e.g., “Booked Online,” “Cancelled,” “Arrived,” etc.), and date range.
Filtering by Appointment State
Let’s say you are hoping to see a list of any no-show appointments, appointments that were canceled this month, or to see how many people booked online.
Using the Appointments report, you’ll be able to bring up all of the appointments for a particular date range, for a specific staff member or Location, and in the State column, Jane will indicate the status of the appointment.
Select to filter by whether the appointment was cancelled, no showed, booked online etc. Below is a list of states that would populate and their meaning.
Appointment State options:
Rescheduled - this means the appointment was rescheduled within Jane.
No Show - this means that the appointment was set to No Show.
Never Booked - the appointment was at one point reserved but the Book button was never pressed.
Archived - the appointment was booked and then deleted.
Arrived - the appointment was booked and arrived.
Booked Online - the appointment was booked online by the patient.
You could even export the list as an Excel file for your reference in case you’d like to sort or analyze it to see a breakdown of the appointment information further. This is helpful if you are interested in the total number of appointments as you can export all of the information to a spreadsheet file to have the software tally up the numbers for you.
Reports can be exported to an Excel file or CSV using the “Export” button. Excel is a great tool for manipulating data! You can learn a few tips and tricks in this handy guide: Working with Excel
💡A friendly reminder that often, the exported version of a report will include some additional detail about the data you are working with. With the exported version of the Appointments Report, cancellation dates and reasons are also included.
Here in the State filter of the Appointments Report, if we select First Visit you are able to pull a list of all of the appointments that were the first for your patients. This can be really helpful for you to keep track of any new patients that come into the clinic.
💡Pro Tip: Use this in tandem with the Referral Report to get a sense of where your new patients are learning about your practice.
Filtering by Chart Status
The Appointments report also includes a column that displays chart status. This is a quick way to view a list of all the appointments that have no charts attached to them or have not been completed yet. As long as you are charting from the Day view or are ensuring that the appointment is selected when you create a chart note, then Jane will link the chart entry with the appointments. You can learn more about this here: Sign and Lock Workflow
It can be filtered by date range and by practitioner. This will allow you to generate a list of appointments that have yet to have a chart associated with it, so that you can go back and finish them up!
💡 Pro Tip: Any blue text is clickable in Jane. Clicking on the appointment date will bring up the appointment panel, where you can view billing details or jump to the schedule view. You can also jump directly into a patient profile by clicking on the patient name inside this report.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does Jane consider a “First Visit” when I filter the report using this status?
The “First Visit” status will bring up all appointments that represent a patient’s very first appointment at the clinic. These sessions will have the First Visit label on the appointment block when viewing them from the schedule.
If a patient has visited the clinic in the past but is seeing a different practitioner for the first time, this appointment would not be considered a “First Visit”.
If you are interested in the number of new patients for a specific practitioner, check out our guide on the Practitioner Dashboard, under the Patient Metrics section.
What is the “Checked In” status?
These are appointments where the patient has used Jane’s Self Check-In feature to indicate that they have arrived for their session.
I filtered my appointments by “No Chart”, but when I go to look at the patient’s charts for that day it looks like I had completed a chart entry!
Jane will associate a chart with a particular appointment if the entry had been started from the practitioner’s Day Sheet. An appointment falls under the “No Chart” category if there is no connected chart entry associated with that particular session.
Charts can also be started by visiting the patient’s Charts tab directly, however, Jane will not know for certain which appointment this is associated with.
If you’ve forgotten to chart from your day sheet, you can assign your chart to an appointment, or change the appointment that it’s currently assigned to from the drop-down at the top right corner of the entry.
Once a chart has been associated with an appointment, you’ll notice a new calendar icon displaying on your charts, letting you know that this chart is attached to an appointment.
Can I see my Late Cancellations on this report?
All cancellations, late or otherwise, will show up when we filter the appointment state to display cancelled visits.
We do not currently have a filter to separate out Late Cancellations from other cancellations, but if you view an individual client’s profile, you’ll see that any cancelled appointment with an invoice is a Late Cancellation:
You can learn more about Late Cancellations in our guide: Late Cancellations
How do I get a list of one client’s appointments?
To access a list of one client’s appointments, you can head to the Appointments section of their patient profile:
Here, you’ll see this client’s specific appointment history and you can filter their appointments further by date range, appointment state, location, staff member, and billing status.
Is there a filter to bring up specific appointments or sessions?
Not at this time, at least within Jane. However, exporting this report to an Excel file or CSV will let you use the filters built into Excel or CSV to filter for particular appointments or sessions.
Does the Appointments Report show a history of changes to breaks?
Similar to appointments, you may sometimes need a closer look at breaks on the Schedule and the Appointments Report can be helpful for this.
To generate a list of breaks, filter the report by date range, and select Breaks from the All States list. This will display all breaks, including deleted ones. The Booking Info column shows the date and time a break was created and deleted. To see a detailed history of changes, including which staff member modified a break, click the blue appointment link in the Date column. This opens the Appointment Panel on the right side of the page where you can scroll to the History & Status section.
For more info about breaks, feel free to check out this guide page: Booking a Break, Vacation and Holidays on Your Schedule
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our lovely team. 💙