Note: Patient reports are only available to clinic owners and Full Access users.
Jane’s Patients or Clients reports list the basic details about all your clinic’s patients. It’s also the place you’d go to export your full patient list into an Excel file (say, to mail everyone a festive holiday card, for example.)
Patient List
The Patient List report shows a list of your clinic’s patients (the ones entered into Jane), with their full name, their contact info, and other details. This report is really handy for situations where you need to generate a complete list of clients or patients, their email addresses and birthdays all in one report.
Filter Options:
Staff Members: To see a list of all patients who’ve booked appointments with a specific staff member, select the staff member from the drop-down menu in the toolbar.
Patients: Select to show All Patients, only Active Clients or Patients, or only Inactive Patients
Created Date: To show patients added by either the practitioner or patient during a custom date range, choose the beginning and end date using the two date picker fields. The dates directly below the filter bar represent the created date range of the patient.
Appointment Date: This filter was designed to show all patients that have booked an appointment in the given date range. This filter will consider appointments that are either booked or arrived during the period. Patients with appointments that fall under other statuses, like no-shows or cancellations, will not be brought up using this filter.
You can export this report by clicking on the three horizontal black dots in the top right corner of the report and then selecting your desired format.
📍Note: The exported version of the Patient List Report includes some additional columns not shown in the main report, most notably a list of all Medical Alerts currently active for patients.
Email Marketing Subscribers List
This is the list of patients who have opted-in to receive marketing emails. Patients are able to opt themselves into receiving marketing emails during the intake process, via their online portal in Contact Info, or have a clinic staff member opt their profile in (under Profile > Edit Settings).
Like the Patient List, this list can be narrowed by staff member or by date range. You can also export this list to an Excel or CSV file by pressing the 3 dots on the right of the filter bar, then selecting “Export to Excel”.
Quick note: It’s good to keep in mind that only client profiles marked as Active will be included in this report.
Interested in messaging the clients on your marketing list? Learn more about working with Mailchimp and syncing your email marketing list here: Jane and Mailchimp
Top Patients
Jane’s Top Patients report is handy because it will provide you with the number of bookings your top clients have made over a particular period of time. You’ll be able to change the date range at the top of the report to reflect the period of time you are interested in (month, day, year). This report can also be filtered by Staff Member. It shows up to 100 of your top clients.
The Treatment Revenue column is determined by the invoiced value of the appointments during the specified date range, not by the payments collected for those sessions. Keep in mind that an invoice is only generated once an appointment has been arrived, so a booked (unarrived) appointment will count towards the “Bookings” number, but not the Revenue total.
📍Note: At this time, the Top Patients report only takes appointment bookings and revenue into consideration. Product sales are not considered.
Invalid Emails
If a patient has an invalid email address associated with their Jane account, the email address will appear in this list. This is a great report to check in on regularly as a weekly administrative task.
What does it mean when an email is marked as “bounced”? While, there are several reasons why an email may not be successfully delivered, here are some of the main culprits when investigating into this further with your patient:
- Mailbox is full (over quota)
- Mailbox is not configured correctly
- Mailbox is inactive
- Recipient email server is down or offline
- Recipient email server has been sent too many emails during a period of time
- Domain name does not exist
- Email message blocked due to content
- Email message does not meet the recipient server’s policies
- Email message does not meet the recipient server’s requirements for authentication
- Email message does not meet the recipient server’s anti-spam requirements
- Email message does not meet the recipient server’s anti-virus requirements
- Email message does not meet the recipient server’s sender requirements
- Email cannot be relayed between email servers
- Email cannot be relayed for unknown reasons
If you run into a bounced email, we recommend first confirming the email address with the client. If the email address appears correct, a staff member can try removing the email on file (saving), then re-adding the email back in and resending the message to see if that helps nudge things in the right direction.
Asking the patient to check their spam folders or whitelisting emails from Jane may also help resolve the issue. Finally, if these steps are unsuccessful, ask if the patient has a different email address that can be used (temporarily or permanently) on file.
Patient Notes
Whether you are using the Notes area to track Memberships and Packages, tagging your clients, or keeping track of additional insurance information, the Patient Notes Report will come in handy if you want to sort or filter your patients according to these details. You can even filter this report to see only your Starred Notes, if you’d like. Heads up — our Package & Membership features are available on the Thrive plan.
For more on using Notes in Jane visit our handy guide on Special Notes.
Potential Duplicates
We talk a little bit about our Potential Duplicates report in our Merging Patients guide. The Potential Duplicates report will both display and allow you to merge any patients you determine are the same person. Pretty clever, hey?
📍Note: Jane will determine whether two patients are potential duplicates based on their names, birthdays and/or personal health number (PHN). This report may not recognize that they are duplicate profiles if there is a different Preferred Name on one of the profiles.
The Referral Report allows clinics to see how their referral sources are working for the clinic, showing both the number of clients generated by a given referral source as well as the total dollar amount generated by that source. We have a handy guide document if you would like to learn more about the Referral Report in Jane.
Note Staff Members with Administrative / All Billing permissions will have access to the Potential Duplicates and Referral reports. Click here for more on our Staff Permissions.
There you go, folks. All your patients in one tidy place.