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Reporting FAQs

This is a compilation of some of the most frequently asked questions we receive about working with reports in Jane, now in a handy centralized format!

Before we get started: if you haven’t already, check out our guide on Strategies for Investigating Reports if you are interested in the different tools at your disposal when working with your reports.

Feel free to scroll through the different topics, or jump straight to a particular question:

Why are the Invoiced and Applied Amounts of my Billing Summary Report Different?

The Invoiced column of the Billing Summary Report represents the total value of invoices that were generated within the specified date range. A breakdown of the individual invoices that contribute towards this total can be found under the Sales Report for the same date range.

On the other hand, the Applied column of the report represents the total value of payments that have been applied during this period to an invoice. This means that the applied date of the particular payment falls within the specified date range; however the purchase date of a particular invoice may not necessarily fall within this same period.

It’s actually quite common (and totally okay) for these two numbers not to match. Here are a few common reasons why these numbers may not always be the same:

  • Not all of the invoices that were generated within the period were paid during the period (Invoiced > Applied).
  • Payments were applied during the period were applied to invoices with a purchase date that falls outside of the specified period (Applied > Invoiced).
  • The applied amount is a net value, so if any payments were refunded/unapplied during this period this may lower the total applied value (Invoiced > Applied).

… and of course, your case may also be a mix of more than one of the factors above! Here is how we recommend investigating these different cases.

To review which invoices were not paid during the period:

Visit the Sales Report and look for any invoices with the (1) yellow unpaid label or (2) differing amounts in the “collected” and “balance” columns. Jane will also provide you with a summary of the amount collected for invoices listed within the report period (3), and how much has been collected as of today’s date. If these amounts are different, this suggests that there have been invoices paid since the end of the report period and today’s date.

To review payments that were applied/unapplied during this period and identify those that were applied to invoices generated from outside of the period:

Refer to the question How can I dive deeper into the Applied Amounts shown on the Billing Summary Report in this FAQ for further reading on this topic.

To review payments that were refunded:

A summary of any refunds that took place during the specified period will be listed under the Refunds section of the Billing Summary Report.

To see a full breakdown of the refunds that took place during this period, refer to the Transactions Report.


How Can I Dive Deeper into the Applied Amounts Shown on the Billing Summary Report?

If you are interested in reviewing a detailed breakdown of the applied amounts during the period, we recommend checking out the Collected (Cash) version of the Compensation Report for the same period. Enable the detailed view to see a list of the applied payments for the period under the Transactions section.

Both applied (positive) and unapplied (negative) amounts will appear in this transactions area.

📍Note: Only invoices that have been assigned to a staff member will appear on the Compensation Report. Check out our guide on Assigning Product/Inventory to Staff to learn more about how to review these unassigned invoices.

You may be interested in the Purchase Date and Transaction Date columns, especially if you are working with applied payments that affect invoices from a previous period. The purchase date represents when the invoice was generated, and the transaction (received at) date represents when the payment was received by the clinic.

If an invoice has been paid using a payment collected on a date outside the specific report period, Jane will display the original payment date under the Transaction date section. Using the search function (CTRL or CMD + F) to search “Original Payment Date” is a speedy way to identify these types of line items.

For a great overview of the different types of dates in Jane and the reports they affect, refer to this guide: Working with the Purchase, Invoice, Received At, and Applied Dates


Why are the Invoiced and Transactions Amounts of my Billing Summary Report Different?

The Invoiced column of the Billing Summary Report represents the total value of invoices that were generated within the specified date range. A breakdown of the individual invoices that contribute towards this total can be found under the Sales Report for the same date range.

The Transactions section of the Billing Summary Report represents the total value of payments collected within the specified date range. A breakdown of the individual payments that contribute towards this total can be found under the Transactions Report for the same date range.

There are several reasons why these numbers may not match for a particular period:

  • Invoices that were billed during this period had not yet been paid during the period
  • A credit memo was used to pay for some of the listed invoices (these are a special type of credit that are not considered an official “transaction”)
  • Payments that were collected on a date outside of the specified period were used to pay for invoices during the period
  • For clinics with multiple locations: an invoice or payment was categorized under the wrong location
  • For clinics who collect tips: tips do not count towards the invoiced total, however they will count towards the transactions total


I’m Having Difficulty Trying to Reconcile my Accounts Receivable (A/R) Between Periods

This is usually question that is asked by bookkeepers, clinic owners or office managers who are familiar with the accounting principle: Opening A/R + Sales - Transactions = Closing A/R.

The short answer is that there are two things required in order to successfully reconcile A/R between periods using this method:

(1) Use the correct formula — this is slightly different from the principle above, since there are a few additional factors to take into account in Jane (like tips and credits):

Opening A/R + Sales - Transactions + Closing Credits - Opening Credits - Credit Memos Created + Tips = Closing A/R

(2) Ensure invoice reversals are enabledInvoice reversals are a feature that can be enabled in your account by setting a reconciliation date under Billing Settings, and this ensures that your records are historically accurate.

We actually have a guide dedicated to this question, where we dive into both of these concepts further: Reconciling Your Accounts Receivable (A/R) Between Periods


Is Jane integrated with a particular Accounting Software (e.g. Quickbooks, Xero, etc.)

Ah, not at this time! While we do not have a direct integration with an accounting software like Quickbooks or Xero, Jane does come equipped with a number of reports that can provide you with an in-depth look at the financial ins-and-outs of your clinic.

Many of these reports are also exportable to a spreadsheet file (.csv or .xslx) which can be imported in most accounting platforms.

For more information on how to work with accounting software alongside Jane, check our our guide on the topic here: Accounting Software and Jane

With that said, we are always interested in learning more about how clinics are using their accounting software alongside Jane to ensure everything at the clinic is running smoothly. Don’t hesitate to send us a message at [email protected] if you have any thoughts, feedback, or questions about this process.


What is the Difference between Reverse and Delete (Safe) and Delete Completely (Dangerous) when Deleting a Payment?

When deleting a payment that had been recorded on a previous date, Jane will present you with two options on how to remove the payment.

Reverse & Delete (Safe): The payment will be deleted and a negative line item will be created in the compensation report to reverse the original payment. This way, there is an audit trail of the original payment, and the fact that the payment has been deleted.

Delete Completely (Dangerous): Will leave no record that this payment ever existed. It may be used in certain circumstances if the payment was truly recorded in error, you have not already paid out your staff members for this period AND your bookkeeper has not already reconciled the period in their books.

Learn more by checking out our guide on Deleting a Patient Payment Taken or Applied in Error


What is the Difference between the Invoiced (Accrual) and Collected (Cash) Accounting Methods?

You will most likely have seen this distinction as a filter on the Compensation Report, or as a preference under your Settings Tab > Billing Settings area.

Collected (Cash) accounting means that revenue will only be reported once an invoice has been paid.

Invoiced (Accrual) accounting means that revenue is reported based on the amounts that have been invoiced, regardless of whether payments have been received and applied to these invoices.

If your business is operating using this style of accounting, we recommend that you set a Reconciliation Date in your account to ensure accurate historical reporting.

If you are unsure which accounting method to use for your business, we recommend touching base with your accountant who can confirm the requirements for your area.


Why is a Certain Line Item Showing Up on my Compensation Report?

Depending on the accounting method (see previous question) you are using to view your Compensation Report, there are two types of dates that will determine whether a line item will show on a Compensation Report.

Invoiced (Accrual): This version of the Compensation Report is based off of the invoice date of an invoice. If the invoice date falls within the specified date range, this invoice will appear as a line item on the report.

A friendly reminder that if your business is operating using this style of accounting, we recommend that you set a Reconciliation Date in your account to ensure accurate historical reporting.

Collected (Cash): This version of the Compensation Report is based off of the applied date of a payment. This can sometimes be a little bit tricky, since the applied date does not always necessarily match the date the payment was received. When a payment is connected to an invoice, a positive line item will show up on the Compensation Report for that date.

Likewise, when a payment is unapplied, a corresponding negative line item will show up for that value on the date the action took place.

With this in mind, if a particular line item is showing up in an incorrect compensation period, you can review the applied dates for all of the applied history activity for that payment.

📍Note: Don’t forget that only invoices with an assigned staff member will appear on the Compensation Report.

Want to learn more about the different types of dates in Jane? Read more in our guide Working With the Purchase, Invoice, Received At, and Applied Dates.


Where can I find the total collected value of all payments that have been received by the clinic for a period of time?

To find the total collected value of all payments that have been received by the clinic for a period of time, I would recommend using the Transaction Report.

The Transactions Report will display all the payments that had been received by the clinic for the date period.


Where can I see a list of all patients with remaining credit on their profile?

Jane has a dedicated Credit Report which will allow you to see who still has available credit on their account!

The Billing Summary Report will also display the credit that has been used or created within your account for a certain period.


Where can I see a list of no show appointments and cancellations?

You can use the Appointments Report to bring up all of the appointment for a particular date range, and in the State column Jane will indicate the status of the appointment (whether it was arrived, cancelled, no showed, etc.).

You’ll be able to Filter the report within Jane too, for these specific states— you just might want to export all of the information to a spreadsheet file to have the software tally up the numbers for you.


How can I find a list of patients who have not booked an appointment?

You can use the List Report to export a report of all your patients by using the three dots in the upper right corner of the report to Export to Excel.

Once you upload the report to Excel, or whichever spreadsheet manager you prefer, you’ll be able to use the First Visit Date column to determine which patients have never had a first visit booked because the column will be blank for those patients.


Where can I see how much money I’ve made since starting my practice?

The Billing Summary Report is a great place to start to get a general overview of not only how the clinic is performing financially, but for each individual staff member.

You’ll want to set the Date Range on this report to your very first day at the clinic or since opening the Jane account to capture an overview of the income generated. Jane will display the total based on the Income Categories a treatment, product, membership or package is attached to.

An image of the billing summary report and where to view the income section broken down by the income source

The Applied column on this report will display all the invoices that have payments applied to them within the date range that you’ve selected. These numbers should reflect the payments that have hit your bank account or are scheduled to hit your bank account.

The Invoiced column will list all the invoices created within that timeframe, regardless of if there are payments attached to them or not.

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