Jane's Guide Here's all the help you need to use Jane.

Wait List Management

  • Managing your Wait List with Jane

    Need a little help managing your Wait List? Jane’s got you covered with automatic waitlist notifications! Keep your schedule full, see your clients sooner, and spend less time and effort doing it.
  • Using the Wait List

    Need a little help managing your Wait List? Jane’s got you covered with automatic waitlist notifications! Keep your schedule full, see your clients sooner, and spend less time and effort doing it.
  • Setting Up Your Wait List Notifications

    ❗️ Heads up that the Wait List Notifications feature is only available on the Thrive Plan. If you’re interested in upgrading your plan, check out our Managing Your Jane Subscription guide.

  • Using Wait List Notifications

    ❗️ Heads up that the Wait List Notifications feature is only available on the Thrive Plan. If you’re interested in upgrading your plan, check out our Managing Your Jane Subscription guide.

  • Using Automatic Wait List Notifications

    ❗️ Heads up that the Wait List Notifications feature is only available on the Thrive Plan. If you’re interested in upgrading your plan, check out our Managing Your Jane Subscription guide.

  • Wait List Notifications: Client Experience

    Need a little help managing your Wait List? Jane’s got you covered with automatic waitlist notifications! Keep your schedule full, see your clients sooner, and spend less time and effort doing it.
  • Wait List Notifications: FAQ, Troubleshooting & Feature Development

    💡Heads up — wait list notifications require the Thrive plan.

  • Why Didn't my Patient Receive a Wait List Notification?: A Troubleshooting Guide

    Are you wondering why a Wait List Notification wasn’t triggered after a cancellation or why only certain patients were eligible to be notified about the cancellation?
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