With multiple ways to collect credit card information before and after appointments, you can prevent no-shows and easily collect fees if they do happen
Generate invoices, receive payments, and automatically sync billing information to your reports with multiple payment options
Don’t wait until your patient’s next appointment to collect outstanding balances — confidently manage your A/R with just a couple of clicks instead
I find that I spend less time chasing money and more time doing the work I love.
Rebecca MacDonald, Owner of Adaptive Mindset: ADHD Counselling Services
Sell your services in a way that works best for you and your patients. With auto-recurring Memberships and Online Gift Cards, payments roll in without the extra effort.
Jane Payments meets the highest security standard to ensure your patients’ credit card data is never at risk
Let Jane do the forward-thinking for you. Secure a deposit, full payment, or save credit cards on file before your patients step through the door.
Create multiple payment methods in your Jane account to track and record payments received outside of Jane
Manage your inventory and sell retail or therapeutic products to patients in person as appointment add-ons or as stand-alone sales
We don’t like to toot our own horn, but we appreciate every review, rating, and achievement that’s powered by our loving customers