Device & Network Recommendations
Since Jane is a web-based application, we’ll need a connection to the internet highway. How much of a connection? Here are our recommendations for a smooth ride:
Using Jane on a Tablet
The easiest way for practitioners to view Jane on their tablet is to use the Day Sheet view at the top. Click the patient appointment once to open the chart and then again to open the appointment details pane. It would look like this:
Using Jane on a Smartphone
If you’re away from your clinic and you need to access Jane, you’re in luck: Jane works on the go too. You can access all of Jane’s features through your smartphone. Simply open your phone’s web browser and enter your clinic’s URL to load the app.
Booking a Break on a Mobile Device (Phone or other Small Screen)
Let’s face it, we do a lot from our phones these days. Here’s how you can block off time on your schedule using your phone. Small screens sometimes require a bit of a design change because only so much can fit!
Practitioner Sign In
Are you a customer or patient? Visit https://accounts.janeapp.com/lookup -
Booking a Break, Vacation and Holidays on Your Schedule
You can use the Break feature to block out time in your staff calendar. This is a quick option for scheduling a day off or blocking off parts of your day.
Log In Help: Username and Password
💡 Did you know staff members can enable 2-Step Verification on their profiles as an extra layer of security? Enabling this feature means you’ll receive a one-time SMS code to your mobile phone as part of the login process.
Chart Parts for Creating a Chart Template
And, a Jane Tip 💡: Many of these Chart Parts can be a tool to build out your Intake Forms. To learn more, head to the Questionnaires section of our Intake Forms guide!
Chart Templates: Creating, Editing and Deleting a Template
Investing time in setting up Chart Templates is a decision you won’t regret, as they can significantly streamline your charting process in the long run. Moreover, Chart Templates are an excellent way to standardize and optimize your charting, ensuring that your charts remain organized, consistent...
Employee & Contractor Taxes with Jane
Several Jane users have asked us recently about tax reporting so we thought we’d go through this with you.
Helping Staff Sign In
There’s a lot of people using Jane! There was a time when only administrative staff would work with the Clinic Management Software, but now with online booking and electronic charting you’ve got patients and practitioners in the mix too.
Increasing Your Fees
When increasing the fees charged in your practice, you’ll want to give your clients some advanced notice of the change.
Keyboard Shortcuts
That’s why there are a number of keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate the Schedule with fewer clicks.
Print to PDF
In order to print to PDF from Jane, make sure you are using Chrome on either a Mac or a PC. Then on a page that has a print button in Jane:
Day View: Sign and Lock Workflow
For the lock icon to show up the treatment has to be connected to the chart entry. Which means it needs to be selected on the schedule (so the “check” needs to be displayed on the appropriate appointment)
Who was Cancelled/Deleted from the Schedule?
Whether it was an “oh shoot” administrative error, or a mysterious spot you were sure used to be filled by a patient, or someone showing up in a spot where they don’t have an appointment there are a few ways to troubleshoot missing appointments.
Subscribing to Your Calendar (for Staff)
Any staff member can easily add Appointments and Shifts to their calendar software by using the Private Calendar URLs listed in their staff profile.
Practitioner's Home Base: Day Sheets & Charts
Practitioner Training: Initial Signing In and Overview
I Can't Access My Jane Account: A Troubleshooting Guide
If you’re looking for help resetting your username or password, that can be found here.
Day End Procedures: for Practitioners
Remembering to do all the things in a day can be daunting, and that’s why we’ve put together a complete guide outlining all our recommendations to ensure each day is all wrapped up neatly 🎁.