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Online Appointment Usage Report

What’s the Online Appointment report?

This report shows you all of the Online Appointments made for the date range selected so clinic owners can see how Online Appointments are being used across practitioners.

Note📝: If you’re looking for a list of all the appointments booked through your online booking site, you’ll want to use the Appointments Report filtered to Booked Online. Check out our guide doc on the Appointments Reports for more details.

The report displays a summary of all Online Appointments (1:1 and Group) made during any given period of time, and also lists the details of each call.

What’s included?


The top of the Online Appointment report is a summary of the Online Appointments by each practitioner. This is a quick area for clinic owners to see how many Online Appointments are being made by each practitioner and the total duration across all calls made by a practitioner. As your clinic makes a transition to include Online Appointments in your offerings, you can see at a high level how well practitioners are adopting these into their practice.

The summary call duration for each practitioner is provided in minutes and the overall total duration also displays this total in hours and minutes format. To see a practitioner’s summary duration in the same hours and minute format, simply filter the report by the staff member.

Details by Appointment

Below the Summary, the report has a table of every Online Appointment session held within the selected timeframe. For each Online Appointment session, you’ll find the date of the appointment, the practitioner and client in the session, the session name, and the duration of their session.


  • In order to differentiate between 1:1 Online Appointments and Group Online Appointments under the Session category, you’ll want to include that information in the session name (e.g. Group Online Appointment).


  • 1:1 Online Appointments: Jane starts the timer for an Online Appointment when both participants are in the video session, and stops when a participant hangs up.
  • Online Appointments for Groups: The timer starts as soon as the first client is welcomed into the call. The time spent in the waiting room does not count. The timer stops when the call is ended by the practitioner

You can click the appointment date to open the appointment in the side panel as well to go into detail for each appointment.

We hope that this is helpful! Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any further questions about the Online Appointment Report.

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