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Strategies for Investigating Reports

Let’s go through some of the strategies available when investigating into reports. Each clinic is a little bit different and relies on different reports for their practice, so this is will be more of a general overview of the resources that you have at your disposal when taking a deeper dive into your clinic’s numbers.

We’d also like to mention that this guide is Jane Support Team approved™ — many of these strategies are used by our team to help investigate and answers questions we receive from clinics, just like yourself!


🔄 Loading a Fresh Copy

Example: I’ve just deleted a handful of insurer payments, but they are still showing up on my Transactions report— why?

Load a Fresh Copy: a report-user’s best friend. While Jane’s reports are live and updated in real-time, if you are making a series of changes to some of your clinic’s data within a short period of time it is always a good idea to load a fresh copy. This ensures that you are seeing the most up-to-date information on your page.


👀 Double-Check Your Filters

It is always a good habit to double-check your filters. For convenience, Jane will do her best to remember which filters are being used as you navigate between reports in the Reports Tab, so you’ll just want to confirm that the parameters set are appropriate for the data you are looking for when moving onto a different report.


📖 Learn More About This Report

Example 1: Which appointments are being considered to determine the Booked (%) value in the Hours Scheduled / Booked Report?

Example 2: What is the difference between the Invoiced (Accrual) and Collected (Cash) versions of the Compensation Report?

If you’d like to learn more about what data is shown on a particular report, or how Jane arrives at a certain calculation, we would recommend checking out the dedicated guide for the report you are working with.

A detailed breakdown of how each metric is calculated is usually listed in the report-specific guide. We do our best to keep these guides up to date, but if the metric you are interested is not explained in the guide— feel free to send us a message and we will be sure to provide you with that information… we will also update the existing guide so that other clinics can access this knowledge as well 💪

If you are looking for a quick way to jump straight to the relevant guide for the report you are working with, click on the Learn more about this report text up at the top-right of the page.


🔍 Consult the Printed/Exported version of a Report, or Consult a Different Report Altogether

Example 1: The Billing Summary report shows that an applied total of $1350 during this past week, but I invoiced $1500 in total— how can I investigate into why these amounts are different?

Example 2: The Adjustment report shows that several Family & Friends discounts were offered within this month, how can I review which specific patients or invoices were involved?

With these types of questions, you may feel confident in your understanding of what type of data is being used to produce a particular value in a report, but are unsure how to drill-down further into the numbers to get a better understanding of what is being shown.

Certain reports are considered more of a “summary” type report where total or net values are shown, rather than an individual breakdown of each line item involved in the calculation. To see a more detailed breakdown, sometimes (1) printing/exporting the report or (2) consulting a different report will provide the additional information that you are looking for.

For example, the invoiced column of the Billing Summary report is a total of all invoices during the period, which can be reviewed in greater detail by visiting the Sales Report.

Likewise, while the Adjustment Report will not show the breakdown of the patients and invoices involved from the main Report page, if you were to Print the report and turn on the detailed mode, this information becomes available.

If you’re curious why some information is tucked away outside of the primary report interface, great question! Since each clinic is a little bit different we try to keep the reports accessible and easy to understand for everyone. Some clinics will only require a basic overview of certain metrics, and others will want to dive in deeper. We have chosen to separate some of this information into the exported version or the report, or a separate report altogether to ensure that the main reports interface is user friendly for everyone.

Still stumped on a particular report? Check out our other guide on Frequently Asked Questions to see if your particular question has been answered.

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