Let’s say there is a draft chart entry that you have previously archived that you’d like to retrieve, or you accidentally archived an entry you meant to keep and finish later……
Good news! – As long as the chart data made its way to Jane’s servers before you archived it, the archived draft would be saved as an archived chart entry.
Jane makes it easy to retrieve any archived chart entries with just a few clicks.
To access Jane’s Archived chart entries, you would want to head to the patient’s chart area and click onto the Filter/Export option located at the top right-hand side. Then, use the All Chart State dropdown menu to tell Jane to display the Archived charts.
From here, you would be able to view all the archived charts for this patient from the past. Select the archived chart entry that you want to retrieve and Jane will display a button at the bottom right corner to Unarchive.
Jane will then place the chart entry back onto the patient’s charts section within their profile. Voila! You can now finish where you left off and then sign and lock your entry when it’s completed.