If you are a practitioner or have practitioners working in your clinic under one of the following disciplines, you are likely wondering how to manage ICBC billing in Jane after April 1, 2019.
- Chiropractors
- Massage Therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Kinesiologists
- Acupuncturists
- Psychologists
- Clinical Counsellors
ICBC has restructured the way that claims for patient’s injured in a motor vehicle are billed and submitted as of April 1, 2019. These exciting changes are aimed at providing pre-authorized treatment coverage to patients through a wider variety of disciplines. In addition to that, ICBC has also developed a web-based form (HCPIR) through which invoices and any applicable reports will be submitted in a simplified way that is the same across all disciplines. We’re pretty excited about these changes and we hope you are too!
For invoicing and reporting, there are a few key points to note prior to beginning billing claims for patients who have been involved in a crash on or after April 1, 2019. This also applies to existing claims for patients having been in a motor vehicle accident prior to April 1, 2019 - the majority of those claims will need to be transitioned to the new billing style.
Vendor Number
ICBC mentions on their website that when submitting claims after April 1, 2019, claims must be submitted with a Vendor Number:
“A vendor number is used to identify the clinic or practitioner that ICBC pays for the treatment service. This is the first number that is asked for on the web-based form.”
ICBC also says:
“If you are working as part of a clinic, the clinic’s vendor number should be used when submitting invoices for treatments provided. If you are a sole proprietor or working on behalf of yourself, you should request a vendor number for submitting invoices related to the treatment that you provided. Whether to use the clinic vendor number, or the practitioner vendor number, will depend on the specific business arrangement of the practitioner.”
If you are unsure if you already have a Vendor Number, or cannot recall what your Vendor Number is, you will need to contact ICBC directly. This can be done through their online feedback form found here
If you do not currently have a Vendor Number, you can apply for one here
ICBC has also published a list of Frequently Asked Vendor Number questions. There’s a chance that some of your questions may be answered in this document and that list can be found here
Obtaining or verifying your vendor number can be done anytime (even before April 1st).
ICBC states:
“The form will ask you for your name, address, business type and payment details. You should receive a reply from ICBC within three business days. Please fill out the information on the form and click the send button to apply for your vendor number. Please enrol in electronic fund transfer (EFT) and email the completed Authorization for Direct Bank Deposit, with attached void cheque, to the address provided in the vendor application form”
Claim Number
As mentioned above, patients will now have a preauthorized number of treatments available to them (depending on discipline) available within the first 12 weeks following the date of a crash if the crash occurs on or after April 1, 2019. It is important that before beginning a patient’s course of treatment, you must ask for their ICBC claim number. If more than 12 weeks have passed since the date of their accident and not all, or none of the pre-authorized treatments have been accessed, you will need to contact ICBC for approval to continue billing for that patient.
To submit invoices for claims April 1, 2019 and onward, you will need to submit both invoices and any required reports through a Healthcare Provider Invoicing and Reporting (HCPIR) web-based form. HCPIR applies to invoicing and reporting for the following disciplines : Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Clinical Counsellors, Kinesiologists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists and Registered Massage Therapists.
According to ICBC:
“The HCPIR form will allow input of details relating to the treatment provided and expenses incurred, as well as the attachment of supporting documents or receipts - creating a more streamlined submission process.”
When submitting HCPIR forms, you must remember to include both your Vendor Number and the patient’s ICBC Claim Number.
Effective April 1, 2019, the fee schedule for a patient’s initial visit covers both the treatment and an initial report. These reports will need to be submitted along with any applicable invoices using the HCPIR web-based form.
ICBC says:
“Where reports relating to patient assessments are not provided, they will be requested by ICBC, at which point report submission is required. Acupuncturists and registered massage therapists may be requested to submit reports”
For more information about the changes to billing and reporting for ICBC claims, including the report types and guidelines for each click here
Videos and resources for how to submit invoices, reports etc. can be found on ICBC’s website here
📄 Submitting a PDF form online? If you are working with fillable PDF forms that you have downloaded from the ICBC website and would like Jane to help give you a bit of a head start filling out some of the fields, check out our guide on Fillable Forms for more information!
For specific instruction on how to bill claims in Jane for each of the above mentioned disciplines, please see below :
- For Physiotherapy Click Here
- For Massage Therapy Click Here
- For Kinesiology Click Here
- For Psychology Click Here
- For Clinical Counselling Click Here