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Importing Sales to Xero from Jane

This guide will walk through the steps of importing the invoices generated within Jane into Xero.

A friendly reminder that you may not necessarily need to upload each individual invoice into your bookkeeping platform. Instead, some clinics will create journal entries on a regular basis to indicate the total change in A/R for a period. We recommend chatting with your bookkeeper to determine which workflow may be best suited for your practice.

For more information check out our Accounting Software and Jane guide.

Background Information

There are a few important things to note when moving invoices raised in Jane over to your Xero account, so we’ll take a look at these before we get into the nitty-gritty of working with the reports.

  • We’ve heard from most clinics that they do need to transfer over total invoiced amounts with individual invoices for their chosen reporting period, but that no patient names or identifying information needs to be moved over. This guide will show the process based on those requirements but the same steps will do the trick if you do need to pull the patient names over.

  • There is some manual work involved to get the information out of Jane and make it Xero-friendly. We’re recommending the copy and paste method demonstrated in the video as it makes the process quicker and more precise than simply renaming the column titles from Jane’s sales export.

  • To manually import invoices to Xero you’ll need to use their Sales Invoice Template CSV file, as it’s not possible to reassign column titles or headers during the import process. You’ll find this template in your Xero account, just head to Business > Invoices > Import and click “Download template file”:

  • The Sales Invoice Template sheet is blank apart from Xero’s column titles. The column titles must remain unchanged for the import to complete successfully.

  • One of the required columns in the template is “due date”. This is a concept that doesn’t exist within Jane’s invoices, but you will need to enter something in the field for each invoice. We’ll run through an example of how you can quickly set a due date of 30 days, 60 days, 90 days etc. and apply this to all invoices in your sheet.


Step 1 – Sales Report

Make sure you have Xero’s Sales Invoice Template open in your spreadsheet program.

To get the invoices out of Jane head to Reports > Sales and enter your date range. Click the three dots and select Export to CSV:

Open that file in your spreadsheet program. You’ll need to flip between Jane’s Sales Report and Xero’s Sales Invoice Template as there’s some copying and pasting involved.


Step 2 – Copying & Pasting

This is the fun part! You’ll need to highlight and copy some columns in your Sales Report then flip to Xero’s template and paste the information in there. The video linked above shows the whole process, but here are our recommended column matches for Xero’s required fields. Xero’s column titles are to the left with Jane’s column titles to the right:

ContactName = Location , Patient, or a term of your choice (eg. the word “Patient” to keep invoices anonymous)

InvoiceNumber = Invoice#

InvoiceDate = Invoice Date

DueDate = No corresponding date from Jane. The formula to calculate the Due Date is: =M2+30 Where the “=” tells Excel that we are writing a formula, “M2” is the particular cell where the invoice date data is located, and “+30” means we are adding 30 days on top of the invoice date. Enter the formula in field N2 then drag it to the end of the column.

Description = Item

Quantity = No corresponding number from Jane. You can enter “1” and drag this to the end of your sheet.

UnitAmount = Total

AccountCode = Your Xero sales account code. We’re using 200 as the default. Drag this to the end of your sheet.

TaxType = Enter your Xero TaxType if applicable. If you don’t charge taxes enter “0” and drag to the end of the sheet.

The above list covers all of the required fields to complete the import to Xero. You may have additional information you’d like to include, in which case you can copy and paste that in there or manually adjust things once the invoices have been imported to Xero.

When you’ve finished copying and pasting the information over you can save the final CSV ready for import. Xero will only accept a CSV file for import so make sure it’s saved as a .CSV rather than .xlsx


Step 3 – Importing to Xero

Sign in to your Xero account and head to Business > Invoices > Import then click the “Browse” button to locate your CSV file.

There are two selections to make on this page:

“Would you like to update contact address details?” & “Is the UnitAmount field tax inclusive or exclusive”

Your choices here will depend on the information you’ve included in your CSV. If you aren’t importing patient names and contact details you can click to ignore all address details, and if you don’t collect taxes or haven’t included them in your sheet you can select whichever option makes sense to you.

Next, click Import

If there are any errors or information is missing Xero will notify you immediately. Otherwise, you should see the page loading as Xero processes the import. All of the invoices will be imported as drafts so you can make any changes to them in Xero or simply submit them for approval/approve them from there.

And that’s it, job’s a good ‘un! If you have any questions about this process, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

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