Sometimes you need to correct the payment method associated with a past payment. Whether you accidentally selected the wrong credit card or recorded an ETF when it was really an insurer’s cheque, Jane makes it easy to modify payment details after a transaction has been recorded.
Note📝 These instructions apply only to payments made outside of Jane’s native payment system (such as cheques, cash, Venmo, Interac eTransfer, PayPal, etc.). You cannot modify payment methods for transactions processed directly through Jane Payments.
To start, head over to the Patient’s Profile, click on Billing within the profile and then on Payments. From there, you can click on View to the right of the payment you’d like to update.
On the next page with the payment details, click on Edit.
Lastly, you’ll want to click on the Payment Method dropdown menu and select the correct payment method. Make sure to hit Save to confirm those changes.
Further Reading
Not seeing the payment method you need listed within the dropdown menu? Learn more about how to update this list with our Creating a Payment Method guide.
If this payment was recorded in error, check out our guide on Deleting a Patient Payment for more details.
As always, if you have any additional questions or concerns, you can contact our support team and we’ll be happy to help 💙