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Invoicing for Minors

Hey there!

Are you a practitioner who sees clients who are minors? If so, this guide will show you how to edit invoices in Jane to include the name of the parent or guardian who will be paying for the visit.

At this time, the client and bill to sections of the invoice will be same if it is privately covered. If the session is insured, the bill to area will be populated with the third party’s billing address instead.

With that said, one alternative that may work for you clinic is to edit the details of the receipt to add the name of the person who will be the payer. Let’s get started!

Once you have arrived the appointment by clicking the Arrive button at the top of the appointment panel, you can edit the details of the receipt by scrolling down to the Billing Info section of the appointment panel and clicking on the blue client invoice text:

You can then add any additional text in the Details area and click Save at the bottom when you’re done.

Here is what it would look like on the invoice:

That’s it!

If you’d like, you can check out our guide Payments for Related Clients to see how you can use Jane’s relationships feature to accurately reflect the payer of an invoice (and the payment method) when one client is paying for someone else. For this workflow, both clients, in this case parent and child, must have a profile in your account.

We do currently have a feature request for being able to set the Bill To: to the parent. You can click the link here to vote on the request and add any feedback.

This is so helpful for our team as we decide which features to build in Jane and how they should look.

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