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⏱️ Time Codes
- 08:32- Intro to Smart Options & Narratives
- 15:10- Creating a Smart Option Chart Template
- 16:32- Choice Style
- 17:36- Display Signed Note as
- 18:03- Subjects
- 19:12- Choices
- 21:46- Transitioning Existing Chart Parts into Smart Options
- 24:40- Building a Narrative Chart Template
- 29:26- Charting from the Day View
- 30:36- Charting with Smart Options & Narratives
- 32:17- Changing your Template on the Fly (+ 36:16)
- 34:18- How Smart Options & Narratives Display in a Signed Chart
- 35:00- Pinning a Smart Option or Narrative
- 38:04- Combining Chart Templates
- 40:07- Smart Options & Narratives for Letters or Progress Reports
- 46:28- Intro to Phrases
- 47:29- Setting up your Phrases
- 48:56- Creating a Professional Looking Chart
- 49:06- Adding ID Numbers
- 49:33- Adding a Signature
- 50:15- Chart Template Basics
- 52:00- Chart Template Library
- 54:50- Charting Demo
- 59:57- Adding Billing Codes to a Chart
- 1:02:54- Sharing Chart Notes with Clients
- 1:03:26- Chart Privacy Settings
- 1:03:55- Exporting Charts
- 1:05:09- Medical Alerts
- 1:05:49- Checking if you’ve Charted
- 1:07:20- Dictation in Jane
- 1:11:55- The Hosts’ Favourite Charting Features
- 1:14:17- Q&A
📜 Transcript
Ali- Good Morning! [00:00]
Well, good morning, everybody. Happy Saturday. I was wondering how, Oh, hi. Hi for Annti Emma. If you guys wanna change your two at the bottom, right? From panelists to everybody, like we couldn’t figure out how to change it. So panelists and attendees, if you want to change it, well I assume you want to talk to everybody unless you only want to talk to us, which is also fine. Good morning from Vancouver. Hi everybody. I love it.
When we hear from you in the chat. So switch your little, your toggle from panellists, to panellists and attendees. Good morning, Ms. Koka. Hello. Good morning everybody. It’s don’t worry about it. If it’s noisy in your background, you don’t have audio so you won’t be heard or you won’t be distracting. So let your kids run wild back there. I actually just kicked two of my kids out of the house. I have one that’s a teenager, and I assume she’ll sleep through this whole thing since we’re in Vancouver. Good morning from Halifax. Hi everybody.
So would you, I would love it. If you’d put your discipline. I’m hearing, seeing lots of geographies, which is great. I’d love to know what kind of practitioner you are or if you’re a physio, counselor ND amazing. Hi everybody. Oh, I’ve missed you all so much. Love it. So I love seeing all these disciplines. We were just talking about this this morning because we have to choose usually like when you choose a practitioner in the demo site to use and we choose examples when we’re building out these webinars and we are there’s a lot of chiropractor, examples in this. So for you chiropractors, good morning. And we’re all author, we’re gonna weave in some some mental health examples because mental health practitioners tend to use the charting a little bit differently than manual therapists. Good morning. Hi everybody. And these great, perfect. So psych NP. Yes. Nurse practitioner. I love that. I just was learning about that actually. Are you in New York? Yeah. Wonderful London, UK. What time is it in London right now? Who can tell me? Who knows the world clock? It’s 8:30. It’s 8:30 here in Vancouver. Oh, 4:30 perfect. This is a great time. Okay. Trauma, counsellor and structural integration. There are so many people here from so many different disciplines. So we’re gonna do our best to build out. We have examples here that are just examples. And of course, they’re gonna be different for your own practice. So I love it. I love that there’s so many people here from so many different disciplines. It’s making my heart so happy. I just want to sit here and talk to you all morning. We don’t need to do charting physiotherapists from Newfoundland. Wonderful.
Okay. So there are lots of different disciplines here. We’re gonna do our best to, to show some examples but really it requires a little bit of imagination from you to look at these examples and think about how you practice specifically and the kind of treatment that you provide. Mainly because these are very customizable features which means that you will build your exact examples for your exact practice. And so we’re just we’re just showing you some, some examples of that.
Alex: Yeah. Every example that we show today is applicable to pretty much every discipline I would say.
Ali: Okay. Okay. Good. Well, there’s lots of manual there. So mental health practitioners might feel like they’re not being represented, but we love you. We know you’re here. This is Alex and Sam. We have, so we have four people from Jane here. Well, and myself, I’m Ali. Hi, co-founder of Jane. This is Sam. I always point, but they’re probably in different spots for you is an RMT. She’s gonna introduce herself in just a little bit. Alex has radio background tell from his headphones. It will be recorded, yep. And I’m gonna talk about that actually in just one sec. And then we’ve got Erica and Kiki will be in chat with us and I’ll be in chat as well. Cause I don’t want to interrupt Alex and Sam who have a lovely presentation on charting for you this morning.
I did want to say there, this is quite a complicated idea. The smart options it can, it can feel like it’s a lot. And so you will be getting a recording of this video of this whole session tomorrow. I believe it’s gonna come out tomorrow. Which means if you miss something or you’re gonna you need to go back. You’ll want to go back and pause. It. You’ll want to work with Sam and Alex while they’re showing you something, you can work in your own account and practice building your templates. So don’t worry if it feels like it’s a little bit too fast or you wanted to go back and look at something or you wished you could pause and you’ll be able to do that tomorrow when the recording comes out. So there’s that. And then also don’t… feel free to ask questions in the chat. We’re gonna be in there talking to you the whole time while Sam and Alex, go through go through all the smart options, smart charting. Okay. I think that’s all. If I have more, I’m gonna talk to everyone in the chat cause I love it in there. So you, you two can take it away.
Alex: Perfect. Thank you so much, Allie for that excellent introduction.
Ali: And I have one more thing to say just that when I was watching the run-through yesterday I realized that the speakers sometimes cover part of the screen that you might need to see. So if the speakers are covering your screen just come out of full screen on your zoom. As you’re watching or try, you can drag the speakers around like us, our little heads on the side. If they’re in an awkward spot for you just move them around. Cause you might not be able to see some of the buttons. Okay. Now I’m really done.
Alex- Introduction [05:27]
Thank you for that. Excellent. Well, everyone, welcome to our Smart Charting Workshop. My name is Alex. I’ll be working with Sam today and we’ll be talking to you a little bit about smart charting, framed around this kind of subject of learning to spend less time with your charts and Jane, and more time with your patients. A little bit about us before. My name is Alex. I work on the customer support team on the us side of things. I like delving into the complicated insurance and shoes that the US provides as well as you know cat’s coffee for my relaxing times, stuff like that. And as Ali said, I do have some background in radio. So if there’s any podcast, people or radio people in the chat, please let me know Sam.
Sam- Introduction [06:10]
Hi, I’m Sam. I am on the Canadian customer support team. And Jane and my background outside of Jane, as Sally mentioned is in massage therapy in Canada, BC specifically. So sometimes if I seem pretty excited about charts that’s coming from a place that really liking some cool charts and Jane but then also being able to appreciate that really anything that can make charting and administrative work in practice more efficient. I’m sure everyone here can relate to that. So yeah, my legs definitely included efficiency tools and chain. And I also like cats and coffee. Those are probably more like lives but we’ll continue on with the presentation. Yeah.
Alex- What’s on the menu today [06:53]
You can only talk so much about cats and coffee today. So anyways, to talk about what we’re gonna be learning today we’re going through a couple things in Jane. We’re gonna be framing the idea of smart charting templates for you guys including how to convert some of your existing chart parts to our smart options at narrative phrases that we just released. We also have a little bit on the life cycle of a chart and Jane everything from building that chart template using the chart template library, signing that chart filling it out and then even exporting it and printing it to send it to third parties for the time. We’ll also answer your most commonly asked charting questions from our Jane community. You guys we’ll also be posing some questions in the chat as you go. You can throw your, your answers, I should say, in the chat. And then finally, we’ll finish off with our top five need to know charting tips with the little bonus. If you’re waiting
Sam: I am just gonna go ahead here and kind of get into charting with smart options. Alex, can you enable my sharing?
Alex: Yeah of cos We did that already. No problem. It looks like I actually don’t have the permissions for this one, so I will need Destin or Ali.
Sam: Off to a great tech start here. Okay, awesome.
Alex: I just stopped my share. Hopefully that helps.
Ali: I just changed the setting. Let’s see.
Sam: Thanks. Okay. That should be good there. Hey, so smart charts in Jane I’m gonna be talking a little bit about smart options and how to use them. And Alex is gonna take it away with phrases and more of our quick charting tips here.
Sam- An Overview of Smart Options & Narratives [08:45]
Yeah. So smart options is a chart that’s similar to other chart modules in Jane such as check boxes and drop smart options includes customizing your own subjects and choices. And Jane will, then auto-generate a summary of findings in a form that you select the subjects are what are being evaluated and the choices are the options being selected. It’s really quick and easy to use smart options once created. It’s it’s easy to complete your charting just by clicking and selecting items as you go along rather than writing everything out. When you set this up to you really suit your charting needs. This can be quite a time saver.
Another really great feature. I think of this chart part is that having it pretty set up can give you a really good reminder of things you wish to chart. So things you wish to chart test and evaluate. So you don’t forget something you wanted to chart. Yeah. So we’ll pop ahead here. Okay. So here’s an example of an assigned smart option chart that gets displayed in a bullet form here. So once you do have your smart options set up you can choose this chart part to display as an organized bullet form looks such as this example or if you prefer you can set this sign chart to display as a narrative. So we’ll look at kind of the difference here. So when I look at this slide here I can see that I have some choices with buttons at the top that are selected and then it gets created into a sentence form or the narrative in Jane, such as at the bottom. So it’s a little bit different in how it’s displayed. So again, there’s the bullet form how the sign note will look and then the narrative and Jane.
So the sentences is this a pretty kind of simple form of smart options and simple in the way that you can have it set up to kind of, auto-populate a sentence for you or a paragraph, anything in between. So really versatile. So this third part really allows staff members to create a quick and easy narrative just by using a few simple steps. First, you can select your options like in the example, up top, like the worst, same or better. And then Jane will create the narrative. As you see below and the sentences are populated using the narrative. You can easily click along while you’re in the appointment. Charting, for example, just clicking, selecting and recording your findings. And then at the end of the appointment save when you’re finishing charting you when the chart is actually signed, Jane will auto-generate a narrative of your findings into sentence form. So really giving your chart a polished and professional appearance, even though all you had to do was just click and select your choices pretty easy.
Ali: Sam, I’m going to cut in for one second, which I know I said I wouldn’t do, but I do want to mention to everybody because there’s some questions happening in the chat that Sam’s gonna just show you kind of like the very basic idea here, which is you click through your findings and your end result is a sentence. So this is just introduction introducing what the feature does at all which I think most of you seem to understand already. And you’re like, where’d we do this. I did the same. I watched a recording of this last night. And I was like, okay, now show me, show me how to do it. Like show me where this is. And that is the very next step. And also throughout the whole, the whole presentation I was like, exactly how you are in the chart. Right? And I was like, wait, go back, show me that. And they do loop around. Always. They answer all your questions. You just have to, you just have to wait, but I was I’m laughing at your chat. Cause I literally was watching this last night. It’d be like the exact same way but they do a wonderful job at like wrapping it all in. I know this does this seems like step through, but it’s not. So I’m totally like you I’m watching your chat. They do a great job. So just be a little bit patient. Yeah. It’s an hour. It’s like a 45 minute presentation. So they will definitely get to this very deep like step-by-step so don’t worry. It’s coming. Okay, sorry go ahead Sam.
Sam: Okay. Thanks Ali. Thanks for that reminder. Yeah. So I’m definitely gonna kind of walk through the steps of how you create smart options and then how you actually, how you can build them use them and add them into your charts. Yeah. So if it’s actually a pretty quick and easy so we will, we will actually hop there pretty soon here. Yeah. Before then for anybody who’s for anybody who’s actually used smart options
Ali: Sam, it sounds like most people haven’t ever used them. That’s why they
Sam: They’re not voting till like, after they practiced.
Ali: Everyone’s like, we’ve never used them that’s why we are here.
Sam: Yeah. Well, maybe we’ll skip our vote today. Okay. So I am gonna hop into our, into our next bit here. So how do we actually start using smart options? You can build them in existing chart templates. You can build them in their own chart template. You can also click to add to individual charts as you’re going along for the day and really exciting. You can also transition your existing check boxes and drop-downs into smart options just by copying and pasting. So now I’m gonna head over to our demo clinic and we’ll walk through some examples of how you can use smart option templates as well as how you can ways in which you can use them. So that just the daily charting and also for things you might not think of right away. So also letters and progress reports there really so many ways to use smart options. So I’ll give you some examples like Ali said, how you might go about using this chart feature just to suit your needs but keep in mind, it’s totally customizable. So you can basically use them for whatever you come up with to help you chart efficiently.
Sam- Building a Smart Option Chart Template [14:53]
Okay. So, you know, have into our demo. Okay. So here we have, I’m just gonna minimize it. We’ve been here. So here we have our demo. I’m signing this, Dr. Marcus. I’m just gonna pop there now. And I am gonna head to his job profile and into chart templates. Okay. So here I can see I have some templates already set up for Dr. Marcus. I’m gonna click to add a new one to go over kind of a simple example of how you can start with smart options. Just like any building, any template. I can click and start with the title here. So maybe I want to choose something. Right. For example, then I’m just gonna click into the Rubik’s cube and I’m gonna start building out my template. So I am choosing the smart options and narrative here. Again, just like building any template I can just hover and click to edit. So for example, I’m gonna use my same lips title. Well, I’m typing crazy here. Sorry. Okay. And I can choose here in my, when I’m building my smart options, I can choose my choice style how I want my sign chart to display as well as my subjects. Again, what you’re being evaluating and my choices.
Choice Style [16:33]
What I will start with here is my choice now. So I can choose buttons, check boxes that can see over here. Drop downs is parts are probably pretty familiar to people. If you’re using chain charts already and slider options. I mean, you go back and choose a binder just cause I like pens. Yeah. So then when I go to display, assign note, I’m a few options here
Ali: Sam, can you go back and just show in the background how each of those choice styles change as you just a little slower there. So in the choice tiles, you can see in the background there that is Sam clicks between choices styles in the builder. It flips over. So buttons will give you just click buttons, which is fine. If you have less choices, then it can change to check boxes. Just, it depends on the way that you want to record your findings. You can do it as buttons check boxes, drop downs, your sliders. So this is how you’re creating the way that you record your findings for this particular.
Display Signed Note as…[17:33]
Sam: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And then, so for how you, the next kind of step is how you would like your sign note to up here. So you can choose into all options. So basically telling Jane that even if you don’t end up selecting an option, you still want that part displayed in assigned note selected options or the narrative, the sentence builder. We’re gonna come back to the narrative in another example, here. This example I’m gonna choose the selecting options.
Choosing Subjects [18:03]
Next thing here is we want to choose best subjects here. And because if we’re adding things in and we have our choices here, it’s nice to choose subjects that the same choices apply to all of the subjects. So today in our example we’re choosing…. and I’m gonna leave the choices as the default here, just because they are pretty applicable, I can always add more. I can take out some here and really fine.
Ali: I am gonna just mention, it’s hard to see it in the background there, as you’re changing those subjects on the side there, they’re shifting over behind where it’s hidden. You can see now it says pain worse, the same better. So what you’re changing is like, what, what am I measuring? And what are the, what are the outcomes? And so the subject is, what am I measuring? And the choices are, what are the outcomes? And you can add as many as you want here in the template builder. It’s just tricky to see it behind but it is changing as Sam makes changes you can see the background.
Sam: Awesome. And then, so really kind of fun. You can also change, say you would rather chart with pictures, diagrams, that sort of thing. You can always change it like that. So instead of like maybe “worse” in the button you could actually use short labels here. (For some reason it’s not working… there we go). So, so for example, if we wanted to use little emojis maybe angry face for “worse”, we can see that it’s changing in the buttons on the side there. So then we can go ahead and save. So if we like these short labels, we can save I can always see how my template is. I can go ahead and see how that looks. For example, when I’m using the template I can just click ahead. So this is a pretty simple way. I’m just like kind of tiny, tiny smart options just with buttons here. So I have my subjects and then I have my choices which will be in the chart here. And then I can just go ahead and see pretty easy here. Then it pops it into my templates here and just like normal.
Ali: They want to know how you have emojis, Same. So when, when Sam and Alex pull things off of their computer, like files or these emojis you don’t see their pop-up screen. Cause she’s the only sharing one screen. But with an emoji you can do Control+Command. What is it? I just do it. Control+Command+Space Yeah. I just do it. No automatically on a Mac Control+Command+Space on anything that you’re doing on a computer and you’ll get your emojis. So it’s like, you could even do it right now in the chat. If you want, if you are in a Mac and you do Ctrl+Command+Space bar it, you can put emojis in the chat, but be PG please, because I’m recording this. I don’t know how that works on a windows machine somehow. I don’t know if you know how to get emojis on a windows machine, let us know. So you look now you’re all like pro level emojis. I know. Does anyone on a PC? No know how to get emojis? I’ll research. Oh, push window button and period. Mike Lee today. Okay. Sorry everybody.
Sam- Transitioning Existing Chart Parts into Smart Options [21:25]
That’s awesome. Okay. So we’ll just go done for now next. And then we can come back to how you use these. So how that will look in a sign chart but I want to show you some examples of how you can build different options and then go and use them and see how they work in charts and how they get displayed on a side note.
So the next example I’m gonna show you here is actually how you can transition your existing checkboxes and dropdowns into smart charts. So basically using smart options, which is pretty fun. So you don’t go ahead and open one a name already created here. Is this just an example? So pain scale for checkboxes. And then I have a dropdown on range of motion getting used the checkbox this year. So they have an existing template I can just hover over. So it’s yellow, just like all of them. And you either click those three dots too or just click on the yellow space. I can actually just go ahead and select everything and copy it. Go ahead and just exit out of there. So I just stack Command+ C copy there. And then I’m gonna go ahead and click done. I’m gonna pop it into a template I already have here preloaded. So I already have these here converted into smart options but I’m gonna show how I did that. So I, again, I click the Rubik’s here and because I’m creating a smart chart with smart options and I had, and select that button here. Again I’m just gonna click to edit here and build out my trick here. So the checkboxes that I just took were for a pin scale. And maybe because I have a lot of choices I don’t want to have a lot of buttons in the background because I had 10 there. I’m gonna choose that drop-down just making it easier here. I’m gonna now paste in what I had in for data. And we checked boxes. I can do that either in subjects or the choices fields here in smart options. I want to choose choices though because I’m gonna be choosing from those numbers. So that makes sense here. What I can do is just remove so many items here. I’m gonna delete this “better” here and I’m just gonna Command+ V and paste my checkboxes here. So Jane’s got all my choices from my previous chart template right in there. And I can go ahead and enter in my subjects. For example, I’m just gonna choose maybe Dr. Marcus, he’ll write in here, what he most normally treats. And just keep in mind that this is just a template when you and I’ll show you this when we’re actually using the smart options. But for example, not everybody who sees Dr. Marcus is coming for back or neck, for example. So at the time of charting for that particular patient he can actually just come in here and edit. Maybe it’s a shoulder or something, but it’s nice. They keep these options in here and reminding him this is what he’s using his template for. And I’m gonna remove this last option just because they don’t need that there. And I’m gonna come back up to how I want to display this note. Just so it’s ready to go. When we’re practicing using the chart here.
I’m gonna actually choose this time the narrative just to show you how Jane can basically build out your charts and seeing for you save you a lot of time here. Okay? So when we select the narrative the options changed a little bit here. We have this sentence builder in the middle and kind of fun here and useful at the bottom as a preview. So as I start putting in the different sections here for the narrative Jane is gonna show me what it’s gonna look like using the subjects, then the options just so I know if the sentence that I want is correct. So we have an intro to a sentence and outro, and in the middle we can choose our subjects through our choices and how they work together. For example, for the intro part of the sentence maybe we’re gonna say “the patient reports that their” and then I’m gonna choose my subjects and choices here and there’s formatting instruction but you can just click on either the choice or the subject. And Jane will do that for you. So for example I’m gonna choose this subject and maybe just “is” and I can see how the sentence is building down here. I’m gonna choose the choice and for the outro maybe I’m gonna say “on the pain scale”.
Ali: I just want to remind everyone, that the subject is what you entered at the top. What am I measuring the choice is what was the outcome? So you would say, and then if you look down at the previous sentence there this is the part that feels like a little advanced. And you might want to go back and pause. But what Sam is doing is teaching Jane how to write just write a sentence, using your measurements like basically what you’ve observed, like your your clinical reportings, your clinical findings. So intro the patient reports that if you if you were a counsellor you might want to say the client reports that or you can change that to be your language. However you want to say. And then you would say, what I’m measuring is what I found with your, you have gonna be computer programmers a hundred percent. You guys can totally do this. It’s amazing. And then the outro is the end of the sentence whatever you would want to say after. So if you see the preview, Jane will tell you so you can kind of play around. You can, the patient reports that their back is one to 10 on the pain scale at this visit. So that would be your intro, the patient reports that they’re subject, which is what you entered at the top and whatever you’ve clicked on when you’re recording. So you were saying, well, I want to talk about their back today. And I have that on a scroll up a little there
Sam: What’s.. Oh, there we go.
Ali: Yeah. so the subjects you’ve also created these here that are really depending on how you treat, once you understand the rules you can build your own versions of this. That’s based on what you treat, what, you know how you perform your, like what modalities you do. Like if you’re, if you do a lot of TMJ you would create a very specific narrative around that. So it takes a little bit of playing around pronouns. Yeah. We stayed. We pronouns. I mean, I could do a whole session on pronouns which I would actually really love. I’d love to do a round table on pronouns with anyone that wants to talk about them. But yes, I would love to talk about pronouns in greater detail, but if you scroll down and you play around, it’s really fascinating to see how it’s so powerful: subjects, choices, intro, outro. You’re just teaching Jane how to write a sentence and then you can do as many of these as you want. I’m sorry, Sam, go ahead now.
Sam: Yeah, that’s okay. And then one thing to note is that so today in the preview here, obviously this is pretty like a simple form because it’s just one sentence but depending what you really need to come across in your charts, what you really need to say you can have many sentences I’m saying maybe in the outro or in the intro. So when Jane builds your, your chart and you sign it’s actually gonna be maybe more of a paragraph rather than a sentence. So you can kind of practice for what you might want to use this for. And just, you can always have a look here to how Jane is populating it. Because for example, when I go ahead and end the sentence as I used to with a period I can see that Jane already has a period. So I don’t need to add one there. So I can always just test what I’m putting in there just to see how it looks. And we will go ahead and just state that if it wasn’t quite right I can always just come back and edit that. So that’s a pretty easy option of how you can convert checkboxes and you can do the same thing with dropdowns. We’re just gonna go ahead and save that. And then we’re gonna come back in how you use that in, in your actual chart here.
Sam- Charting with Smart Options & Narratives [29:24]
Okay. So I’m gonna head to the Day View here for Dr. Marcus and the Day View is really an essential part of where the practitioner is gonna be charting from the date. Jane always likes emphasize that not only because it can be a really useful area. So I have my date for today. I can always go ahead to another day, but I can also if I go ahead and click, I can’t, as everybody knows see the charts here and then right, click again. I can do all my kind of starting. I can do arrive, pay for it. I can see the history and status of an appointment pretty easily without leaving the same screen. And another essential reason why you’d want to be charting from the Day View is that when I click new chart entry and go ahead and create a new template Jane is automatically attaching my chart entry to the appointment that I clicked on. So the appointment date matches and the correct chart is attached to that appointment. Of course, if I was starting for yesterday, for example you can see how that comes in really handy because it would be dated for yesterday. The only thing to keep in mind of course, is that yes when you sign a chart it’s gonna be signed for when you actually sign it but your chart will be correct for the appointment that you wish to chart.
But now we’ll go into a little bit more about how to use the smart options here. So I’m gonna click the demo owner here. I’m just gunna move my zoom here. Okay. So with our chart entries here, I’m gonna go over an example that I meet here, just showing how the different options that you chose as choices can be displayed. And this is really just your preference. So if we choose the same information for each of these smart options section, when the note is signed it’s gonna show up as exactly the same. For example, these are all set to be shown as bullet forms. So you’ll see that when we signed the notes if the information is the same, it’s gonna end up being the same, but it’s really about how we like to chart. What’s our preference here. So maybe we like these emoji’s with buttons. That’s what we like to chart with pictures and colors. Things like that. Maybe the shoulder, the back is the same neck is better. Same thing. Whereas with the checkbox, this everyone’s probably pretty familiar with them. These kinds of styles, we have the dropdown It’s gonna go through and select these. And same with the sliders here Now we get into these two items though, the pain scale and the range of motion, we’re set up to be using the narrative. So this is where you get to see how that works. For a signed note in Jane, so with the pain scale, for example, just like we talked about, maybe the person that Dr. Marcus is charting work, didn’t actually come in for back and neck, but he has that in his original template. We can just like any chart part When we’re editing at the time of an individual chart I can just easily come in here, click to edit and it brings up my smart options and narrative choices here and everything that I can customize. So if I want to leave everything the same, but I want to change the subjects that I’m evaluating. So maybe it’s not their back and neck. Maybe he’s seeing someone for back and right shoulder at the time of this chart you can just quickly say that I can put up like I could emit unlimited drop-downs for all sorts of body parts that he would normally treat for but this is just an easy way to change it. It doesn’t take very long to edit that. Then I can come in and see the range of motion here. Well, actually I’m gonna select my options. So for the, for the back here, say they have reported eight out of 10. We can see that as we’re in a draft state of our chart that the, the options are getting populated into the narrative, into the sentence where maybe the right shoulder is pretty bad today.
So then Jane shows us what the signed note will look like. These parts here, you’ll see once the note is signed won’t appear in the chart, just the narrative, same thing for range of motion. This can always be edited. So maybe if we wanted to change it to back and right shoulder for example, you can always click to edit. Maybe range of motion you didn’t need on this chart. You can just delete the smart option, same sort of thing. Here. We can go ahead and select maybe what their shoulder range of motion is. And then Jane will populate the sentence here. I’m getting go ahead and sign the note And see how those options just lay here. So at the top, we can see these are all the bullet forms just like we talked about. It looks very similar, but how we got there was different and you can build your smart options templates really just how you like to chart. And if you like sliders if you like buttons, we can choose those. But the signed note, if you choose the selected options or all options are gonna be showing in bullet form. Then we get down to see how the pain scale and the range of motion were populated using the narrative. So here again is pretty simple. It’s just one sentence, but if it was a longer thing that we had made we would see a paragraph there. For example, another really fun thing about this. You can still go ahead and pin these items just like any chart with the smart option. So for example, we have the sentence make and the pain scale, maybe we, we are keeping track of that like say, every visit for Dr. Marcus, we can go ahead and pin the item. We’ll get a notice that it’s pinned. We’re gonna go back up to the top. And Jane’s kind of put a little card there for pinning this particular chart part item, keeping it front and center for something we’re tracking. Jane is gonna show us that there’s an item pinned. We ever want to clean up the look here. Just maybe how our clinics are. We can just go ahead and click that we can also colour code these. So for example, I was keeping track of range of motion and the pain scale. For example, I can colour-code them. The more visits I see the more cards we’ll get pins here. And then I can go ahead and track really easily, rather than say expanding all the charts and closing them. That’s easy too, but this is, this is nice for keeping track of things. If it was never, if it was like something I didn’t want to track anymore, I could just quickly unpin it as well So super easy there. Awesome. So I’m gonna end up closing that here
Ali: Sam, Can I jump in and answer just a couple of questions. One is that when Sam edited the options within a chart it was being edited only for that patient. So the template was not being edited. It was just being edited for that one entry.
Sam: Yeah, that’s a great point. I forgot to bring that up. So it’s really easy for a charge to edit at the time just for that particular visit, even if it was just like that one chart and not their other charts or other patients but the original template is still gonna remain the same. So maybe that’s how I’d like it as a good reminder for me. But then at the time of individual charts I can adjust them.
Ali: And then the other thing is people are asking about templates for their particular styles of practice. And I did want to mention that we have it’s kind of free, unlimited support at Jane. We always want to talk to you and help you. So you’re, if you want to let us know that you want to book an appointment with one of our team members we can just help you build out templates as well. We’d love to make sure that you’re using Jane’s features to like, you know that’s what Jane’s here for. So free Margaret. I said, free, free, unlimited support at Jane. We it’s true, true story. So we’d be happy to help you build out templates. If you say like, this is how I practice, how can I use it? And then we can work with you on that.
Ali: Awesome. Yeah. And really because especially for different disciplines, right? You can really see that. And even for individuals how someone builds a chart and adds their own chart parts and modules together can really be customized which the ultimate goal is to make your charting you know, more efficient, organized, and a quicker process. Right? So you make it just so for you I think you probably find it pretty useful.
Combining Chart Templates [38:01]
Sam: You can also do things So speaking of starting with like chart modules here one thing I’m gonna to show you is if you click on new chart entry and maybe you use something simple like soap, for example, here, I’ll just choose this. This is one template you already have made. You can easily adjust that at the time of a visit as well. So for example, if I want to go ahead and click the Rubik’s cube just like anytime I can add an item I can build a smart options here from scratch or really easily. I can just pop to my templates and then I can choose the one that already had made Maybe most of time I use a SOAP So, but sometimes they’ll like to add this pain anxiety sleep. For example, Dr. Marcus could then go ahead and chart away and then sign here. So you can add one template to another just like how you can add in individual items to a chart. And those can be really used in many situations. Right? You can see how sometimes you might need to just add a different option to a chart if that was the type of visit that it was. So you could quickly just do that and doesn’t affect your original templates. They’re still separate but you can add them easily together.
Alex: So Sam, what you’re saying with these, these charts here it’s kind of like you’re charting from like by module almost if you created like multiple different templates, you could have kind of like a dynamic template almost where you would just slot in those certain spots and then fill in whatever you needed to.
Sam: Yeah. That’s a great point, Alex and then kind of along with that. You can also, for example, if we had a chart template and maybe we built a huge one, you can also, you know sometimes a certain section wasn’t applicable. You could go ahead and just remove those at the time of the visit and then shorten up your chart for things that you don’t just like left blank. Say, for example, if you ever had to print a chart and you didn’t want it to show blank you can always remove that, that you didn’t need for that day and then kind of work with your chart that way.
Sam- Letters & Progress Reports [40:03]
The next thing I’m gonna show you is something kind of kind of cool because you think of smart options in chart parts for charting but actually can be pretty useful for things like how we talked about letters and progress reports. So I have an example of in letters so specific progress report to your referring doctor here, loaded. This is a template that I’ve created. So it’s in Dr. Marcus’ templates. And there’s examples of working with letters in Jane’s guides, as well as in our template library but we’ll just kind of go through it here and how smart options can come into play for that. So at the top maybe I didn’t want that title just quite like that. As we original template I can just save that as progress report. And then here I have this dropdown prebuilt. I have a database of referring doctors. I can just go ahead and select something that I chose. If for example it was someone new referring a patient to me. I can just go ahead and add them in. So I would just go ahead and edit, add them in into my next dropdown here and then save. And then they come up as an option here. I’d probably want to do that if I did that in my original template because if I did that here, when it saved in my original. So you can keep that in mind. For example, when we’re building a letter we could just go ahead and choose someone here. I have some instructions. This is a pretty handy part, a chart part in Jane where you can add instructions to yourself but it doesn’t populate on the sign chart. So if you want to remember how you wanted to chart something specifically, or keep some notes for yourself, you can use the instructions chart part. So for example, I have my note fields set up here for the letter and I’ve just given myself a reminder make sure you write what they were referred for what they present in with. And maybe Dr. Marcus is making a diagnosis here. Then I have another set of instructions just for myself. And this is just an example of Dr.Marcus’ Progress Report This will obviously be different for different disciplines and what they want to report back, for example but so select the goals for the treatment plan. I, these are two of the smart options chart parts in here. So say Dr. Marcus wants to let them know that his goals are about their pain ADL’s and muscle balance here.
One thing I wanted to show here in the letter. So in the note fields, I have the title of the note and this is gonna show ultimately at the top of the letter. I specifically chose not to choose a title in this kind of bulk of the letter just because I didn’t want their like headings to be breaking up the letter. So for example, if I clicked it, edit the smart option just gonna pop into here. I didn’t put a title here so it’s not something that’s mandatory. It’s just how I like the letter to appear. You could always put a title with you like just kind of an example there. And then I can see that with my choices here the narrative has populated here. And again, when the note is signed these choices won’t appear here, just the narrative again. So for example, the treatment plan frequency saved Dr. Marcus wants to include that. And maybe he’s pre-loaded, like his most common frequencies once twice or three times, for example I’m gonna choose once a week here. And maybe when I knew how the narrative pops up maybe that’s not quite right. That’s my standard. Maybe that is a reminder for myself. I can just go ahead and click to edit in here scroll down into how I built my sentence and that part made up my outro here. So maybe he’s actually gonna change this for two to four weeks for this patient. Go ahead and save that. And then we can see that the narrative has been adjusted. And there’s a final note just for the doctor with contact information. Once I have this loaded, I can just jump up here.
Previewing a Letter [44:06]
And maybe Dr. Marcus is, even though it’s, for example we have our sentences preview here. Maybe he’s still wanting to make sure his letter looks good before he finally, you know, before he signs his note what you can actually do is just pop up to the print option here. And it automatically goes to the chart view but you can change it to a letterhead here so he can scroll in long just to make sure his letters.
Okay. And then, well, just exited there. He could then just pop down to the bottom go ahead and sign the note. Jane’s gonna always confirm that you want to sign and lock the chart. Again, we can go ahead and print a letter and because- we’ll choose letterhead again- because Dr. Marcus has a signature here. It gets added in with his license info and his practice info here. So we can see that the progress report letter has been populated using drop downs and smart options. So making it pretty painless here and you can always edit this for the particular patient. It doesn’t have to be, you know you don’t have to have 20 different types of progress report treatment templates in your template area. You can edit them at the time or you can have many it’s really whatever your preferences so you can see how that can be pretty versatile. You can use these smart options in charts as well as letters and progress reports. Yeah.
Alex- Phrases [45:35]
Excellent. Excellent. Sam, well, let me just share my screen if that’s okay. Yep. Perfect. Okay. So now that we’ve had a look at these smart options and using narratives in our demo site it’s time for another question for you guys in the chat. Again, you can answer away on that little chat there for those of you who have used this chart part before what’s your favorite way to use smart options in narrative you can see Sam demoed a whole bunch of ways that you could whether it’s charting by modules or creating your own narrative with those buttons whether it’s the drop downs, the sliders any of those you like. And also for those of you who haven’t, now that we’ve gone over a bit of a demo, can you think of anything specific? You might start using this for, let us know in the chat we’d love to hear answers and I’m sure our colleagues and your colleagues here in the Jane community would love to, you know how you’re using this chart to improve the charting process.
But with that, we’ll hop into another section of Jane for, you know, speeding up that charting process. And that’s gonna be phrases. Phrases in Jane are used for basically creating sentences or short phrases to auto-populate when you can type in like your own hotkey and turn entry. For example, I have one up here forward-slash ADL. The patient’s activities of daily living include I could type in forward slash ADL. And then that little sentence to the right would pop up. You can use these for everything from like exercise prescriptions, billing codes, symptoms, assessments areas of treatments, really, whatever you might want. You could definitely use these phrases. Speed up your charting a little bit, save your fingers some typing and give yourself a little bit of rest and spend more time with your patients. As you can see, also record a little gift down below here of showing how I can populate a plan of care with just typing in forward-slash plan. Everything else will pop up before that give you a quick example of that. I’ll hop to our demo site. I’m gonna be signed in as Maya Lopez. She’s one of our counsellors here at the demo clinic. I’ll click into her phrases section on the top right. I like to mention that phrases are completely specific to each practitioner that uses them. So if you have phrases separate from other people’s phrases at your clinic, they’re completely free wrong. But that being said, we have our list of phrases here. Here are all the different shortcuts I can type in forward slash ache, forward slash TMJ, that sort of thing. And then the phrase on the right-hand side will pop up when I type that in. So I have one here for the same, but at the same no noticeable changes since last visit neither worse than or better, but I could add a new phrase. Maybe I want something like improvement. I could do something like function has improved since last visit. Perfect. Okay. And also for all of my mental health peeps in the chat there I could also add something like, maybe this is anxiety. Plus this one could be anxiety has heightened since last visit due to, and then you can type in the rest. You can also create another phrase there to finish off that anxiety kind of one, but you can kind of see the idea here of creating a shortcut. And then once we actually get to charting I’ll show you how these shortcuts can be used. So I will loop around to this. Don’t worry, I’ll touch on how we can actually use these phrases.
Alex- Setting up your Charts [48:46]
But before we do that since we’re already in the staff tab here I might as well go through Maya’s account and just show you some of the preemptive steps we can take to making our charts professional looking as well as filled out. So we don’t have to, you know go back and sign them and stuff like that. So I’ll head to Maya’s profile in the bottom right here. You might, I’m not sure if everyone has noticed this you might already have these and we have the ID number section here. This is gonna be the ID numbers whether it’s your license, your NPI, your TIN, your EIN any of that kind of information. You can enter those here in the ID number section. And that’s gonna print on your receipts and invoices as well as your chart entries. Once you sign them and export those and send them off. So you can have these in there without having to write them on yourself or, you know, dictate them otherwise. I’ll also hop Into the setting section of Maya’s profile up here, and I can go into the settings section within these settings. I can then scroll down and upload my own signature here. If I wanted to upload a signature you’re not gonna be able to see this but let me just load in a signature myself. I don’t have a signature. I love it, dude. I was using a different profile but I could use this nice little picture of a dog. Really. You can upload any image whether it’s your own signature or an image from your computer here, you can load that in Jane. And Jane will sign that for you. So you don’t have to print out your chart, sign it yourself. You can have your physical signature in here. I’ll save my profile.
Creating a Basic Chart Template [50:16]
And then we might as well hop into chart templates for a little bit of a bit more basic kind of creation of a template here. So go to the chart template section we have the other templates and the my templates other templates is for if you have some other practitioners or staff members at your clinic that you want to use their templates or not you can make those available to you. Otherwise we have the, my template section. We can create a new template from scratch. So maybe I’ll call this like a daily notes and I can start building out the charts by adding items and clicking on this little Rubik’s cube here I’ll start with maybe something like a chief complaint for the patient’s chief complaint there. And a little note box. I can then add in maybe like a range in scale, throw in some checkboxes for multiple options I can choose from. I could also throw in like a dropdown menu for one option out of multiple options. And finally, maybe we’ll finish off with a body chart as well. So I have all of my charts framework here. I can also click into each of these and edit each one. So if I wanted this range of scale like Sam did before me make this a pain tolerance scale zero could be ouch. 10 can be, bring it on. You can have your checkboxes here. These could be something like symptoms. For example, maybe this is like runny nose sore throat, achy, breaky, heart, whatever it might be. I’ll also include some notes on this so I can type about each of those symptoms. And I’ll also hide the unchecked checkboxes. So once I sign the chart these unchecked ones won’t even be on it. So I can kind of consolidate my trips a little bit. I’ll save that. You can kind of get the idea. I can customize this to my own liking here. I’ll save that chart. And for like that from scratch we’ve created our daily note.
Chart Template Library [52:06]
Now I’d like to mention here that, you know, I everyone isn’t the same. Not everyone likes creating charts as much as me. So I also like to mention that we do have the chart template library available. You can access it. Let me just switch back from clicking on this little template library here or within the actual chart to you can also add an item from that to within the chart template library. Maybe I wanted to look into psychology. For example, we have 259 templates available. This is a con all of these are completely community built. The Jain community has chosen to share these, and you can either take a look at them, get some inspiration, maybe maybe want to look at the general lies, anxiety disorder, seven items scale. And once I, oops
Ali: Did you want to mention the fact that we didn’t know that there would be this many templates in the library right now? So we’ll improve of the template library very shortly.
Alex: I usually like to recommend the template library takes about a minute to load or so once you click that button I grab a glass of water. Maybe take a pace around the room or something like that and get your blood flowing. That’s why I usually say otherwise though once we find a template that we like we’ve saved ourselves some time we don’t have to create this all from scratch. I can add this item to my library. And once I click that add button that’s gonna add it to my templates. And then it’s literally my template to edit to my heart’s content. It’s not gonna affect the template that’s uploaded. I can go in here. I can see the not being able to control, worry. I don’t want to talk about this section. I can even delete the entire section out. I can scroll down to the bottom, add my items in. Maybe I want to do like a little note at the bottom and make this like a plan of care or something like that. I can do that too. So as you can see we can go work from the chart template library. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You can just tweak someone else’s work and make it useful for you.
Alex- Charting Demo [53:48]
So I will save that so that we’ve created some phrases. We’ve made sure our profile is set up for charting. And then I’ve also created a pretty basic chart template here. I’ll hop to the Day tab. Once again, Sam said this, but to reiterate it’s a pretty essential part of the charting experience for practitioners. When you hop to the Day tab you’ll see this dashboard on the right-hand side it’s gonna show you some basic patient and or appointment and financial-based metrics with your permissions. You can then click through these and changes little bar graphs on the right-hand side. You can see your top patients who spend the most money with you, that sort of thing.
But most importantly, we have on the left-hand side our calendar for the day. So two o’clock comes around. Maybe Stacy shows up for her appointment online. I can click on her appointment here and that’s gonna bring me directly to her chart entries. Once I’m in her chart entries, this is her entire medical record. So you can scroll down. I can take a look through all of the different appointments that have been charted for her.
I can also add a new chart entry by clicking on the top right here and then I’ll choose my little daily note that I created. So going through my daily note here I’ll type in the patient’s chief complaint. Maybe I’ll use that anxiety plus one, I can then hit Enter due to everything going on in the world. I could also use these little arrows here to indicate you know, some sort of ups and downs. I can use the pain tolerance scale here, drag and drop this to wherever I like my symptoms. For example, I can choose a runny nose, achy, breaky heart. Don’t tell my heart type a little note about the symptoms. You can also use your dropdown menus here choose your favorite of all of your options. And then we can also get to the body chart. The body chart here is a really useful tool whether you’re using this on your computer with a mouse and keyboard like I am, or if you opening this on like a tablet with a stylus or something like that Jane’s gonna let you use the pointer tool up here to point out different points of the body. And she’ll create a little note box down below where you can type in any sort of notes you want about this right elbow, for example. And we can type in same hit enter, right? Elbow is about the same, no noticeable changes since last visit. Perfect. We can click again, create another one here and we can talk about the right shoulder Better. And I did create that phrase. That’s all right, though. We can type in bones instead. Perfect.
Ali: Just a quick, like curiosity item here Alex. What, what are most people using phrases for? Like, I’m sure lots of people in the chat, like what sort of what are your favorite phrases and like the go-to for people in the chest?
Alex: Yeah for Sure. I’ve seen all sorts of phrases. Whether it’s like something like DNM for like do not manipulate on a patient or that anxiety one I’ve seen quite a bit the same slash better is pretty common as well. Anything you really like? You can type in here. Again, these are completely customizable to each person. Me on the support team. I like to add in like a, like a take care and talk soon. Sometimes it’s really customizable to your own liking. These phrases can be either imported from other ones. If you already use like an auto text expander or something like that, you can also export them and bring them into like another software or to another practitioner’s profile too. Does that kind of answer your question? I also have my favorite one that we have in the demo clinic at least is if you type in prescription here you get a nice little ingredients like ingredients list for a drink. Otherwise though, at the bottom of our charts here, as you can see you can edit the billing codes at the bottom. Since I’ve attached this
Ali: Sorry to interrupt. A lot of people are asking about different images in the body chart.
Alex: Yeah. Oh, I’ve, I’ve got that apologies.
Ali: Well, people always forget or don’t know that they can actually switch that image out for any image they want. That’s more relevant to their practice. They can do this in a template, or you can do this on the fly with actually like a picture of your patient. You can work directly on that.
Alex: Yeah Exactly. Good question. I got too excited talking about.
Ali: Yeah, for sure. So when you click change image we’re not gonna be able to see your screen. So you’re gonna see what you’re doing.
Alex: Totally fair. One thing before I changed that image, though I just wanted to mention, I also forgot this section. We click the pencil tool on the left-hand side here of the body chart. And you can either draw like a little face or something here on the patient or you can change this and maybe circle this left elbow or make an arrow point to the neck, whatever you like here. But I’ll clear that out. And like Ali was mentioning here. You can also change the image of our body chart. If you don’t want to use ours you can change the image here. I’m gonna pull a picture from my download section of my computer. You’re not gonna be able to see this but maybe I like to use this range of motion for the spine. I can load that on and that’ll load directly into the template. And once again since I’m changing it from this charting section it’s not gonna affect my actual template. I could do this for every single patient. If I’m using like a, an iPhone or an Android phone or something with a camera built in you can also click change image and upload an image directly to the body chart too. So you can take a picture of your patient, whatever you like.
Editing Billing Codes from the Chart [59:08]
Otherwise though, like I was mentioning before we have the edit billing codes at the bottom here, the import the reason I have this and the reason I’m charting from the Day tab is kind of coincided when you chart from the Day tab. Basically Jane will take the appointments since we’ve clicked on it and link the appointment to the actual chart that we’ve created. You can see here at the little calendar icon that this is attached to the November 14th appointment at two o’clock. I can also see that this unlocked padlock is here meaning that this isn’t signed yet. It’s currently in its draft state. And at a quick glance I can take a look that the unlocked padlock is still there. So if I wanted to take a look, you know which charts have I finished? Which ones have I started? You can see either this unlocked padlock or it’ll be locked. Once it’s signed Heading down to the bottom a little bit of back and forth there I’ll head in. I’ll edit my billing codes. Since we’re talking about faster charting I’ll also just remove these billing codes and this policy here, if I’m just doing a visit maybe like a maintenance visit or something like that and they’re using the same billing codes as before I can just copy from our previous one I’ll copy this November 4th visit and everything that I entered from previously the billing codes, the diagnosis codes, all of that fun stuff will be added here alongside their policy. If also I gonna enter my own code here like a nine seven one one zero. You can add that in. If he wants to add some diagnosis codes for this appointment, you can too. I like to mention I’m not a doctor here. So these probably aren’t correct but you can kind of get the idea. Excellent. So it will close out of those billing codes. You already saw Sam adding items on. So I’ll just show you that one more time. We’ll click on this little Rubik’s cube here. I’ll throw in a note at the bottom of this chart. I can again, change this on the fly type in my plan of care. And like I showed you in that little gift before I’ll type in forward slash plan of care, easy as that I can then edit this to whatever the actual patient’s plan of care is. And then we can go on with our day.
Working with the Chart [1:01:07]
Otherwise some other options at the bottom of this chart here we have the little cog at the bottom. Cog allows you to print or export this chart. If I want to create a print of this and print it out, similar to what Sam was doing I have all of my information up at the top here. I have my logo specific to my own branding of my clinic. I can change the template style to chart or letterhead. It isn’t signed yet. So all of my changes haven’t been locked. So I could go back and change these if I need to but I have a nice preview of what it’s gonna look like. I’ll close out of that, clicking on this as well. I can currently delete this chart since it’s draft state indicate about the little unlocked padlock. Once I sign this, Jane, let me know that I won’t be able to delete this or change it though as well. I can change the author. So if maybe I have an admin or an assistant or something, that’s working for me and I want them to start on my charts they can then change the author to me and they can I can sign off on it or something like that. Perfect. We can do that as well with the change patient here down below, I was charting for Stacy this whole time but I actually meant to be charting for the demo owner, honest mistakes. No problem. If we can just change the patients. So you don’t have to redo the entire chart too. Speaking of redoing the entire chart as well, once again maybe this patient’s coming in for like a maintenance visit or something like that. I can come in to their October 30th, for example click a little drop down menu and duplicate that chart. It’s gonna save me some time and having all of the information that I entered previously into the fields that it was. But since that chart was signed, I wasn’t able to edit it. This one’s gonna make a working copy data to the current date. If I need to change that I could but I’ll be able to change anything I might need here and sign off on that. Back to my daily note here, we’ll head down to the bottom.
Once again, I can also make this chart visible to the patient and the patient side of Jane. They can go into the document section and they can see this entire chart. I’ll just click on visible to the patient, confirm it notify. I can send a little message to them like, Hey you have a new chart to view it in your document library. I can send that to them. And they can see that in a completely HIPAA compliant environment on the patient side of Jane, if also made a mistake here, or if I didn’t want them to see that anymore, I can also revoke that too.
I saw in the chat earlier as well. I’m not exactly who, who said it but they’re also talking about chart privacy. I wanted to mention that if you also wanted to set some chart privacy either as a default or specific DG or charts you can set some privacy to yourself people in your discipline or everyone at the clinic to finally all go and sign off on this chart.
Jane’s gonna let me know, Hey, you’re going to just gonna be authored by Maya Lopez. Any changes that you need to be made will need to be done as amendments. That being said, we signed our charts. We’ve taken the chart for today. Our daily note, we’ve also duplicated one from previously.
Now it’s probably a good time to take a look at exporting these charts and taking them off of Jane. So I’ll click the filter slash export button at the top right here. I can then click the little ellipsis on the right-hand side to either create a print or PDF of the entire medical record. But if I want to maybe just create a medical or a PDF of the, this week’s charts I could do that I could do this week’s chart by chart state and only my assigned charts from this week I could do it so only signed charts by Dr. Marcus Gregory from this week, which is or not and so on and so forth.
So you can use all of these filters in tandem with each other, and then export those specific filters. One other way that we can use and find our charts is using the searchable search box up here to type in a keyword, maybe like jaw, for example. So I have my jaw key word in there. You can see everything that has jaw in it is gonna be highlighted in yellow. And I can then refer back to that chart like Sam was doing. I could pin those up at the top. I can color code them and I can refer back to that chart at any time by clicking view this chart here.
One other important way of keeping your, you know important information at the top is using the medical alert. If I click on the medical alert here, I can type in maybe the patient has like a pacemaker or something like that. I can save that. And then I have a little internal note. That’s not gonna be included on any of my chart, exports or anything. It’s purely internal for like a a reminder for yourself as a practitioner. So you can see that the patient has a pacemaker or something that being said I’ve also seen this use for stuff like ask about that cool mask they’re wearing maybe a nice little pet personalized question for the patient, whatever it might be.
Charting Report [1:05:53]
Other than that, though, from the section you might be asking me, Alex, what if I want to see all of the charts that I made for a week? Maybe I wanted to go and take a look at the charts that I might’ve missed or any of my appointments I might’ve missed. Don’t worry. We have a solution for that too. I can head to my reports at the top of Jane here. I’ll use it, the appointments report. And this is another reason why charting from that Day tab is crucial since it attaches the appointments to the actual chart. You can see here, my Saturday November 20 or November 14th, excuse me at 2:00 PM with Stacy has assigned chart, but I can see that I didn’t start a chart for the rest of these. If I also wanted to maybe go by date range I wanted to see like last month charts by any of them that don’t have a chart. I can go in here, no chart. Perfect. Actually everyone does. It looks like, or maybe I wanted to select only my arrived appointments with sign charts. Perfect. So you can see all of my arrived appointments. These are all the ones that I’ve signed off on. These people have actually showed up for their appointments and so on and so forth. So we definitely can use the appointments report here to kind of identify which charts we might’ve missed. Other than that though this Day tab, once again, very crucial. I’ll click onto another appointment here, maybe Selena for example.
Dictation in Jane [1:07:14]
And the last kind of important charting tip. I wanted to show you. I know this was talked about in the chat a little bit but dictation in Jane is something that works pretty well. So I’ll create a new chart entry here. I’ll use that note. So not only can we use phrases to speed up our charting if I’m on a Mac, for example, I can hit FN on my the function key, I should say on my keyboard twice. And that’s gonna enable dictation. You’ll see this little microphone show up and everything that I say is gonna show up in this chart. I can talk about the patient’s experience. I can talk about my own experience if I want it to anything that I’m mentioning will be right into my chart here. Once I’m happy with that, I’ll click enter. Jane is gonna save that. And all of my dictation is a directly into this chart. I changes have been saved and we’re good to go. I’d like to mention Jane works very well with all integrated dictation devices whether that’s Siri or Cortana on Android devices or if you’re on your Mac, like I am or a PC anything with integrated dictation works directly into Jane.
Ali: So yeah. Can you repeat that? So for the there’s lots of questions that have enabled that F N left of your Mac, you can click it twice. It enables dictation and for windows?
Alex: The windows key twice.
Ali: Windows key twice.
Alex: Yeah. I believe in the Macs. Actually you do have to go into your settings and I think it’s behind the privacy section or the keyboard section where you have to enable a dictation. I didn’t know that for a good while. So
Ali: That dictation on your iPhone is just using Siri the same way you would for anything else. You just click the microphone button on an iPad or an iPhone.
Alex: Yeah. Or an Android too. You just click one button. But that is basically our charting section of the phrases as well as setting up those charts to have all of your signed information in there. I can throw it back to Sam here. If you want to continue on with our little presentation.
Recap and Q&A [1:09:08]
Sam: That’s awesome Alex.
Ali: We are at time. I just wanted to mention we are over time already. I really tried to stop interrupting you because I know that was my fault entirely. Is there, there was nothing new in here, right? We were recapping.
Sam: Yeah. So we’re just if you do need to hop off, feel free to hop up. Cause you’ll be getting the recording on tomorrow anyway but for those of you who want to stay just for the little recap.
Ali: We’re gonna keep going and we will send out the recording have to go. Yeah, for sure. Okay, good. And then we will, we’ll stay for questions and answers for sure. But we’ll send out the recording if you do have to leave.
Sam: Awesome. So what does Jane really wants you to know to help with the charting process? We definitely want to let you know the smart options and phrases can really help speed up your charting process. Once you have them customized to suit your practice. Jane also really likes to kind of remind you of that there’s others tools as well as more options as phrases to help you turn efficiently such as using the day seat. I know we are really pressing that and James that top five need to know charting tips. The day sheet is definitely the practitioner’s home base charting from their cane really being organized and time-saving way to chart especially because the chart note is dated and attached to the appointment. And Jane’s top five needs to know charting tips just as a review here.
Alex: First, we’re gonna start with our searchable tags. You saw me using jaw in that key search there but you could use anything. Anything that you commonly look for surgical tags are very helpful. Charting with modules as Sam did before you can see how, you know creating different templates and then adding those on top of each other and stacking them works really well. It gives you a dynamic kind of workflow. We have duplicating your previous charts. So once again, if you have a maintenance visit or a subsequent visit, or you’re seeing a patient again for the same thing duplicating, it works really well. We also have those medical alerts. You can keep important information at the top of your priorities. And finally, we can utilize that template library that 16,800 different template library that you guys have all created here at the community and our bonus. As you saw, we use our integrated dictation. You can see how that could also speed up your charting save your fingers a little bit of work and get that directly into your charts as well.
Sam: That’s awesome Alex. So yeah, we definitely want to know for those of you who are still here what’s your favorite chart part to use in Jane? You can feel free to let up the chat with your favorites. We really would love. And maybe while the answers are coming in, Ali and Alex what are your favorite shortcuts?
Alex: I guess I’ll start. You guys probably saw me demo some of my favorites whether it’s phrases and probably most recently I liked integrated dictation quite a bit. Not only is it, cause I like to hear my own voice and see that translated to text but it’s also pretty useful.
Ali: I’ve I always think the secret, like winter of Jane’s charting that nobody knows about is that you can upload videos and photos directly to the chart without saving them on your device. You can, you can know you can take video or or photos with your device. And it just like loads right up into the patient’s chart. So you can do things like track range of motion over time with your actual patient standing in front of you. You can pin them. I know it’s amazing. It really is quite powerful. If you play around with all the features and then phrases is also magical. I now love phrases a lot. And so it’s the narrative charting. If you, if you spend the time
Alex: I also wanted to mention those when you upload those videos and all of that, that’s completely HIPAA compliant too. So it’s not stored on your phone or anything. That’s stored directly into Jane’s server
Ali: And Alex is on our US support team. So he is on our Canadian support team would speak Canadian. So we do and then we have a case support team for also for you. It was and Jamie and Kim who aren’t here right now but they would also speak GDPR. So depending on who you’re speaking to we all have different, different focuses. Yeah. Great.
Sam: So it just in case after this question, period if anybody has any follow-ups, you can always email us at [email protected] or give us a shout. If you have any questions or want to go over, you know any of the charting tips that we met through today. So I think that kind of influenced the end of our presentation. So we’re gonna open it up for some time for questions. And just like I mentioned, you can sign off and you will get the recording and yeah we really appreciate you guys spending the time and the Saturday going around us the best and we hope it was informative.
Ali: Can you say in the chat, did you could you only attend because it was a Saturday? Did you like the Saturday? Yes. Would you? Yes. So good. Anyone wish it had been during the week instead? No. Everyone likes Saturday. Well, you’re all here. You’re a bad audience to ask. Of course you’re all gonna like Saturday. I, they ask them the people that are not here. Yeah. Everyone likes Saturday mornings. All right. Amazing. I said, people were asking about how you add the photos and videos directly to the chart. Do you have the demo site open? If you go chart, if you go to a new I think it’s called file slash image is the option. Yeah. So in the new chart entry section, which you can add from any existing chart, there’s flash image. Oops. That was fast. There’s an option called file slash image. Mike’s asking about patient communication. You should see what I saw. I saw some amazing things this week some prototypes that we have going for patient communication, it’s gonna be amazing. I I’m gonna get in trouble for saying that live on to a whole bunch of people. It’s just the prototype, but it’s incredibly good. It’s more than it’s amazing. Okay. Yeah. So file image. And then you can, if you click choose file it sounds not on a device right now that has a camera. But if you were doing this on your phone or iPad it would ask you if you want to use your camera and then you can say yes, and it will just load. It will just pull up your camera and then you can take photo video and it will load it directly in the chart without ever loading, storing it on your iPad or your phone.
Sam: And this is also kind of like a cool place like a lot of clinics, like say, if you still have some paper charts that you’re using a one-off like some clinics are using the laminated option here. So you could actually just use it as a little scan and either add it here in the chart or in a file and just click to take the picture. And then it never saves on the device. That can be pretty handy.
Ali: Sylvia. I can’t say anything else. I’ve already said too. What I get in trouble with the developers it’s we patient communication is I think the top of our, you know, our candy, I don’t know if you know our feature request list, but I think four or five of them are about internal communication. Either internal with your own staff or with patients directly. I know texting patients. I do have a question while you’re all here focus group of 430 people. When you want to text patients is administratively, right? You want to text them about like when am I coming in for my visit? And it’s not, it’s not clinically. You don’t want to text them about clinical things. It’s all administrative right admin. So what we’re working. Yeah. A admin, any emailing patients, same. I know. Cause we have to work with, you know, we can’t send any any like identify the personal information. The PII, we can’t send through text message because it’s not a secure form of, of communication. So working out a system that works for the needs of a clinic is very, it’s unique. It’s different from just texting. interactive video. I love it. Backs. Good question. Oh, everybody go to the feature request list and look at all the things that people want and then vote for things you want. So good reminders. Yeah. We do text reminders already. Hopefully you’re already using those. Those are included. They’re free, free like everything with your subscription, a text reminders Google reviews is in beta right now feature request is from the drop down of your name at the top, right? There’s a feature request option. Love it. There’s some good recommendations in the Facebook forum for facts like online faxing services that you can use with Jane, but it’s not integrated. There’s just what people are using. Co-signing Brianna, email us again. We’re just starting to open that up. The beta for reviews. Love it. Okay. Where we save this chat and we’ll read through the whole thing. I’ve been pulling out little pieces of it throughout the, the hour. Thank you everybody. Sam and Alex. Were they not the best you guys did such a good job. I love it. So wonderful. Thank you for sharing your experience. They did a lot of work. They did a couple of like a lot of run-throughs. They were taking a lot of, I mean, this was amazing. It’s it’s not easy to talk to so many people. There’s a lot of you out there. I’m really proud of you. Good job everybody. Thanks for joining us this morning. It was always fun. We always miss you. We want to do lots more of these. So I am the Facebook group. Actually, someone just record recommended reports for owners a specific webinar and reports for owners, Alex. So handsome
Alex: Oh geez.
Ali: Wow, love it. If you have any suggestions of other webinars you like I took some notes about disciplines specific groups and information. If there’s anything else you want. Yeah, I know. Yeah. Getting us off of Facebook is also a community goal. Ideally into Jane would be what my hope would be but that’s a lot of work that requires development. Okay. Perfect. Well, thanks for spending some set some time with us on Saturday, Sam, Alex, thank you again. Love it.
Alex: Thank you, thanks for letting us talk about this.
Ali: And Eric and Kiki were in the Q and A that whole time. So I don’t know. I didn’t even see what was going on in there but I think there was a requirement. So thanks lady that I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend and we’ll we’ll schedule some more of these.