Hey Jane Community, I’m John - US Insurance Portfolio Owner at Jane.
Buckle up US clinics! Posting insurer payments just went from 🚗 to 🏎️, thanks to our new ERA Management Tool! For the baseball fans out there, we aren’t talking about Earned Run Average, we’re talking about the ability for Jane to process Electronic Remittances.
Over the past few months, a beta testing group comprised of almost 100 clinics put our new tool to the test with thousands of ERAs. After two years of manually posting insurer payments for 20 practitioners, one of our beta testers was brought to tears (happy tears!) when she learned how much time this feature saves her. We never thought we’d be so excited to make someone cry!
This new tool allows you to upload ERAs from your clearinghouse to Jane. Once you upload an ERA, Jane makes it quick and easy to post the payment.
Here’s what Jane is doing behind the scenes to speed things up when you upload an ERA…
✅ Jane queues up the insurance payment. No more searching for EFT and Check numbers.
✅ Jane links all ERA claim responses to those in your account. Say goodbye to the invoice search bar.
✅ Jane displays the key remittance details right in front of you - both for the overall payment and for each claim response. See everything you need to in Jane. No paper EOBs and no need for a second tab.
✅ Jane pre-fills the EOB screen with the info from the claim response. No more manual entry.
A quick clip of us dragging and dropping an ERA from our desktop into the new Remittances screen. There is also an option to upload.
Additional Resources
To learn how to use the new ERA Management Tool, check out our 5-minute video, or take a look at the following guides: Posting Insurer Payments with ERAs.
🎬 For a more in-depth look at this tool, you can watch our recorded webinar from our Allied 2021 Summer School, ‘A New ERA: US Insurance Billing Features in Jane’.
Our US Insurance Billing Journey Doesn’t Stop Here
Two and a half years ago, we released our first set of US insurance billing features. At the time, we framed these features as Phase 1 of a three-phase mission to make insurance billing easy-breezy for our American clinics.
Our mission has evolved as we’ve become more familiar with the intricacies of the insurance billing world, but our commitment to removing friction from insurance workflows has remained a constant. We want to take a moment to revisit this mission, check in with where we’re at, and share where we’re going next. 🚀
With the announcement of the ERA Management Tool, we can move forward to our next step: supporting Secondary Claim Submission. This will pave the way forward for us to move into Phase 3: Setting up a comprehensive Direct Clearinghouse Integration.
We are working hard towards the day where you can manage 100% of your insurance billing in Jane, and we want to thank you for being a part of this mission.
And as always, let us know your thoughts! You can email our support team at [email protected] or join the conversation in our community group on Facebook! We love hearing from you.
John - on behalf of The Jane Team