Hi everyone,
Some new charting features are coming next week and we wanted to give you a head’s up. They’re pretty exciting, especially since they were inspired by requests that came from you!
The big change revolves around how chart entries are finished and, then, how any future changes are tracked. Right now, Jane considers a chart entry complete 24 hours after it’s created, and then quietly tracks any changes to a chart behind the scenes, to comply with electronic charting requirements. You’ve told us that this system is a bit too lenient, so we’ve been working on a new workflow to make this process more overt.
The New Workflow
Chart entries will be in a draft state, until you choose to “Sign” them. Signing a chart entry is your way of saying, “Hey, this entry is complete, and no more changes should be made to it.”
In a patient’s chart, you will see if an entry is a draft or if it has been signed and locked.
You can also upload an image of your signature, which will be added to any signed, printed or PDF chart entries.
If you need to make a change to a signed chart entry, you can enter an Amendment, which will clearly indicate to any reader that the chart has been edited.
These changes will take effect as of Monday, November 10th.
To help everyone transition to this new workflow, we will mark all chart entries older than 48 hours as Signed & Locked. This will give you a chance to finish up any entries from the weekend.
If you have any questions or requests about how we transition your charts to the new system, let us know before the weekend. Thanks! Go Jane, Go.
- Trevor & the Jane Team