Ready to put on your detective hat and unravel the mysteries of appointment bookings? We’re here to be your trusty sidekick! 😎🔍
To start, you’ll want to head over to the Schedule tab and then select the appointment. Looking for a cancelled appointment? Check out our guide on Who was Cancelled/Deleted from the Schedule.
From there, you’ll want to take a look at the History & Status section within the Appointment Panel and you’ll be able to see what happened with the appointment.
Starting off with the status of the appointment, you can take a peek at all of the activity, reminders, notifications and clinical surveys that were sent out to the patient.
Looking to see the status of their intake form? You’ll be able to view that from their profile under the Intake Forms widget here:
For more information on intake form and what the different statuses mean, check out our Intake Forms FAQ guide!
If you’d like to see even more details on the activity for this appointment, you’ll want to click on the blue View Detailed History text. Jane will redirect you to another page breaking down the synopsis a bit further.
If there are notifications that you’d like to take a closer look, check out our guide on the Messages Log
Still have questions about what happened with an appointment? Feel free to contact our support team and we’d be happy to help!