This is a feature designed to allow for multiple unrelated clients to be booked in all at the same time. I guess that’s the definition of a class, but we do want to make it clear that if you allow the class to be booked online, you will be opening the group up to multiple people who do not know each other.
💡 Jane Tip: Classes are available on all of Jane’s Pricing Plans, but Online Booking is not available on the Balance Plan.
Using this feature for Online Booking will be…
Great for things like:
- Clinical Pilates
- Yoga
- Group Training
- Open Support or Counselling Sessions
- Anything where the participants can be total strangers
Not so great for things like:
- Couples massage
- Couples and family counselling
- Anything where the participants tend to be related to one another
For these types of group bookings, you’ll want to use the Group Appointments feature. A Group Appointment typically involves multiple people who know each other and are attending the session or receiving the service together. To learn more about Group Appointments, click here.
A note that this is a basic class booking feature and appreciate that there’s always more exciting and fun things we could add to make Jane more helpful to you. Keep us in the loop with what you’d like to see and why and we’ll make sure we have your vote recorded.
First thing you might want to do is set up a new Discipline if it falls outside of the disciplines you currently offer, and you want it to display in its own area on your online booking.
Both Disciplines and Treatments can be found in your Settings Tab - which you will need Full Access profile to see in your Jane account.
If you create a new Discipline, remember, this will be just like the first time you did it - so you’ll have to opt-in the staff members you want to be associated with this class/group booking. A Full-Access Jane user will want to go into each Staff member, under the Profile click Edit, and under the first & last name, click the additional Discipline you want that Staff member to be associated with for Class Bookings.
Make sure you click the Save button on this screen, either in the top or bottom right.
Income Category
It can be helpful to separate out your treatments or classes into income categories for easier break down in reporting. Especially if you have the same type of practitioner offering both types of service.
Here’s a guide document on Creating Income Categories
Creating a Class
To set up a new Class appointment start by Creating a New Treatment as normal. Choose Class Booking from the first dropdown menu. You’ll see a drop-down menu and then select your Capacity. If you’re using Online Booking, Jane will display this class online for individuals until that class reaches this capacity.
I would recommend including the word “class” in the name of the treatment: “Clinical Pilates Class”
You can also use the Billing Name to make the invoice and receipt language more clear for insurance billing purposes, and add some information in the Description to populate your online booking site:
The price you set will be per class per client. If you are offering classes as part of a package deal, you can add the class as an eligible item during set up. Learn more about Setting up a Package here.
So you would set the price to the most common or “drop-in” pricing.
💡 Jane Tip If you have multiple classes to create that are similar, you can create the first one and then duplicate it to save some time. This is great for something like Pilates classes with the same description and online booking settings but with different lengths or maximum capacities.
From your list of treatments, you can click the Duplicate button next to the original class, edit the settings (make sure to remove the words “Copy of” from the name), and then click Save. All done!
Adding a Class to the Schedule
You can block off the classes in a staff member’s schedule by choosing it from the treatment list and booking an EMPTY CLASS on their schedule.
Note📝: This is different from a regular appointment. You’ll need to add the class as an empty block to the schedule to add participants and for patients to be able to view the class on the online booking site.
Click onto the schedule and then in the appointment panel to the right, you’ll choose the class from the Select a Treatment drop-down menu.
Here’s a gif as well:
Recurring Classes
At this time, classes cannot automatically recur over a set period of time. With that being said, the clinic can create recurring classes by manually inputting them into the schedule.
To do this, you can use the Copy button on an already created class, and select a time on the Schedule where you would like to have the class recur.
Now, we recommend having each Staff member login to their Jane account and just make sure the class booking shows up. In the example below, we set up a new Discipline called Clinical Pilates Class, created the Class and opted our Staff member Clara Weber into that Class. In Clara’s profile, it’ll look like this:
And to Clara’s clients, it’ll look like this in Online Booking:
Note - if you are not worried about separating out the classes as their own section on online booking, you can re-name a current discipline, such as Physiotherapy to include both options: Physiotherapy and Clinical Pilates
If the class is first come first serve you will want to open up every class with an open and empty Class Block as shown above.
If you are booking a series and the participants register once for an entire session (6 weeks for example), you will want to open up just the first date in online booking, and then block off the same time and date with a break for the rest of the sessions.
Once your class is at capacity or you have your final list of participants, you can COPY and PASTE that class (including all the participants) into the full length of the session.
Important Note While COPY will duplicate the class and leave the original one in its spot, MOVE will remove it from its spot on the schedule and re-book it elsewhere. So make sure you’re using the correct workflow and pressing the appropriate button. Copy is to book everyone in again, Move is to re-schedule the class to another day and time.
Updating an Existing Class
Since classes are a bit different from regular, one-on-one appointments in Jane, you’ll need to completely remove the class and rebook it with the correct class type. An option here would be to use Jane’s Double Booking feature to tuck in a class at the same time so you can move the participants over to the new class.
Note📝: A full access user can head over to the Settings tab and then click on Schedule Settings. From there, they can toggle on Allow Double Booking and make sure to hit the blue Save button to confirm those changes. This is strictly an administrative feature and does not allow patients to double book.
Head over to the Schedule tab and hit the letter “D” on your keyboard. You’ll see a notice at the top of the screen, letting you know that Double Booking mode has been turned on.
Jane will shift all the appointments to the left, giving you space to add another appointment at the same time. Click on the space to the right of the class and book and select the class from the options within the New Appointment panel.
If you remember the participants, you can start adding them now, but if not, you can click on the blue Book Appointment button. This completes the appointment booking, allowing you to click back into the original class on the schedule.
Now you can click on the old appointment booking to check the list of participants and begin adding them to the new class booking.
Once all of the participants are moved over, you can remove the participants from the original booking on the schedule by selecting their name under the Participants section of the Appointment Panel:
Next, Jane will display their details. You can click on the Cancel/Delete button and select either Cancel Appointment if you’d like to notify the participant or Delete Appointment to ensure no notifications are sent out.
You’ll need to repeat this process for all the participants before the class can be deleted from the schedule. To quickly toggle back to the previous panel with the list of the class participants, you can click on the Return to Class button.
Once all the participants have been removed from the appointment, you’ll be able to delete the class from the schedule by clicking on the Remove button within the panel:
Jane will display a little pop-up and you’ll just want to click on the blue Delete Appointment button to confirm that change to the schedule.
Online Booking
Patients can book classes by going to the clinic’s Online Booking site and selecting the Class session under the selected practitioner. This will display the class bookings on the calendar for the patient to select from:
The book-by-treatment view will still show the classes day by day with whoever offers them:
When you pull up the class from your day view, you will be able to click on the class to see the individual participants. And from there clicking on the individual participant will open their chart.
Once you have finished charting for one of the clients in the class, you’ll click Sign and confirm that you want to sign this chart entry.
Next, a pop-up will appear asking if you want to copy this chart to other clients. You have the option of individually selecting clients or using the Select All button for any Arrived and Not Arrived participants. When you’re ready, click Copy Entries.
This creates a copy of the signed entry in the selected participants’ profiles. You can think of this as a photocopy of a paper file, so if the original entry is changed, you will need to re-share this information across related files for a consistent paper trail. You can learn more about the Copy to Client feature here.
All classes will show up on Sales and Compensation reports in the same way that a single one-to-one treatment display.
A reminder that using a different Income Category can be a great way to filter out the income on some of the reporting.
Virtual or Online Classes
At the moment, all classes can only be held in person. Currently, there isn’t a way to change an existing class to online or to host virtual classes, online classes or class sessions via video for unrelated clients in Jane. If you’d like to have this feature, we’d love to know your thoughts! Feel free to vote and/or comment on the Feature Request here.