❗️ You can only book recurring appointments into your Shifts that would be set up in your schedule, otherwise Jane won’t know when you are available to see patients! Check out our FAQ on Setting Up Shifts if you haven’t yet done this.
Choose an appointment on the schedule that you would like to recur.
On the appointment panel, select the arrows beside the “Copy/Move” buttons to create a recurring event.
Choose the days of the week for the appointment to recur and the end date.
An appointment list will appear with appointments listed as either Available, Conflict or Staff Member Unavailable.
Work through the conflicts and then book the appointments! Don’t forget any online booking restrictions you have setup, such as tags, which may impact your availability.
When recurring appointments are booked, do notifications for all appointments get sent to the patient?
Yes! Jane will send notifications for recurring appointment bookings; however, Jane will only send one email notification with information on all appointments rather than sending an individual notification for each appointment booked. There is a 3 minute window before an appointment booking notification is sent, any appointments booked within that 3 minute window will be included in one email notification.
Is there a limit to how far out a recurring appointment can be booked in for?
Yup - at the moment recurring appointments can be booked administratively up to 1 year in advance. To get around this limitation, you can toggle to Jan 1st of the following year, book the appointment on the Schedule and Jane will expand the year selection to the next year.
For example, if we wanted to book Bob in up until 2025, we’ll head over to the Schedule, click the Go to Date button in the bottom right corner of the screen, and toggle to Jan 1st, 2024 (or any date within that year)
Once we’re on that day in the Schedule, we can book the first appointment in the series like a regular appointment. With the appointment booked, we can make the appointment recurring by clicking on the two forward arrows
When the Repeat Until field is clicked and the year for the date range is selected, Jane opens that up to 2025:
If I booked recurring appointments that have insurance policies attached to it, would I be able to update those visits with a new policy if needed?
Yes! To do this, you may need to disable email notifications from being sent to your patients, as this will require us to re-book the patient in for their future recurring visits with the updated insurance policy. You can do this under the patients Profile > Edit/Settings > check off Do Not Email.
Once you’ve done that, you can then pick a starting appointment to update the insurance policy for, then remove & add the correct policy:
From here, click onto the arrows beside the Copy/Move button again, and delete any future booked appointments, and re-book the appointments again:
Once you’ve done that, feel free to head back to the patients’ profile to deselect Do Not Email so your patient can receive email notifications again.
💡Jane tip: You can follow the same workflow as above for editing insurance policies if you need to edit the treatment type for a series of recurring appointments. You can use the Recurring Appointments feature to delete upcoming appointments, and then you can create new recurring appointments. Reminder that you’ll want to unarrive an appointment before editing the treatment type. Check out our guide for more info about how to edit an appointment that has been arrived.
Can I delete or cancel appointments in bulk?
Yes, appointments can be mass cancelled or deleted if they are all booked for the same patient. To do this, you’ll want to head over to the Schedule tab and click on the patient’s appointment. Within the Appointment Panel, click on the » button.
From there, click on the blue Show All Upcoming Appointments text so that it’s toggled on:
Scroll down to the bottom and hit the Delete X Appointments button.
Can I delete appointments for different patients at once?
No - at the moment this feature is only designed to delete multiple appointments for a specific patient.
Is there a recurring appointment feature for clients booking online?
No - This is an administrative feature at the moment. Clients or patients of the clinic would need to book these repeating appointments individually.
We’d love to hear more about how we can improve the online booking experience for your clients and patients. You can share your feedback with the team here 💙