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EMR data migration: How to import data from SimplePractice

What can you expect when you migrate your EMR data from Simple Practice to Jane?

When you’re making the switch to Jane, SimplePractice allows you to export most of your data fairly easily. Below are step-by-step instructions on getting as much as you can export from there, which you can provide to Jane.

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Four steps to a successful SimplePractice import

When exporting your data from SimplePractice, there are four key exports you’ll want to provide to bring over your complete client demographics and to minimize potential delays in your import. These are outlined in the below steps and include:

  1. Data Export per clinician
  2. Client Details and Client Demographics reports
  3. Appointments report
  4. Attendance report

Please note, while we do our best to import as much data as possible, if we can’t be 100% sure we’re matching the correct client to the correct data, those records won’t be imported. If you have any questions or need any help exporting your data, please reach out and we’ll be happy to give you a hand.

⚠️ A note on subsequent imports: Due to the complexity of how SimplePractice formats their data exports, we do not support subsequent or ongoing imports from SimplePractice.

Step 1. Data Export: Charts and basic client information

You can export your full chart history which includes basic client demographics by using SimplePractice’s Data Export feature. To do so, you can follow the steps from SimplePractice’s guide outlined below:

  • Navigate to Settings > Data Export
  • Click Export client data
  • Select all clients for one clinician
    • Selecting this option allows for a more detailed import, providing a clearer picture of what records belong to which clinician
  • Click Export

Generating your export will take a few minutes, and you will receive an email letting you know when this file is ready to download. After you receive this email, you should return to the Data Export page where you’ll see a link to download the export file to your computer.

đź”’ Password Protected Files: Please be sure to provide the password in a message in the secure import area of Jane when uploading to minimize any potential delays.

Step 2. Exporting your remaining client demographics from SimplePractice

The remaining piece of your client demographics can be found in your Client Details and Client Demographics reports found in your Analytics tab. These are key to allowing accurate mapping of client information. To export them you’ll want to follow the steps from SimplePractice’s guide as outlined below:

In SimplePractice, navigate to Analytics > Reports in the left-hand menu

  • Scroll down to the Clients & Appointments section
  • Click to open each of the following reports to export:
    • Client Details
    • Client Demographics
  • Click the Export button in the top-right corner
  • Select CSV or Excel from the dropdown (either is fine)

⚠️ Please make sure to select the full date range as well as both active and inactive patients when exporting the above two reports.

If you’re not on SimplePractice’s Essential or Plus plans, the Client Demographics report may not be available to you.

Step 3. Exporting appointments from SimplePractice

Currently, SimplePractice only allows you to export past appointment records. Any future appointments will need to be added manually following the import.

To provide us with past historical appointments, you can follow the steps in the Appointment Status Report guide from SimplePractice listed below:

In SimplePractice, navigate to Analytics > Reports in the left-hand menu

  • Scroll down to the Clients & Appointments section
  • Click to open the Appointment Status report
  • Click on the calendar icon to filter for past appointments from the earliest date up to today’s date to capture the full range of past appointments
  • Click the Export button in the top-right corner
  • Select CSV or Excel from the dropdown (either is fine)

Step 4. Appointment locations and statuses

If you have multiple clinic locations, or need to know the status of past appointments (cancellations or no shows), you’ll want to provide us your Client Attendance Report:

  • Click on Analytics > Reports > Attendance
  • Click on the date range and adjust it to cover the desired period
  • Click Apply
  • Ensure that all other filters are set to “All”
  • Click Export > Excel

đź’ˇA note about treatment names and treatment durations

There are a few things to note about how your past appointments will be imported due to the way SimplePractice’s data is structured.

Treatment Names: Since the Appointment Status Report doesn’t include treatment names, Clinician Name + Billing Code is used to create a placeholder treatment name (e.g. Import - Practitioner Name, Billing Code).

Treatment Duration: All treatments will be imported with a default 30 minute duration since no accurate duration information is provided in the Appointment Status Report.

Once your import is complete, there is a simple step to easily update the past appointments with the existing treatment name and duration information in Jane.

Exporting your insurance policies from SimplePractice

The Client Details report you exported in Step 2 above contains the relevant information we’ll use to import your policies into Jane.

Since status information isn’t present in SimplePractice’s exported data, all policies are imported as Open. This policy status can be manually adjusted after the import.

SimplePractice billing data

We don’t import historical billing information as there are formatting issues between the two systems, but we have a great guide on Transitioning Your Clients Credits/Receivables to Jane that you can follow along with to ensure that’s entered into Jane for you should you need to carry these over.

Secure EMR data migration: Uploading files into Jane

You can upload the .zip file (or files if there are multiple clinicians) as-is into the import along with any report files (Client Details, Appointment Status, etc.) directly into the import. If you password-protected* your zip file, please remember to include the password in a message in the secure import area.

You can find an overview of this process here: Scheduling Your Import.

Getting Started with Jane: Setup & Ongoing Support đź’™

đź’ˇLearn more about our Balance Plan, designed to be flexible for cash-based solo practitioners who book up to 20 appointments a month.

We’ve leveraged our experience with various software imports, along with official guides from other software providers, to create this comprehensive resource for transitioning to Jane. If you have any difficulty downloading your data, it’s best to reach out to your current software provider directly for assistance.

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