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Importing from E-Z Bis

Here’s what we know about moving over from E-Z Bis to Jane.

Disclaimer about our import guides: We create our guides through the experiences we have importing from different software, as well as searching for guide documents from these softwares to assist our customers in transitioning over to Jane. If you have any difficulty while retrieving your data, it’s best to reach out directly to your current software provider.

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Exporting your Files in CSV

We have seen some customers coming from E-Z Bis import only patients, but some have been able to export as much as Patient Demographics, Appointment History, Notes, and Insurance information.

For exporting files, E-Z Bis says:

Exporting data from the program to a spreadsheet can be done through Survey Generator, which is located in the Reports module. Once the Requirement parameters are defined, the option of Export: Selected must be chosen before the survey is run. Uncheck Printout Needed to save being prompted to Print or Preview the survey. After selecting OK, you will be prompted to Export the data. A file called EZMERGE.CSV will be created in the clinic folder of E-Z Bis. You can find the data path to this file by selecting About E-Z Bis from the Help option in any module.

You can take a look at the full E-Z Bis FAQs here.

Exporting your Client List and other data from E-Z Bis

An example of how you can “export the Client List” with as many demographics from E-Z Bis would be as follows ⬇️

Note: This is our understanding of how the system allows you to export this data, but if you need direct support with this we would recommend reaching out to their support team.

  • To get your data exported, go to EZBIS - Reports module - Other column - Survey Generator.
  • Give the “survey” a title i.e. - Client list.
  • Define Print Out (Add as many demographics as possible - Account # First. Name M.I Last. Name Suffix Called. Name Sex Marital Address City State Zip Birthdate Pat.SSN Phone Cell.Phone Email.Address etc.
  • There should also be a Requirements option which can be set to Last.name is ?
  • Next, at the bottom left corner, there should be a button that says “Export Data”. Selecting this creates a CSV File and you will want to make sure the export path is a recognizable folder on your desktop device.
  • Lastly, on the bottom right, there should be an OK button. From here, select Print Preview. It will run the survey and show you a Preview of the report. It will also create EZMERGE.csv to where you specified which is the raw data file we can import into Jane.

Please rename this file when you have finished exporting it, so you can easily find it afterward. For all other surveys/reports you generate (Appointments, Insurance Policies etc), you are only editing the Title and the Define Print Out. This will overwrite that EZMerge file if you did not rename it!

The Define Print Out options could be as follows for the rest of the reports from what we have heard.

Appointments: Account Appt.Date Appt.Time Appt.Status appt.type Appt.Doctor

Insurance Policies: Account relationship Insured.Name Insured.Addr Insured.City Insured.State Insured.Zip Insured.DOB Insured.Sex Insured.SSN Carrier.Name Carrier.Address Carrier.CSZ Carrier.Phone Employer Plan.Name Insurance.ID Group.No Benefits Coverage.Effective Termination.Date

For the Payer list:

  • You will have to go to Filing module
  • Codes menu
  • Carrier codes and print that to PDF

For the Inventory list:

  • you will have to go to Filing module
  • Codes menu
  • Inventory
  • Inventory Report and print that to PDF.

Although we require CSV or Excel Format, we can see if we can pull the data from the PDF file once we review it.

For the Doctor’s notes:

  • Go to EHR Module - (no accounts open) Reports - Notes Report.
  • Run all visits for all accounts.
  • In the bottom left corner, check Export to Documents Tab. Then EXPORT button at the top.

Note: This process may take a very long time to run as all Notes for all patients are being made into a PDF and sent to their Documents tab. This way, you should be able to export a folder per patient with all of their chart data in it.

E-Z Bis Billing Data

We don’t import billing information as there are formatting issues between systems.

Uploading into Jane

To ensure that your data is uploaded to the correct account, and for security reasons, we do not accept patient data via email. You can upload the files to us in the Settings > Schedule an Import area.

You can find an overview of this process here: Scheduling Your Import

If you need any further help getting all set up to run with Jane, just let us know!

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