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Importing from Medexa

Here’s what we know about moving over from Medexa to Jane.

Disclaimer about our import guides: We create our guides through the experiences we have importing from different software, as well as searching for guide documents from these software to assist our customers in transitioning over to Jane. If you have any difficulty while retrieving your data, it’s best to reach out directly to your current software provider.

In the past, we’ve only seen customers be able to provide an Excel file with Patient Demographics as well as Appointment information from Medexa. It may be worth reaching out to see the best way of exporting data if the following guides don’t produce exactly what you’re looking to bring into Jane!

To import properly into Jane, you’ll want to export these files and provide them to us in either Excel or CSV formats.

Exporting your Patients from Medexa

Medexa offers a Patients Report that can be exported with the following instructions from this guide on the Patients report.

Download as CSV: to export the data in an excel file

Printer icon: to print the data from the current page

Today: to generate data from the current day

Execute: to refresh the search when the period of time has been changed

Patients records: to obtain information related to one result specifically

Exporting your Medexa Appointments

Medexa offers instruction on how to Export Appointments by Employee.

Attendances: to obtain the data related to the appointments that took place

Absences: to obtain the data related to the absences

Cancellations: to obtain the data related to the appointments that were marked as cancelled

Download as CSV: to export the data in an excel file

Printer icon: to print the data from the current page

Today: to generate data from the current day

Execute: to refresh the search when the period of time has been changed

Appointments: to obtain the data related to one appointment specifically

The title of a service: to obtain the data related to a service specifically

Exporting Charts from Medexa

When exporting charts from Medexa, it appears that you’re able to do so for each individual patient in a single PDF for their charting history. We can import PDFs into patient’s charting areas in Jane where you’re able to see an image preview of the first page of the PDF, and click on it to open in a new tab to view all pages of the file.

To import those to patient’s charts, we would need each PDF file to be named something similar to FirstName_LastName_Identifier. An identifier can be a Date of Birth, Health Number, or Unique Patient Number (that references your patient list export), in order for us to match the charts to the correct patients.

Here is Medexa’s instructions on how to Export notes from a patient’s file.

Click on Clients

Click on the patient’s name

Click on the “Health Summary” or “Chating” sections

Click on the “Actions” dropdown menu

Click on Download Activities option

From the Download Activities window, select the activities you wish to include in the bundle

Click on Download

Find the PDF document downloaded on your computer.

Medexa Billing Data

We don’t import billing information as there are formatting issues between the two systems, but we can show you how to manually transition your patient credits and receivables into Jane.

Uploading into Jane

To ensure that your data is uploaded to the correct account, and for security reasons, we do not accept patient data via email. You can upload the files to us in the Settings > Schedule an Import area.

You can find an overview of this process here: Scheduling Your Import

If you need any further help getting all set up to run with Jane, just let us know!


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