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Chart Templates: Creating, Editing and Deleting a Template

Investing time in setting up Chart Templates is a decision you won’t regret, as they can significantly streamline your charting process in the long run. Moreover, Chart Templates are an excellent way to standardize and optimize your charting, ensuring that your charts remain organized, consistent, and comprehensive. Trust us, the effort will pay off in no time! 💰

📍For a detailed list and breakdown of all the different chart parts you can use to build your own template, check out our Chart Parts for Creating a Chart Template guide!

Creating a Chart Template

To get started, pop into the Staff tab to track down your Staff Profile. Within your profile, you’ll have a Templates tab where all your created and saved Chart Templates live.

You’ll be able to view a list of all Chart Templates being used in your Jane account. This alphabetized list includes a list of personal Chart Templates you have created, Chart Templates you have saved from the Template Library, and Chart Templates used by other staff members in your account.

Note 📝:  If you’re interested in learning more about the Template Library, a community-driven resource where other Jane practitioners have graciously shared their templates for other users to be inspired by, use and/or edit to their liking, check out our Chart Template Library guide.

To the left of each template, there is a simple slide toggle you can use to enable or disable that specific template in your profile, allowing you to keep your list of preferred templates personalized to you.

To get started with building your own template, click that + New Template button.

Now you’ll get started building your template by using the Add Item drop-down menu to select the chart parts you’d like to add to your template.

Alternatively, if you’d like a short description of each of the items you can add, it’s helpful to select the grid icon next to Add Item instead. This button will bring up a pop-up menu with all the Items you can select. As a reminder, you can also check out our Chart Parts for Creating a Chart Template guide for a breakdown of these items and how they work.

Lastly, if you want to build your template using other Templates within your clinic account or the Template Library, this grid icon button is also where you can find the option to use other templates.

Keep in mind that once you’ve added a template, you have the freedom to further customize it to fit your specific needs. Feel free to add, remove, or edit any items within the template, ensuring that it perfectly suits your unique requirements.

Edit, Preview, or Require Each Chart Part

If you’ve created a template that needs a quick update, you can edit it! To change the name of your Chart Template, you can hit the pencil next to its name to Edit Template Name.

To edit chart parts that you’ve added to the template, you can hover your mouse over an item and click the three dots that pop up to bring up a menu of different actions associated with that item.

  • Trash can: Delete the item

  • Pencil: Edit the item

  • Overlapping squares: Duplicate the item

  • Up arrow: Move the item up in the template

  • Down arrow: Move the item down in the template

  • Plus sign: Add additional item

When you select the pencil to pull up the Edit Item pop-up, depending on the item that you are editing different options will be presented to you but in general, you’ll be able to edit the Label of the item and then add any standard text needed.

Some items will also have toggles for different item settings.

  • Include Notes: Add a note box after each item (ex. checkboxes, drop-down menus) to allow you to provide additional information

  • Hide unused fields after signing: Any item that wasn’t used in the chart entry disappears when you sign it

  • Required: The item must be filled out for the chart to be signed and closed

Deleting a Chart Template

Jane makes it simple for clinics to create templates to make charting easier, but mistakes happen, guidelines change! There are three ways a chart template can be deleted:

  1. By the original author of the template
  2. By the listed Account Owner 
  3. By a staff member who has at least Administrative / All Billing permissions

For more details on the different permissions a profile can have, check out our Staff Access Levels guide.

To start, you’ll want to head over to the Staff Profile for the staff member who created the template. Next, click on Templates and the Edit button to the right of the template you wish to delete.

screenshot of navigational steps

From there, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the red trashcan icon.

screenshot of where to find the delete button

A little pop-up will appear asking for a final confirmation and you’ll want to click the blue Yes button to complete this change.

screenshot of the pop up message for the final confirmation

We hope this guide gets you feeling comfortable and confident implementing Chart Templates in your day-to-day. If so, take the leap, and experience the advantages of this powerful tool for yourself – your future self will thank you! 🚀

That being said, if you have some questions still before you can feel fully confident creating your own template, don’t hesitate to Contact Us. We’re always happy to help!

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