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Your 2024 with Jane FAQ

Happy New Year! 🎆 Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Your 2024 with Jane year-end summary.

Why have I received this email?

Great question! We’ve packaged together your personalized Jane highlights from the past year as a fun and helpful way to wrap up 2024 and look ahead to the new year. Any practitioner with more than 100 appointments and 25 clients in 2024 (who haven’t opted out of receiving marketing emails) will receive a year-end summary.

Can I see this information for the whole clinic and/or each individual practitioner at my clinic?

The information in your year-end summary only includes your data. You can’t access another practitioner’s year-end summary unless they share a screenshot with you. This is because you cannot open another practitioner’s year-end summary page as a privacy measure.

We’ve packaged up this summary as a year-end treat, but the raw data is available through the reports in Jane, depending on your access level. Some of these numbers can also be found in the Practitioner Dashboard.

Can I see data for past years?

No, currently, the year-end summary is only available for 2024, and the link in your email will expire at the end of January.

Here are a few reasons why a link may not work for you:

  • You are clicking on another practitioner’s link (as a privacy measure, you cannot view another practitioner’s year-end summary, even if they’ve forwarded you their link).
  • The email on your staff profile is the same as another staff member’s (e.g. a clinic-wide email address). In this case, you may have received another staff member’s year-end summary link.

These numbers seem low - are they showing data for the whole clinic?

This summary only shows your own data, not the data for the whole clinic.

I’ve noticed a few discrepancies between my year-end summary and my Jane reports - why is this?

Ah, this is a very good question. Here are two common reasons why the numbers on your year-end summary can differ from your Jane reports.

  • The year-end summary catches booking redundancies. For example, some clinics book two appointments back-to-back rather than extending an appointment. In your Jane reports, this will show up as two appointments, whereas in the year-end summary, it is considered one appointment.
  • The year-end summary defines an initial visit as a client’s first visit to the clinic. This will likely be different than the number of initial treatments you provided, for example, if you provide an initial treatment for each new concern your client has.

How long will this summary be available?

The year-end summary will be available until the end of January 2024, at which point the link deactivates. You have the option to take a screenshot if you’d like to save your summary.

As always, we love hearing from you! If you have any questions or comments, please email us at [email protected].

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