Jane's Guide Here's all the help you need to use Jane.

Step 1: Clinic Information

Welcome to Jane!

Of course, we’re very excited that you’re running with Jane and hopefully you are too! But we know that you want to get started, and you might be wondering what you should be doing to get Jane configured for you. Here’s a list of the first setup tasks that you’ll need to complete so you can begin booking appointments.

On your mark…get set…go!

There are 5 basic steps that are required to get your Jane account up and running:

Set Up Task Complete
Clinic Information ✍️

Set Up Step 1: Clinic Information

Get started with your new Jane account by entering some basic information about your clinic.

Begin by navigating to the Settings tab in the top menu, and then click into Clinic Info on the left.

The Clinic Info area is where you can enter some basic information about your practice, such as your company name, your website, and your time zone.

Watch the video below for an overview of this area:

Note: Speed up or slow down the video speed using the ⚙️ button inside the video player!

Clinic Info Set Up Tips

Website: This field is going to allow the logo on your online booking site to link back to your business website. You can see an example of how this works in the video above.

Client Pronouns: This optional setting will allow clients to specify their pronouns (e.g. they/them/theirs) when logged into their secure client portal (My Account). By checking this box, your clients have the ability to update or add their pronouns as needed.

Time Zone: Ensure the Time Zone is accurate to your location!

Advanced Settings: Here’s where you can select your patient starting number. Jane will begin counting up from the number entered here. The starting patient number can only be numerical. If you would like to add letters, you can do so from the individual patient profile (under Edit/Settings).

Make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and hit Save once you’re finished.

Locations Set Up Tips

Alright, once you’re done setting up your Clinic Info page, navigate to Locations in the left-hand menu.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind while completing this information:

Locations: At the bottom of the page, you will find a list of your locations. Review your clinic location details by clicking the Edit button.

The email address listed under your primary location is the email address Jane uses as the “reply to” address for all emails sent out through Jane. For example, if a patient replies back to an appointment reminder email notification, this is the email address the reply will send to.

In the Location Address and Map section your can click to enable your Location Map:

Make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and hit Save! to save the changes.

👏Right on! You’ve completed account set up Step 1!

Head on over to your account and mark step 1 as complete. Next up, Step 2.

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