When you remove the insurance add-on from your subscription, you’ll lose access to all the insurance features and information in the account. All that data isn’t automatically deleted but rather hidden while those features are unavailable.
This way, if you decide later down the line to use insurance features again, all that data remains intact. Keeping this in mind, this guide will walk through our recommendations just so you’re prepared for what happens after the subscription is updated.
- Exporting Insurance Billings
- Exporting the Insurance Policy Report
- Close all Policies
- Updating Future Appointments
Before we jump into this, if you’re curious about why you might be missing the Insurance tab in your account, this guide could be helpful: Missing the Insurance Tab? Adding the Insurance add-on to the Practice or Thrive Plan
Exporting Insurance Billings
To ensure you have copies of all the insurance billings, you’ll want to head over to some reports and to the insurers themselves to export and download this data.
Claims Submissions
To start, you’ll want to head over to the Billings tab, scroll down to the Claim Submissions section and start working through each of the folders. For this example, we’ll be starting with the Unsubmitted folder.
In the top right, you’ll want to click on Export and select the file type you’d like to export this data to. Next, Jane will take a few moments to prepare the file for you. To complete the download, just click on the Download XLSX File or Download CSV File depending on the file format that you choose.
You’ll want to repeat this step for all of the folders.
Insurer Invoices
For each individual insurer, you have the option of creating a Statement or downloading each of the Insurer Invoices separately. Insurer Statements are really handy for including different patient’s billing all in one document.
Once the statement is generated, there are a number of filters that you can use to narrow down the data. For example, you can create a statement for just invoices, just payments or both.
These statements will include a summary of the Total Invoiced, Total Paid and the Balance remaining if there are still outstanding claims missing payments.
Exporting the Insurance Policy Report
To keep a copy of all the patient’s policy information, you can head over to the Reports tab and select Insurance Policies. By default, this report will list all of the policies for every insurer, but you can use the filters at the top to narrow down the data to a specific insurer or staff member.
You can export this report by clicking on the three horizontal black dots in the top right corner of the report. From there you can select the file format you’d like to export the report to.
Close all Policies
Next, you’ll want to make sure that all the policies are closed. This is a handy way to tell Jane that this policy is no longer valid when a staff member is booking an appointment. While there isn’t a way to do this action in bulk for all insurers at once, there is a way to do this for all the policies for a specific insurer at once.
Let’s start by heading over to the Billing tab and selecting the specific insurer under Insurer Invoices.
Next, click on Insurance Policies and you’ll see a list of all the policies under that specific insurer. Using the All Status filter, you’ll select Open to narrow down the list of policies to all the ones that are still open.
Now you can click on the toggle to the right of the word patient to select all of the policies. To the right, you’ll click on the Selected button with the number of policies. Within the dropdown menu that opens up, you’ll want to select Mark as Closed.
Jane will take a few moments to complete the action (especially if there are a lot of policies) and you’ll see a green pop-up once it’s complete.
You’ll want to repeat this process for all of the insurers to ensure that all the polices are closed.
Updating Future Appointments
With the policies closed to prevent them from being added to appointments in the future, you’ll need to ensure all the existing appointments on the schedule have the policies removed so it doesn’t impact the billing for those patients.
For this option, you can use the Appointments Report filtered to a future date to check those appointments all from the same screen.
To start, you’ll want to head over to the Reports tab and then click on Appointments on the left sidebar menu. Next, filter the date range to how far in advance patients typically book their appointments.
You can click on the blue text with the appointment details and Jane will open up the Appointment Panel on the right side. You can quickly scroll to the Insurance Info section and see if they have insurance on their visit or not.
If the policy is added, you can remove it by clicking on the dropdown arrow in the circle and then selecting Remove Policy from the menu options.
Once you export all your insurance billing data from Jane the Account Owner can update the subscription to remove the Insurance add-on. for more details on how they can update their Jane subscription, check out our Managing Your Jane Subscription guide for more detailed information.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns about this process, pleasecontact our support team and we’d be happy to help 💙