Jane's Guide Here's all the help you need to use Jane.

Box 26

Patient’s Account Number

What’s in the box?

This box contains the number that the provider (clinic) uses to identify the patient.

Where does this info live in Jane?

When you save a new patient profile, Jane automatically assigns a Patient Number to the profile. That number can be changed if needed by heading to the patient’s profile and clicking Edit/Settings.

Is this required?

All patients in your account should have a Patient Number, but it is still considered optional.

What about the EDI file?

The Patient # is not sent in EDI files.

However, something that’s similar to a Patient # that is sent in the EDI is the Claim Submitter’s ID. Each electronic claim submission is assigned a unique Claim Submitter’s ID. This is done automatically, and cannot be changed or altered.

Note: this applies to every electronic submission that you generate for a given claim. So if you create 2 EDIs (1 original submission, 1 resubmission), each transaction will have a unique Claim Submitter’s ID.

The Claim Submitter’s ID is sent in Loop 2300, Segment CLM01

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