We’re well excited about this feature! The ability to track and assign tasks is fantastic for administrative staff and practitioners alike. If you love to-do lists as much as us, then you’ll love Tasks.
Jane’s Note system pops up throughout different areas of Jane. You’ve seen the Note fields on appointments, insurance claims, patient profiles, invoices, and sprinkled through various other areas in Jane. The cool thing about all these Note areas is that you can also toggle those Notes into Tasks!
If you’re curious about the basic function of Notes in Jane, check out our Special Notes guide.
Creating a Task
Notes can be turned into Tasks!
Adding a Task to a patient’s appointment is easy and is a great way to add alerts about specific clients for a particular appointment.
You can switch from a Note to a Task using the little speech bubble toggle icon on any Note.
Once it is toggled over, a couple of new fields appear, a Due… calendar to assign a due date to the task and an Assign to Staff Member… drop-down menu.
This allows you to assign Tasks to certain staff members to complete on a certain date.
Once added you’ll be able to see who created the Task, when it’s due, and if you’ve assigned it to a specific item, such as a patient, claim, or invoice.
Notifications about Tasks
When you log in to your Jane account, if you have any pending Tasks you will see a bubble with the number of pending Tasks next to your name in the upper right corner of Jane.
This badge will alert you if there are any Tasks assigned to you that are either overdue or due in the next 36 hours.
Accessing Tasks
You can access your Tasks by clicking your name in the upper right corner of Jane to bring up a drop-down menu then within that menu you can click the My Tasks option.
This will slide out a list of your Tasks organized by their due date.
You’re also able to view a list of all your Tasks by heading into your Staff Profile and popping into your Tasks tab.
Exploring a Task
You can look into a Task to learn more by clicking on the blue text that links the Task to the area of Jane on which it was originally created.
Completing a Task
To mark a Task as completed, click that checkmark option beside the Task.
This will add a note and timestamp to the Task to update it as completed.
Re-assigning or Editing a Task
If you want to change who a Task is assigned to, its due date, or any of the wording, you can click on the three dots to the right of it and choose Edit Note.
⭐️ Task Notes can still be starred so they stay at the top of the list!
Additional Notes
Are tasks deleted after they’re completed?
Nope - while Jane will remove them from the current task list, you can click on Completed with the Staff Member’s Profile and then within the Tasks tab.
Okay! That’s the run down.
If you have any other questions about the Tasks feature or anything else in Jane don’t hesitate to Contact Us.