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How to Update Your Google Chrome Browser

Have you ever had those moments when your internet page starts acting a bit wonky? Updating your browser could be the fix you need!

Step-by-Step Instructions on Updating Google Chrome

  1. Click the 3 dots in the top-right of your Chrome Browser
  2. Select Help
  3. You can then click on About Google Chrome

A screenshot image on how to select the three dots in Google Chrome, select "help," and then "About Google Chrome"

The screen below will let you know if you’re up-to-date or need an update:

A screenshot when the Google Chrome browser is successfully up to date

When possible, it’s recommended that you enable automatic updates to keep your browser secure and up-to-date. And that should do it!

For more information on Browser Requirements, feel free to check out this guide. Happy browsing 😊

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