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Voice to Chart

Welcome to our beta guide for Voice to Chart. This feature introduces the Smart SOAP Note chart part that uses a customizable prompt to summarize an audio recording of an appointment so you can focus more on your patients and less on note-taking.

Voice to Chart is an experimental feature in its early days, so it will continue to change and improve but is secure and ready for you to explore in its current state. You can request early access here.

📣 Jane tip: This feature uses an audio recording of a session either uploaded to a chart or recorded directly in Jane. The audio is then processed by a trusted and compliant third-party using AI. You will be prompted to acknowledge that all parties have consented before recording or uploading your audio to Jane. For best practices for getting consent to record audio, reach out to your regulatory body as guidance can differ between disciplines and regions. If it’s in line with their recommendations, you could use the consents section of your intake forms.

What can this feature do right now?

  • You can add a Smart SOAP Note prompt to a template and edit the prompt that tells Jane what to summarize from your audio.
  • You can add a Smart SOAP Note chart part to a single chart entry and use the default prompt.
  • You can upload an audio file or record audio directly in Jane for your Smart SOAP Note to summarize.

What’s coming next?

  • More sample transcripts: When you edit your Smart SOAP Note’s prompt, you can test it out with sample transcripts in Jane. There are currently only two sample transcripts so we are working to add more to make it easier to test your prompts.

Let’s get started!

Opting into Voice to Chart

After you’ve requested early access here, you’ll get a Voice to Chart tab in your Settings area.

This is where you can add and remove subscriptions for staff profiles. Each subscription is $20 a month per staff profile.

Adding a Smart SOAP Note to a chart entry

You can add a Smart SOAP Note to a chart entry without creating a template.

To add your Smart SOAP Note to a single chart, head to your patient’s chart, click New Chart Entry and select Smart SOAP Note.

You can edit the default prompt, but you won’t have the option to test your prompt with a sample transcript the way you would if you added this chart part to a template rather than a single chart entry. Instead, you can upload or record audio to see how your prompt performs.

Check out the prompts section of this guide to learn more.

Next, you’re ready to upload an audio file or record audio directly in Jane.

Using a Smart SOAP Note in a template

Start by heading to your staff profile and selecting Templates under your name.

Next, click the New template button to create a new one or click Edit next to an existing one.

Click the Add Item button and select Smart SOAP Note from the list.

Now you can move on to editing your prompt.


Your Smart SOAP Note prompt lets Jane know what information from the audio recording should be included in the Smart SOAP Note summary.

Each note has a default prompt which we encourage you to edit and experiment with. You can even use this chart part for something that isn’t related to a SOAP at all like a doctor’s note, for example.

💡 Jane tip: Thanks to our beta users, we have compiled some sample prompts for you to try.

You can click directly into the Prompt field to edit.

Prompt Snippets

You can build or add to your prompt using our Prompt Snippets. Under the Prompts field, you can click the blue text that reads Show Prompt Snippets.

Clicking on a snippet will add some prompt text to the bottom of your Prompt field. It won’t overwrite any of the current text, so you’ll need to highlight any text you don’t want to keep and delete it so things don’t get cluttered.

Testing your prompt in a template

If you’re editing your Smart SOAP Note in a template, you can test your prompt by clicking the Generate button. Jane will use a sample transcript so you can see how your prompt works. Right now you can choose a sample transcript for a physio or mental health appointment.

When you’re happy with your prompt, click Save and add your other Smart SOAP Notes.

Once you’ve finished and saved your template, it’s ready to rock.

Testing your prompt in a single chart entry

When editing your prompt for a single chart entry, you won’t have access to the sample transcript, so you’ll want to upload your audio file or record audio to see how your prompt performs.

If you don’t like the way your summary turned out and want to edit it, download the audio file from your chart if you don’t already have it saved.

Next, you can edit your prompt and then re-upload your audio file.

💡 Jane tip: Just a reminder to delete any PHI or PII from your device if you’ve downloaded the audio file from your chart.

Using another staff member’s template

From the templates area in your staff profile, you can view templates made by other staff members at your clinic.

If you see one you like, we recommend duplicating it so you have your own copy. This way, if the author of the template edits it, their edits won’t affect your copy.

Alternatively, you can just click the toggle next to the template to add it to your list. If the author makes changes to it, it will update for you as well.

Pre-recording tips

Now that your chart template is finished, let’s go over a few recording recommendations to make sure you have a smooth experience putting your template to use.

  • Make sure your device and browser are updated.
  • Check that all other applications or AI scribes that require a microphone are closed.
  • This feature works best with Chrome or Firefox on Windows devices and Chrome, Safari, or Firefox on MacOS devices. Other devices and browsers may not work optimally.
  • If you are recording audio directly in Jane (instead of uploading an audio file), check that another app isn’t already using your microphone, like Zoom for example.
  • Make sure your microphone has a clear line of site to each person being recorded (we don’t recommend headsets to record multiple people since they are designed only to record the wearer’s voice)
  • Since this is an experimental feature, we recommend going through the steps below with your Test Patient profile to try it out before recording a real session.
  • Additionally, it doesn’t hurt to take backup notes just in case something goes wrong.

📣 Jane tip: Based on the feedback we’ve received, we’ve removed the text transcript as an attachment to the chart entry. We are exploring a more permanent solution for managing and reviewing transcripts, but for now, they will be inaccessible. The audio file, however, will be included in the chart entry.

Recording directly in Jane

Once you’ve created a new chart entry with your template, click the microphone icon, confirm all parties have consented to be recorded, and then click Record audio.

💡 Jane tip: You can record for 90 minutes at a time. At the 80-minute mark, you’ll get a warning that the time limit is almost up, and at 90 minutes, the recording will finish.

You’ll likely need to allow access to your microphone:

Next, you can change what microphone you’re using if needed, and you can see whether it’s picking up audio with the Mic check bars. When you’re all set, click the Start Record button.

Now you should see a banner letting you know that the recording is in progress. The banner will stay up no matter which page in Jane you move to. You can pause or end the recording from the banner or the patient’s charting area.

Once the audio recording has finished uploading, you’ll see the note fields have been populated according to the prompts you added to your template. You can edit this text as much as you like. The audio file will be included in the chart entry as well.

Uploading an existing audio file

💡 Jane tip: We strongly recommend recording your session directly in Jane instead of uploading an existing file so that you don’t have to record in a separate program and then deal with finding and transferring the file to Jane.

Once you’ve created a new chart entry with your template, you’ll click the microphone icon at the top of the chart entry. confirm that all parties in the recording have consented, and then click Upload audio file.

You can upload any of the following file types: mp3, mp4, m4a, wav, or webm.

Next, select the file from your device and let Voice to Chart work its magic. ✨

📣 Jane tip: We recommend storing your audio files in a secure program, or deleting them from your device once you’re finished with them, since they contain PHI.

You’ll see a message letting you know your file is processing. You can navigate to a different area of Jane and it won’t interrupt the audio file being processed.

Once the audio file is processed, you’ll see the note fields have been populated according to the prompts you added to your template. You can edit this text as much as you like. The audio file will be included in the chart entry as well.

FAQ & troubleshooting

How can I get access to Voice to Chart?

You can head over to our landing page to request early access.

Is there a cost for this feature?

Yes, this feature is an optional add-on available for $20 per user, per month and you can cancel at any time.

Do all practitioners at a clinic have to opt in to use this feature?

No, staff profiles can be opted in on an individual basis in Settings > Voice to Chart.

How is Voice to Chart different from other AI scribes?

Great question! Voice to Chart is special in a couple of ways: * Fully integrated into Jane so you don’t have to work out of multiple platforms to create templates, record audio, sign, and store your charts. * Secure and responsibly built with Jane’s AI Principles in mind. * Improves every day with feedback from you and our beta testers (thank you!). 💙

What do I do if my file has been processing for longer than 5 minutes and seems stuck?

In this case, try reloading Jane to get things moving again.

What do I do if I see a red “Failed” banner?

This typically means that the audio recording has worked but wasn’t processed. We recommend heading to the patient’s Files area, downloading the audio file, and then trying to upload it again.

Can I upload multiple audio files at the same time?

No, you can only upload one file at a time. When a file is uploading, you’ll see the banner along the top of the page so you’ll know right away when your file is finished and you can upload another.

Can I upload multiple files to one chart?

Yes, you can record and add multiple audio files to one chart. They will need to be added one at a time, and each audio file or recording will be summarized in the note fields underneath the text that’s already been added. Nothing gets overwritten.

In the example below, you can see how the text for each recording gets added to the bottom of the chart note.

How do I edit my prompts?

You can edit your prompts for a single chart entry, or in a template.

To edit prompts in a template, head to your staff profile, click Templates under your name and click Edit next to your chart template. From here, you can edit your prompts.

💡 Jane tip: Heads up, when you edit the chart template, that edit will take effect for other staff who are using that shared template. Each staff member can duplicate a shared template to have their own copy.

To edit a prompt for a single chart entry, you can head to the chart, click the three dots in the upper right, and select the pencil icon.

Next, you can edit the prompt in the Prompt Field and save your changes. If you used a template for this chart entry, the prompt in the template won’t change.

Do I have to use the prompts provided in this guide?

No, you can add your own prompts and experiment with what works best. Some folks use prompts that aren’t even related to SOAP notes, though SOAP notes are the intended use of this feature. We encourage you to try things out and see what works for you.

Will I see the banner if another practitioner is uploading a file?

No, you’ll only see the banner when you are uploading a file.

Can I navigate away from the charting area while a file is uploading?

Yes, and you’ll still see the banner with a link to view the chart entry once it’s finished.

What file types are supported?

You can upload any of the following file types: mp3, mp4, wav, m4a, OGG, and webm.

What is the maximum file size and how long can my recording be?

The maximum file size is 200MB. When you’re recording directly in Jane, you will get a warning at the 80-minute mark, and your recording will finish at the 90-minute mark.

Only my voice is being recorded, not my patient’s or client’s. What can I do?

Jane doesn’t do any post-processing of your audio, so the final recording will include everything that was picked up by your microphone. If you are recording your voice and your patient’s, then we recommend positioning your microphone with a clear line of sight to yourself and your patient. If you’re using a headset, that often has a directional microphone designed to pick up the wearer’s voice but not the voices of anyone nearby, so we wouldn’t recommend headsets unless you’re only recording your voice. In a pinch, you can access Jane on your phone and use your phone’s built-in microphone.

Can I upload a recording of a group appointment?

Currently, Voice to Chart isn’t as accurate with audio of multiple patients, so we recommend either sticking with dictation from the practitioner, or a conversation between one patient and their practitioner.

Does it work for online appointments?

Great question! The tricky part about online appointments is getting a recording of both the patient and practitioner, since they’re not in the same room. If you can record both the voice of the practitioner and patient in the session, then you can try uploading it to see what happens, but this is not a workflow that has been extensively tested.

Where can I learn more about Jane’s use of AI?

Our AI principles guide is a great place to start. It goes into detail about what our guiding principles are when creating AI-powered solutions for clinics. And of course, if you have any questions, you can always reach out at [email protected].

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