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Bookmarking Your Jane Account for Easy Access

Welcome to the world of efficiency! If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to access your Jane account from your web browser in just one click — meet your new best friend ✨bookmarks.✨

We’ll walk through how to bookmark a tab in our recommended browser, Google Chrome. Check out our guide on Browser and Operating System Requirements for more details.

For mobile devices, see our Using Jane on a Smartphone guide that walks through how to bookmark a page and create a home button on your device

Let’s walk through the steps together!

How to Create a Bookmark

You’ll first want to launch your browser on your desktop or laptop. Next, you’ll sign into your Jane account as usual.

Hot Tip🌶️: Make sure to pay close attention to the URL or web address. You’ll want to bookmark the Today view of your schedule rather than a set past date. This way when you use your bookmark, Jane will automatically take you to today’s date. The browser URL should be: clinicname.janeapp.com/admin#schedule/today

From there, click on the star icon once and a small pop-up window will open up just below the address bar. To further customize the name and where the bookmark gets saved, you can click on the Edit button.

Once you’re all set with those changes, click the Done button, and voila! You’ve successfully bookmarked the URL.

Using Your Bookmark

To access your Jane account, select your bookmark from the menu at the top of your web browser, or from within the folder you saved it to.

And that’s it! You’ve now bookmarked your Jane account(s) and given the gift of easier accessibility to future you. Easy peasy lemon squeezy! 🍋

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