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Jane to Jane Chart Transfer: A Detailed Guide

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If you are looking to transfer your data from one Jane account to another, you’re in the right place!

On the Jane side of things, we are able to transfer your charting data from one account to another, but can import other items for you including:

  • Full Patient Demographics
  • Past & Upcoming Appointments
  • Insurance Policies
  • Products

You will need to export these reports and provide them in an import in the new account for us to populate the data in the new account itself along with the charts.

This data moves over as a copy - so nothing is deleted or removed from the original account.

Through this guide, we will outline step-by-step what happens and what you can expect.

Data Ownership

First a quick note on ownership.

In Jane’s eyes, there is only one Account Owner who owns the data and that is the staff member who holds the Account Owner Badge in the staff profile.

It is completely up to the current account holder as to whether you release that data to your practitioner who is leaving, and the legality and details of chart ownership is something that differs widely by discipline, clinic, country and contract.

Ensuring that everyone is on the same page when data is transferred is of top priority, so that informs our procedure below.

Transferring Charts

If you are transferring 12 or fewer charts, you will need to complete this process manually on your end. For this process, you’ll need to export the patient chart notes and upload them as a file in their new clinic. For more information on how to upload a file, you can take a peek at Files in Chart Area

If you are looking to transfer only a subset of charts to another Jane account, our team can do this on your behalf for 12 or more patients. For this option, we will migrate the charts on our end, so there’s no export process needed for this.

Manual Chart Transfers

For a chart transfer for more than 12 patient charts, contact us at [email protected] to start the process by requesting a Chart Transfer Authorization Form. This form needs to be completed and signed by both Account Owners of the Jane accounts involved, as well as by the practitioners whose charts will be transferred in order for Jane to have authorization to copy over the relevant charts.

We send out the authorization form on our end, so when you reach out, be sure to provide the name of the account you’re transferring from and the name of the account you’re transferring to.

It’s important to note this process only transfers charts authored by the practitioner, so even if anyone shares patients, only the entries authored by the practitioner in question will transfer over.

The Questionnaire portion from the intake forms will be included (Any intake forms specifically associated with another practitioner will not be transferred.) Any uploads done by the admin staff for that practitioner’s patients will also be transferred if authorized.

Both the Intake Form Questionnaires along with the Administratively Authored charts need to be selected on top of the practitioner’s charts to be included. The Account Owner of the source account is the authorized party to make this selection when the form is sent.

Nothing authored by any other practitioner will transfer and again, no entries will be deleted or removed from the original account. Everything is only copied.

Here is an example of what the options are on the authorization form. The Source Account Owner will be the one to check the boxes of what will be transferred for the practitioner.

If a “Specific set of patient charts for a practitioner” is selected, a patient list must be provided for us to select which patient’s records are to be transferred.

Please note, this is only an example and not to be downloaded for use. You will need to reach out to support to start the process and send the authorization form on the Jane side of things.

There is a detailed explainer guide on each of these sections and what they indicate on the form, Jane to Jane Transfer Authorization Form Explainer

What gets transferred?

In a Jane to Jane transfer, we only transfer the charting data on the Jane side of things. The rest will need to be provided by you as outlined earlier in the guide.

If you’re only transferring charts and nothing else, profiles will be created for the patients with basic demographics only. We include some for identification purposes.

  • Patient First and Last names
  • Personal Health Number (if entered in the source account)
  • Phone Numbers (if entered in the source account)
  • Email (if entered in the source account)

Exporting the Patient List from Original Account

If you also want to transfer patient profile data, you will need to run and export the Patient List report in the old account. This is accessible only by the Account Owner or a Full Access Staff Profile. Whether you have a Full Access staff profile or not, we recommend reaching out to the Account Owner before you do this. You will have to reach out to the Account Owner if you do not have Full Access regardless. A Patient List can be exported to excel from the Reports tab. The report can be filtered by a practitioner to provide just patients seen by a specific practitioner.

Once filtered appropriately use the Export button to create an excel file. Save this excel file for upload to the new Jane account (see below).

Note The excel file when exported contains more fields than is viewable in the preview mode. Jane will export every field from the patient profile and also includes a first and last visit field.

Exporting Appointments from the Original Account

Appointments can be exported from this same Reports area. This can be filtered in the same way down to a single practitioner and a date range to include past and future appointments if appropriate.

Export to excel in the same way as with the patient profile. Save this file in excel for upload to the new Jane Account.

For Products and Insurance Policies

You can also run and export the Inventory and Insurance Policies reports for transfer. It’s important to note however that these two reports will contain clinic wide information and cannot be filtered by practitioners. You will have to manually remove any data you don’t want to be transferred from the exported reports.

Insurance Policies

To export the insurance policies, you will go to Reports > Insurance Policies > Export. As mentioned above, this will be every policy for every patient in the account and not practitioner specific.

You can either provide this to the practitioner and request that we filter it specifically to the patient list for only that practitioner, or schedule an import in your own account as the Source Account Owner and provide us that file directly there, and not having to provide the extra information to the practitioner leaving. We will then filter that report and upload only insurance policies pertaining to that practitioner.


You can export this report by going to Reports > Inventory > Export, though you will need to remove the rows of products that you don’t wish to import into the new account before providing that file to us.

Importing Your Patients and Appointments to the New Jane Account

To ensure that your data is uploaded to the correct account, and for security reasons, we do not accept patient data via email. You can upload the files to us in the Settings > Schedule an Import area.

You can find an overview of this process here: How to Import Data to Jane: An Overview

Once your import has been approved, you’ll be able to upload those files to us there.

When we’ve received those, we will go ahead and import everything as well as transfer your charting data at the same time as outlined on the authorization form.

Transfers only occur during business days.

If you have any further questions about any of this please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’d be happy to help you!

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