Manual Intake Forms are versatile and come in handy for various situations, such as Release of Information Consents, Waivers, Agreements, Witness Statements, and more – the list goes on and on! In essence, consider Manual Intake Forms as your go-to tool whenever you need to send forms to patients on a case-by-case basis.
Creating a Manual Intake Form
To get started with creating your manual Intake Form, as a Full Access User you can head into your Settings > Forms & Surveys to View Forms on Intake Forms. From there, you’ll want to click that New Intake Form button to get started.
📝 For a more detailed break of the different tabs when creating Intake Forms, we recommend checking out our general Intake Forms guide as it goes into depth on the full setup of Intake Forms. If you’re creating a specific type of consent, the recommendation would be to create that form as an intake form. For more details on that process and our recommendations, check out our guide doc on Using Intake Forms for Consent to Treat or Update Forms.
In the first General tab of creating a New Intake Form, you’ll want to ensure you set the form to Send manually so the form isn’t automatically sent to your patients.
Since you’ve set the form to be sent manually, you don’t need to worry about the Appointment Type tab as it does not apply to this form. Continue working through the rest of the tabs as needed. Most of your work will likely be done in the Questionnaires tab if you’re looking for more customizable item options or the Consents tab if you’re simply collecting patient consent.
Quick tip 🤓, if you’re working in the Questionnaires tab, you’ll have the option to make items Required if you’d like to ensure patients complete that part of the form.
As you reach the Consents portion of the form, you’ll have a check box to Require Signature if you’d like your patient to sign the form before they submit it.
Once you’ve worked through the tabs of creating your Intake Form, hit Save Intake Form and you’re good to go.
Sending (or Filling Out) a Manual Intake Form
Once you’ve got your Intake Form created, you might be wondering how you go about actually getting that form to your patient. You’ll be happy to know it’s quick and easy as this is done with a simple from the Patient Profile.
Within the Profile tab, you’ll see a section for Online Intake Forms where you have the option for a patient to Fill Out the form on your device, this comes up if you have a device such as a tablet that you use when patients need to fill out a form in the clinic, or Email if you’d like to manually send your patient the form to fill out on their personal device.
Just like that, you’ve gone through creating and sending a manual Intake Form, thus ensuring your clinic has a record of any consents, agreements, waivers, etc. that apply to your practice.
If you’re interested in diving deeper into Intake Forms, both our Intake Forms and Intake Form FAQ guides are a great resource to reference. Our Support Team is also always happy to chat with you so feel free to Contact Us if you’d like to get connected.