Jane's Guide Here's all the help you need to use Jane.

Markdown Cheat Sheet

There are a few spots in Jane where you can use markdown formatting to add structure and style to plain text. It allows you to create headings, lists, and bold and italicized text. Below you’ll find the different symbols used for markdown syntax.

💡 Jane tip: You can use markdown in Jane anywhere that you see formatting instructions ⤵️

#Large heading

Large heading

##Medium heading

Medium heading

###Small heading

Small heading

**Bold text**

Bold text

*Italicized text*

Italicized text

> blockquote


Numbered and bulleted lists using “-“ or “1.”

  1. Numbered lists
  • Bulleted lists

[linked text goes here](https://janeapp.com)

Website links

![Preview of images that exist on the internet](imageURL.jpg)

Like this cute cat for example

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