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Posting Insurer Payments With Paper Remittances

This guide walks through how you can post insurer payments for paper remittances. If you have the option to receive electronic remittances (ERAs) from your insurer, you should definitely choose that option, and then check out our guide that walks through posting ERAs: Posting Insurer Payments With ERAs

Insurance payments for paper remittances can be posted in a few different areas in Jane (i.e. through an individual patient’s purchase). Our recommended workflow is to post payments under Billing > Insurer Invoices > New Payment

You will see the New Payment screen open where you can record the amount received and the payment method (i.e. insurer check).

When you hit Next, a payment is recored and can now be applied to multiple invoices.

After clicking Next, search for the purchase you’d like to apply this payment to:

Click Edit to record the EOB (Explanation of Benefits) in detail:

For more information on how to record your EOBs in detail, please have a look at his handy guide: A Deeper Dive Into Recording EOBs

Once you’ve filled out your EOB, click the Apply Changes button to finish up!

Voila, our payment is recorded and our EOB is posted!

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