Jane's Guide Here's all the help you need to use Jane.

Gift Cards Overview

This guide covers gift cards that clients can purchase administratively while at your clinic. If you’re curious about online gift cards that can be purchased via your online booking site, you can jump over to our guide on Working with Online Gift Cards.

When clients purchase a Jane gift card online or in person, it creates a unique code that they can share with a loved one or use themselves. This guide gives you an overview of the common workflows you’ll want to know in order to get started.

Getting started with gift cards

Gift cards in action

Keeping track of gift cards

Using Jane’s gift cards with paper gift certificates or plastic cards.

Getting started with gift cards

Enabling or disabling gift cards

If you have Full Access permission, you can enable or disable the gift cards system in the Settings area under Billing Settings. Disabling gift cards will hide any mention of gift cards in Jane, so you don’t have to look at a feature that you’re not using.

This is also where you can enable Online Gift Cards that clients can purchase through their client portal. Read more about our Online Gift Cards feature here.

❗️Note: If you disable gift cards while patients have unused gift card balances, you will not be able to redeem gift cards going forward. If you want to remove gift cards from your clinic but you have active gift cards, we suggest phasing the feature out slowly. You can remove the option to purchase gift cards online, and then transfer the balance as a credit to the gift card issuer. You can use the Gift Card report to determine which patients have unused gift card balances.

Working with online gift cards

Did you know that gift cards can be purchased by clients online through their client portal? Whether they want to treat themselves or a loved one, they can purchase a gift card and receive a code to share with the lucky gift recipient.

Check out our guide Working with Online Gift Cards to learn more.

Setting a maximum gift card dollar amount

If you want to limit the amount of money that can be loaded onto a gift card, you can set this in Settings, under Billing Settings. It’s called the Gift card load limit.

We also have another setting called the Gift card online sale limit which is the limit you can set for your patients buying a gift card online.

Gift cards in action

Loading and reloading gift cards

Gift cards can be loaded administratively. Learn more about Loading or Creating a Gift Card or Reloading an Existing Gift Card in our handy guides.

If you would like to load or reload a gift card from a credit on file, you can check out our handy guide, Loading a Gift Card Using a Credit on File, for step-by-step instructions.

Donating Gift Cards

Often times clinics like to give back to their communities by donating a gift card to help support local charities or community events. Learn more about how you can manage these unique transactions with our Donating Gift Cards or Promos guide.

Wallet or Bank Style Package and Membership using Gift Cards

Check out our step-by-step guide on Managing a Wallet or Bank Style Package or Membership and explore how to set up an internal wallet or bank using Jane’s Gift Card feature.

Redeeming gift cards

You can redeem a gift card any time you are receiving a payment. Get our step-by-step instructions for Redeeming a Gift Card in Jane.

Refunding or deleting gift cards

Perhaps your client is moving and you want to extend a refund or maybe you created a Gift Card in error, we have you covered. See our guide on Refunding and Deleting a Gift Card.

Transfer a balance

Sometimes a client wants to share their gift card with a family member or spouse. In this case, you have two choices for transferring the balance.

  1. Redeem the gift card at the time of purchase. Learn more about Redeeming Gift Cards in our guide.
  2. Transfer the balance from the gift card to a client’s profile. You’ll want to see our guide on Transferring a Gift Card Balance.

Gift Card Created Date

Gift cards are more like credits instead of actual sales, so Jane likes to be very exact with the date the gift card was created in the reports.

A gift card’s payment Applied at and Received at date can be adjusted, but the gift card’s Created Date cannot be backdated. Check out our guide doc on Working with the Purchase, Invoice, Received at, and Applied Dates for more details on how these interact with your financial reports in Jane.

Tracking gift cards

How are gift cards accounted for?

When you load a gift card, it is not the same thing as selling a product. Payment is accepted from the client and transferred to the gift card. This payment will show up in your Transaction reports for the date of the payment, but it will not yet be counted as revenue. The balance on the gift card will be considered the same way as an account credit in your financial reporting. We recommend treating the balance in your accounting system as a long-term liability.

When gift cards are redeemed, the amount redeemed is then considered revenue on the date of redemption and will appear in sales and cash-based compensation reports.

It’s important to note that loading a gift card is not considered a purchase in Jane. It will not show up in purchase lists because nothing is actually being sold. It’s simply a transfer of money from a client’s payment to a gift card. And it remains a long-term liability or credit until the gift card is used.

Looking up a gift card

Click the Billing tab on a client profile, then the Gift Cards tab. You will see a list of gift cards that this client has either loaded money onto or redeemed money from. Click View to see all activity for a gift card.

Using Janes gift cards with paper gift certificates or plastic cards.

What about gift certificates?

You don’t need fancy plastic cards to use Jane’s gift cards feature. You can simply issue a paper gift certificate that can be tracked and redeemed just like a gift card. Jane will even generate a unique number for you to write on the gift certificate.

Ordering plastic Gift Cards & USB Swipers

Here are some tips on ordering gift cards and buying a USB swiper for your computer.

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