Jane's Guide Here's all the help you need to use Jane.

Step 5: Schedule

There are 5 basic steps required to get your Jane account up and running:

Set Up Task Complete
Clinic Information 🥳
Disciplines 🥳
Treatments 🥳
Staff 🥳
Schedule ✍️

Set Up Step 5: Schedule & Shifts

That’s right, we are now ready to set up your schedule so you can start booking appointments!

Jane uses shifts to communicate staff members’ availability in the administrative schedule. Of course, you’ll also have the option to enable Online Booking for your shifts so that your patients can book appointments online.

You’ll notice in our example below, Zoey does not have any shifts set up in Jane. Let’s go ahead and select the dropdown arrow to the right of the shift button. If you’re a new clinic setting up your shifts for the first time, or a new staff member is starting at your clinic, you can select Manage Shifts.

Manage Shifts is the primary scheduling tool in Jane and it will allow you to quickly create your shift schedules for staff members across a time frame that you choose.

Watch the video below to learn about setting up shifts on your schedule:

Note: Speed up or slow down the video speed using the ⚙️ button inside the video player!

💡 If you’d like a more detailed walkthrough of Setting Up Shifts, please visit our guide document here.

Schedule Set Up Tips

Here are a few tips to keep in mind while setting up your schedule:

Schedule Settings: If you need to adjust the opening and closing time

Adding Staff Shifts: When adding staff shifts, it’s easiest to set up one staff member’s shift schedule and then copy those same shifts over to other staff members who work on the same schedule. If your practitioners’ shifts are unique from one another, then you will need to select “Manage Shifts” for each practitioner at a time.

💡Heads up — the advanced scheduling features below require the Thrive Plan

Advanced Scheduling: Depending on the nuances of your schedule, you may want to use Tags to manage the availability of rooms or equipment necessary for your treatments.

Using some of these advanced features in Jane can have a few layers during your account set up, and we are happy to help should you have any questions before your account “goes live.”

💡 If you need to work with Rooms, you’ll need to ensure your Advanced Scheduling is turned on first in order for these options to be available for you.

Be sure to contact us to let us know how we can help! :)

You did it! 🙌

You’ve completed the last set up step, and your account is now ready to begin booking appointments.

Additional Set Up Recommendations

To get the most out of your Jane Account, we’ve outlined a few additional account set up recommendations:

Additional Set Up Recommendation List

JaneU Training

Learn how to Navigate the Schedule and How to Book an Appointment in Chapter 1 of our Front-Desk Training program. Click the link below to get started:

Front-Desk Staff Training Course

Our online training lessons include all things Jane where you can watch videos, read up on tips and tricks, try out workflow activities in our Demo site, and self-test with quizzes.

If everything is going smoothly - wonderful! Just know that we are available via email ([email protected]) or phone (1-844-310-JANE) for support.

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