If you’re looking to import from another Jane account, for example if you are switching clinics or opening an account on your own, we can easily import that exported data for you.
Data Ownership
First a quick note on ownership.
In Jane’s eyes, there is only one Account Owner who owns the data and that is the staff member that holds the Account Owner Badge in the Staff Profile.
If you do not have access to any of the reports that you’re looking to export, you will have to reach out to the Account Owner of the Jane account to request the data you’re looking for.
Transferring Charts
If you are looking to do a Jane-to-Jane transfer of all of your charts and files from one Jane account to another, head to our Jane to Jane Chart Transfer (Data Transfer) guide.
Note📝: This action can only be initiated by the listed Account Owner. Not sure who is assigned this title in Jane? Check out our guide on How to Check Who’s Listed As Account Owner for more details.
If you are looking to transfer a subset of charts, check out our Manual Chart Transfers: Transferring Selected Charts to Another Jane Account instead.
Exporting Charts
If you are looking to just export your charts as a batch, and not for immediate transfer to another Jane account, please contact us at [email protected].
We can provide a batch export of charts that includes all chart entries in clearly labelled PDFs and an Excel file that matches up all the chart entries to the correct Patient Profile. This format is both easily accessed without any special proprietary software and is also simple to import into a different clinic management software.
Note📝: This action can only be requested by the source Account Owner or a staff member with an active profile within the source account.
Exporting Patient Demographics
The Patient List report is accessible by an Account Owner or Full Access user by heading to Reports > List. The report can be filtered to a single practitioner if needed.
Once filtered appropriately, use the three dots to select Export to Excel and download your Excel file. Save this Excel file for upload to the new Jane account (see below).
The Excel file when exported contains more fields than are viewable in the preview mode. Jane will export every field from the Patient Profile and will also include a first and last visit field.
Note📝: The Patient List Report is only accessible to staff member’s with Full Access or the listed Account Owner. For more information on what the different access levels can see within the account, you can check out our Staff Access Levels guide doc.
Exporting Appointments from the Original Account
The Appointments report can be found in Reports > Appointments. This report can be filtered down to a single practitioner in the same way as the Patient List report and a date range can be set to specify if past and/or future appointments should be included.
Use the three dots to Export to Excel in the same way as with the patient demographics. Save this Excel file for upload to the new Jane Account.
📍 Please note that you will also need to upload the Patient List report, found in the section above, alongside the Appointments report if you’d like appointments to be imported into your Jane account. We can not import the Appointments report without the Patient List report.
Note📝: The Appointments Report is viewable and exportable by all the access levels.
Exporting Notes
Notes from Patient Profiles can be exported by heading to Reports > Notes and using the three dots to Export to Excel.
Exporting Insurance Policies
To export insurance policies, you will go to Reports > Insurance Policies and use the three dots to Export to Excel. This report report can be filtered to a single practitioner if needed.
Note📝: The Insurance Policies Report is viewable and exportable to any staff member with billing permissions within the account.
Exporting Products
You can export the Inventory Report by going to Reports > Inventory and using the three dots to Export to Excel, but it is important to note this report will contain clinic wide information and cannot be filtered by practitioners. You will have to manually remove any data you don’t want to be transferred from the exported reports.
Note📝: The Inventory Report is only viewable and exportable by staff members with Administrative / All Billing Access or higher within the account.
Importing Patients and Appointments to New Jane Account
You’ll need to start by Scheduling an Import in your new account. If you’re joining an existing account and are not the Account Owner or a Full Access user, you will need to get the Account Owner to schedule this for you.
You can find an overview of this process here: Scheduling Your Import
📹 Join us each month for our webinar “Everything You Need to Know About Switching to Jane”. We’ll walk you through the process of moving to Jane and share our top tips so that your import, setup, and onboarding run smoothly. Sign up or learn more.
If you have any further questions about any of this please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’d be happy to help you!