Jane's Guide Here's all the help you need to use Jane.

Cancelling and Tracking Appointments due to COVID-19

We’re hearing many questions about how to best cancel in-person appointments and record the reason for these cancellations.

The following guide will talk about:

One of the things you can do now to help for the future is to compile data that might be useful by creating a custom cancellation reason to track the appointments that are cancelling due to COVID-19.

Here’s how that works.

Note:Full Access Role is required to see the Settings Tab.

Custom Reason for Cancelling

When you cancel or late cancel an appointment administratively, there are options to choose from to record the cancellation. These options are only viewable on the admin side of Jane, and they will also show up on the Appointment Report.

To view and customize your administrative cancellation reasons, you’ll want to click on Settings > Language > Admin Site: Cancellation Reasons.

On this page, you can edit or add cancellation reasons. Please note, there is a 255-character limit, and you will also have the option to enter a custom cancellation reason when you cancel an individual visit.

When you’re finished, be sure to hit the Save button:

While you’re editing those, you may also wish to edit the ones on the patient side too, ‘Patient’s My Account: Cancellation Reasons’.

Custom Notice in the Cancellation Notifications

You can now add a custom message into the Cancellation notification that will be included in the body of every email you send out.

This language can be edited in the same Settings - Language area under the Cancellation Notification: Details area.

Cancelling with Notification

If you need to cancel appointments and would like to send out a notification email you can do so by opening the appointment pane and choosing Cancel/Delete. Then choose the “Cancel with Notification” option:

Notifications sent to Patients:

The full message will display in the body of every cancellation email like this:

Reporting for the Future

You can run the appointment report in the future as needed to show your appointments cancelled with the attached reason.

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