Physical Therapist
Rachele Burriesci received her Doctor of Physical Therapy from the New York Institute of Technology in 2009. Rachele received her board certification from the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS) in Geriatrics in June 2013 and her board certification in Cardiovascular and Pulmonary in June 2015. Rachele practiced at the VA Ann Arbor Health Care System for four years post-residency where she was a primary mentor in the Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy Residency program, implemented and developed the Home-Based Cardiac Rehab program, and directed the facility-based cardiac rehabilitation and pulmonary rehabilitation programs. Rachele is a former assistant professor at Rockhurst University. She is now the owner of All Things Cardiopulm, LLC, and continues her acute care practice as a PRN PT staff member at the University of Kansas Health System. She is passionate about physical therapy, education of cardiopulmonary wellness across the lifespan and the benefits of cardiopulmonary interventions across many diagnoses.
✈️ What area of the world do you most want to visit?
Australia/New Zealand/Fiji.
💙 What’s one thing you tell everyone they need to know about Jane?
It is super customizable. Create templates exactly how you want to document.
📚 What is your favourite way to learn something new?
Read (get a basic understanding), See/Hear (lecture/instruction), Do (hands-on).
🎧 Podcast or book recommendation?
Podcast: Maestro on the Mic (Shante Cofield), Up in my business (Lex Lancaster). Book: (not work related): The Iron Druid Chronicles (if you like Harry Potter/Fantasy, this is a wonderful series you can escape into).