Marco De Ciantis Jane Ambassador


DC, MHSc, BSc (Hons)
Kenora, ON 🇨🇦
Get to know Marco

Chiropractor & CEO of Daphne Health Alliance

Marco's current endeavours involve sustainable health initiatives in rural Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda, by promoting and developing musculoskeletal (MSK) teaching programs and clinics, through a not-for-profit Canadian-based humanitarian organization. Moreover, as CEO of Daphne Health Alliance, Marco is focused on building shared rentable clinic spaces for health and wellness practitioners, at any point in their practice, starting in Ontario, Canada, as an affordable alternative to solo ownership or associateship.

✈️ What area of the world do you most want to visit?

Island of Maui, Haleakala - the quietest place on Earth.

💙 What’s one thing you tell everyone they need to know about Jane?

It simply makes your life easier.

📚 What is your favourite way to learn something new?

Listen, journal, ask questions and repeat.

🎧 Podcast or book recommendation?

Edouard Glissant - Poetics of Relations.