Laura Patrick Jane Ambassador


Vancouver, BC 🇨🇦
Get to know Laura

Physiotherapist and Kids Physio Franchise CEO

Laura Patrick is the driving force behind Kids Physio Group. After working closely with school-aged children within the public system for three years, Laura's journey took a personal turn. Through her work, she realized that there was a gap in services that she needed to fill. Her goal? To provide expert customized pediatric physiotherapy for kids. Fueled by this revelation, she embarked on an ambitious journey to establish British Columbia's first pediatric-specific physiotherapy clinic. Fast forward to 2006, and her dream materialized into a reality. Seventeen years later, Laura's impact still resonates. She has evolved into a respected business owner and nurturing mentor. Her legacy is felt through multiple franchised clinics across Canada, where she empowers entrepreneurs to enrich their communities.

✈️ What area of the world do you most want to visit?

France. Mai Oui! J'adore manger less croissants.

💙 What’s one thing you tell everyone they need to know about Jane?

Jane's customer support is top notch and they just keep innovating to make Jane even better.

📚 What is your favourite way to learn something new?

Jump right in with support from a mentor.

🎧 Podcast or book recommendation?

Podcast: Kris Plachy - Leadership is Feminine.