Kevin Degroot Jane Ambassador


Denver, CO 🇺🇸
Get to know Kevin

Business Coach and Physical Therapist

Dr. Kevin Degroot is a physical therapist with T-Zero Physio and a business coach with Uncaged Clinician. Kevin started T-Zero when his first two jobs out of PT school left him with an inability to serve clients to the degree he wanted. He soon realized that other therapists wanted to do the same thing but didn’t have the support or information to do it on their own. He runs Uncaged Clinician with his business partners Josh Payne and David Bayliff. As a team, their goal is to Uncage Clinicians to revitalize healthcare.

✈️ What area of the world do you most want to visit?

Patagonia and Antartica.

💙 What’s one thing you tell everyone they need to know about Jane?

The customer service and support from the team is second to none.

📚 What is your favourite way to learn something new?

Experience and shadowing someone.

🎧 Podcast or book recommendation?

Tempered Resilience by Todd Bolsinger.