Dana Solomon Jane Ambassador

Occupational therapist

Morrisville, NC 🇺🇸

Get to know Dana

Pelvic Health Occupational Therapist and Founder of Pelvic Health Clubhouse

Dana Solomon, MS, OTR/L, RYT, PCES (she, her) is an occupational therapist who specializes in pelvic health. She has taken extensive continued education training courses specific to pelvic health, yoga, and manual therapies to provide quality pelvic floor therapy. Dana received her Master’s Degree from Tufts University in 2015. Some of her trainings includes 200-hour registered yoga teacher with certifications in restorative yoga and traumatic brain-injury informed yoga. She is also a certified Perinatal & Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist. Other advanced pelvic health and manual therapy coursework include visceral mobilization, myofascial release, colo-rectal conditions, and prenatal/postpartum issues. Dana lives in Morrisville with her husband. She loves being outdoors, warm weather, yoga, and playing out Chopped in her kitchen. She believes that through cultivating awareness, becoming the expert, and learning new tools and strategies, we can thrive in the bodies we’re in!

✈️ What area of the world do you most want to visit?

I love to travel!! Next big dream trip will be scuba diving in Australia and NZ.

💙 What’s one thing you tell everyone they need to know about Jane?

it's easy to use!

📚 What is your favourite way to learn something new?

Have someone to ask 1:1, but be able to do it on my own.

🎧 Podcast or book recommendation?

For fun? Court of Roses and Thorns series --- literally finished 5 books in just over a week.